439 research outputs found

    Opinion dynamics on directed small-world networks

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    In this paper, we investigate the self-affirmation effect on formation of public opinion in a directed small-world social network. The system presents a non-equilibrium phase transition from a consensus state to a disordered state with coexistence of opinions. The dynamical behaviors are very sensitive to the density of long-range interactions and the strength of self-affirmation. When the long-range interactions are sparse and individual generally does not insist on his/her opinion, the system will display a continuous phase transition, in the opposite case with high self-affirmation strength and dense long-range interactions, the system does not display a phase transition. Between those two extreme cases, the system undergoes a discontinuous phase transition.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Changes in 5-HT1A Receptor Expression in the Oculomotor Nucleus in a Rat Model of Post-traumatic Stress Disorder

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    Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is an anxiety disorder that develops after exposure to a life-threatening traumatic experience. Mental disorder appears after the traumatic stress incident and affects the movement of the eye muscle dominated by the oculomotor nucleus, an important nuclear group of the brainstem. It has been reported that dysfunction of the neurotransmitter 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) can lead to the instability of the internal environment in response to stress and plays an important role in the pathology of PTSD and that the 5-HT1A receptor (5-HT1AR) is critically involved in regulating mood and anxiety levels. In this study, the 5-HT1AR expression in the oculomotor nucleus was examined in rats with single-prolonged stress (SPS), a well established post-traumatic stress disorder animal model. Our results show that the expression of 5-HT1AR in the oculomotor nucleus neurons gradually increased 1, 4, and 7 days after exposure to SPS in comparison to the normal control group, measured by immunohistochemistry, western blotting, and reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). The expression of 5-HT1AR reached its peak 7 days after the SPS exposure and then decreased 14 days after. There is also a change in the ultrastructure in the oculomotor nucleus neuron upon SPS treatment which was observed by transmission electron microscopy. These results suggest that SPS can induce a change of the 5-HT1AR expression in the oculomotor nucleus, which may be one of the molecular mechanisms that lead to PTSD

    Multifunctional photonic integrated circuit for diverse microwave signal generation, transmission and processing

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    Microwave photonics (MWP) studies the interaction between microwave and optical waves for the generation, transmission and processing of microwave signals (i.e., three key domains), taking advantages of broad bandwidth and low loss offered by modern photonics. Integrated MWP using photonic integrated circuits (PICs) can reach a compact, reliable and green implementation. Most PICs, however, are recently developed to perform one or more functions restricted inside a single domain. In this paper, as highly desired, a multifunctional PIC is proposed to cover the three key domains. The PIC is fabricated on InP platform by monolithically integrating four laser diodes and two modulators. Using the multifunctional PIC, seven fundamental functions across microwave signal generation, transmission and processing are demonstrated experimentally. Outdoor field trials for electromagnetic environment surveillance along an in-service high-speed railway are also performed. The success to such a PIC marks a key step forward for practical and massive MWP implementations.Comment: 17 page

    Superconductivity at 22.3 K in SrFe2-xIrxAs2

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    By substituting the Fe with the 5d-transition metal Ir in SrFe2As2, we have successfully synthesized the superconductor SrFe2-xIrxAs2 with Tc = 22.3 K at x = 0.5. X-ray diffraction indicates that the material has formed the ThCr2Si2-type structure with a space group I4/mmm. The temperature dependence of resistivity and dc magnetization both reveal sharp superconducting transitions at around 22 K. An estimate on the diamagnetization signal reveals a high Meissner shielding volume. Interestingly, the normal state resistivity exhibits a roughly linear behavior up to 300 K. The superconducting transitions at different magnetic fields were also measured yielding a slope of -dHc2/dT = 3.8 T/K near Tc. Using the Werthamer-Helfand-Hohenberg (WHH) formula, the upper critical field at zero K is found to be about 58 T. Counting the possible number of electrons doped into the system in SrFe2-xIrxAs2, we argue that the superconductivity in the Ir-doped system is different from the Co-doped case, which should add more ingredients to the underlying physics of the iron pnictide superconductors.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Three-Dimensional Reconstruction of Thoracic Structures: Based on Chinese Visible Human

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    We managed to establish three-dimensional digitized visible model of human thoracic structures and to provide morphological data for imaging diagnosis and thoracic and cardiovascular surgery. With Photoshop software, the contour line of lungs and mediastinal structures including heart, aorta and its ramus, azygos vein, superior vena cava, inferior vena cava, thymus, esophagus, diaphragm, phrenic nerve, vagus nerve, sympathetic trunk, thoracic vertebrae, sternum, thoracic duct, and so forth were segmented from the Chinese Visible Human (CVH)-1 data set. The contour data set of segmented thoracic structures was imported to Amira software and 3D thorax models were reconstructed via surface rendering and volume rendering. With Amira software, surface rendering reconstructed model of thoracic organs and its volume rendering reconstructed model were 3D reconstructed and can be displayed together clearly and accurately. It provides a learning tool of interpreting human thoracic anatomy and virtual thoracic and cardiovascular surgery for medical students and junior surgeons

