10,997 research outputs found

    Expression cartography of human tissues using self organizing maps

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    Background: The availability of parallel, high-throughput microarray and sequencing experiments poses a challenge how to best arrange and to analyze the obtained heap of multidimensional data in a concerted way. Self organizing maps (SOM), a machine learning method, enables the parallel sample- and gene-centered view on the data combined with strong visualization and second-level analysis capabilities. The paper addresses aspects of the method with practical impact in the context of expression analysis of complex data sets.
Results: The method was applied to generate a SOM characterizing the whole genome expression profiles of 67 healthy human tissues selected from ten tissue categories (adipose, endocrine, homeostasis, digestion, exocrine, epithelium, sexual reproduction, muscle, immune system and nervous tissues). SOM mapping reduces the dimension of expression data from ten thousands of genes to a few thousands of metagenes where each metagene acts as representative of a minicluster of co-regulated single genes. Tissue-specific and common properties shared between groups of tissues emerge as a handful of localized spots in the tissue maps collecting groups of co-regulated and co-expressed metagenes. The functional context of the spots was discovered using overrepresentation analysis with respect to pre-defined gene sets of known functional impact. We found that tissue related spots typically contain enriched populations of gene sets well corresponding to molecular processes in the respective tissues. Analysis techniques normally used at the gene-level such as two-way hierarchical clustering provide a better signal-to-noise ratio and a better representativeness of the method if applied to the metagenes. Metagene-based clustering analyses aggregate the tissues into essentially three clusters containing nervous, immune system and the remaining tissues. 
Conclusions: The global view on the behavior of a few well-defined modules of correlated and differentially expressed genes is more intuitive and more informative than the separate discovery of the expression levels of hundreds or thousands of individual genes. The metagene approach is less sensitive to a priori selection of genes. It can detect a coordinated expression pattern whose components would not pass single-gene significance thresholds and it is able to extract context-dependent patterns of gene expression in complex data sets.

    Orthorhombic Phase of Crystalline Polyethylene: A Monte Carlo Study

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    In this paper we present a classical Monte Carlo simulation of the orthorhombic phase of crystalline polyethylene, using an explicit atom force field with unconstrained bond lengths and angles and periodic boundary conditions. We used a recently developed algorithm which apart from standard Metropolis local moves employs also global moves consisting of displacements of the center of mass of the whole chains in all three spatial directions as well as rotations of the chains around an axis parallel to the crystallographic c-direction. Our simulations are performed in the NpT ensemble, at zero pressure, and extend over the whole range of temperatures in which the orthorhombic phase is experimentally known to be stable (10 - 450 K). In order to investigate the finite-size effects in this extremely anisotropic crystal, we used different system sizes and different chain lengths, ranging from C_12 to C_96 chains, the total number of atoms in the super-cell being between 432 and 3456. We show here the results for structural parameters, such as the orthorhombic cell parameters a,b,c, and the setting angle of the chains, as well as internal parameters of the chains, such as the bond lengths and angles. Among thermodynamic quantities, we present results for thermal expansion coefficients, elastic constants and specific heat. We discuss the temperature dependence of the measured quantities as well as the related finite-size effects. In case of lattice parameters and thermal expansion coefficients, we compare our results to those obtained from other theoretical approaches as well as to some available experimental data. We also suggest some possible ways of extending this study.Comment: 27 pages, RevTex, 24 figures, submitted to Journal of Chemical Physic

    Thermally activated interface motion in a disordered ferromagnet

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    We investigate interface motion in disordered ferromagnets by means of Monte Carlo simulations. For small temperatures and driving fields a so-called creep regime is found and the interface velocity obeys an Arrhenius law. We analyze the corresponding energy barrier as well as the field and temperature dependence of the prefactor.Comment: accepted for publication in Computer Physics Communication