    Identification and parameter determination of F-type Herbig stars from LAMOST DR8

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    We identify 20 F-type Herbig stars and provide a list of 22 pre-main-sequence candidates from LAMOST DR8. The effective temperature, distance, extinction, stellar luminosity, mass, and radius are derived for each Herbig star based on optical spectra, photometry, Gaia EDR3 parallaxes, and pre-main-sequence evolutionary tracks. According to spectral energy distributions, 19 F-type Herbig stars belong to Class II YSOs, and one belongs to the flat-spectrum class. Four have Spitzer IRS spectra, of which three show extremely weak polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons emissions, and three with both amorphous and crystalline silicate emissions share the similar parameters and are at the same evolutionary stage. We detect a solar-nearby outbursting EXor Herbig star J034344.48+314309.3, possible precursor of a Herbig Ae star. Intense emission lines of HI, HeI, OI, NaI, and CaII originated from the rapid accretion during the outbursts are detected in its optical spectra, and silicate emission features are detected in its infrared spectrum. We also make a statistic analysis on the disk properties of all known Herbig stars using the defined infrared spectral indices. The proportion of Herbig stars with moderate infrared excesses decreases as effective temperature increases. The majority of the precursors (F-, G-, or K- type) have moderate infrared excesses. Hotter Herbig stars tend to have a larger proportion with large infrared excesses. The trends may be due to the fact that hotter stars have larger areas of re-emitting dust, although there is some scatter due to the particularities of each disk.Comment: 23 pages, 9 Figures, ApJ accepte

    Projected Rotational Velocities for LAMOST Stars with Effective Temperatures Lower than 9000 K

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    © 2024 The Author(s). Published by the American Astronomical Society. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY), https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/In Data Release 9 of LAMOST, we present measurements of v sin i for a total of 121,698 stars measured using the Medium Resolution Spectrograph (MRS) and 80,108 stars using the Low Resolution Spectrograph (LRS). These values were obtained through a χ 2 minimization process, comparing LAMOST spectra with corresponding grids of synthetically broadened spectra. Due to the resolution and the spectral range of LAMOST, v sin i measurements are limited to stars with an effective temperature (T eff) ranging from 5000 to 8500 K for MRS and 7000 to 9000 K for LRS. The detectable v sin i for MRS is set between 27 and 350 km s−1, and for LRS between 110 and 350 km s−1. This limitation is because the convolved reference spectra become less informative beyond 350 km s−1. The intrinsic precision of v sin i, determined from multiepoch observations, is approximately ∼4.0 km s−1 for MRS and ∼10.0 km s−1 for LRS at a signal-to-noise ratio greater than 50. Our v sin i values show consistency with those from APOGEE17, displaying a scatter of 8.79 km s−1. They are also in agreement with measurements from the Gaia DR3 and Sun et al. catalogs. An observed trend in LAMOST MRS data is the decrease in v sin i with a drop in T eff, particularly transiting around 7000 K for dwarfs and 6500 K for giants, primarily observed in stars with near-solar abundances.Peer reviewe

    Force to Rebalance Control of HRG and Suppression of Its Errors on the Basis of FPGA

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    A novel design of force to rebalance control for a hemispherical resonator gyro (HRG) based on FPGA is demonstrated in this paper. The proposed design takes advantage of the automatic gain control loop and phase lock loop configuration in the drive mode while making full use of the quadrature control loop and rebalance control loop in controlling the oscillating dynamics in the sense mode. First, the math model of HRG with inhomogeneous damping and frequency split is theoretically analyzed. In addition, the major drift mechanisms in the HRG are described and the methods that can suppress the gyro drift are mentioned. Based on the math model and drift mechanisms suppression method, four control loops are employed to realize the manipulation of the HRG by using a FPGA circuit. The reference-phase loop and amplitude control loop are used to maintain the vibration of primary mode at its natural frequency with constant amplitude. The frequency split is readily eliminated by the quadrature loop with a DC voltage feedback from the quadrature component of the node. The secondary mode response to the angle rate input is nullified by the rebalance control loop. In order to validate the effect of the digital control of HRG, experiments are carried out with a turntable. The experimental results show that the design is suitable for the control of HRG which has good linearity scale factor and bias stability
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