409 research outputs found

    Trade Liberalization versus Protectionism in Developing Countries: The case of the 100% Tariff in Kosovo

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    The principal aim of this Honors project is to analyze the effects of the protective trade measures, by the example of the 100% tariff in Kosovo. The analysis is carried out mainly with respect to three dimensions: price of goods and consumption, volume of trade, and new trade patterns; with the purpose of deriving lessons for the development of future trade policies in Kosovo. The research methodology for this study includes a combination of primary and secondary data. In line with the goal of providing an in-depth analysis on the impact of the 100% tariff on trade and Kosovo’s economic performance, the secondary data attained through literature review was coupled with primary data, namely semi-structured interviews. Consequently, the evidence collected displays a lack of positive ‘protectionist’ measure by the tariff, and a myriad of new-arising problems due to the tariff

    Internet connectivity for mobile Ad Hoc networks

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    Ad hoc networking allows portable devices to establish communication independent of a central infrastructure. However, the fact that there is no central infrastructure and that the devices can move randomly gives rise to various kind of problems, such as routing and security. In this thesis the problem of routing is considered. There are several ad hoc routing protocols, such as AODV, DSR, OLSR and ZRP, that propose solutions for routing within a mobile ad hoc network. However, since there is an interest in communication between not only mobile devices in an ad hoc network, but also between a mobile device in an ad hoc network and a fixed device in a fixed network (e.g. the Internet), the ad hoc routing protocols need to be modified. In this thesis the ad hoc routing protocol AODV is used and modified to examine the interconnection between a mobile adhoc network and the Internet. For this purpose Network Simulator 2, ns2, has been used. Moreover, three proposed approaches for gateway discovery are implemented and investigated. The goal of the thesis project is twofold: • To modify the source code of AODV in accordance with the Internet draft\Global connectivity for IPv6 Mobile Ad Hoc Networks " which presents a solution where AODV is used to provide Internet access to mobile nodes. • To implement and compare di®erent approaches for gateway discovery. In this thesis, three di®erent type of gateway discovery have been taken: • The proactive gateway discovery is initiated by the gateway itself. The gateway periodically broadcasts a gateway advertisement message which is transmitted after expiration of the gateways timer. The time between two consecutive advertisements must be chosen with care so that the network is not °ooded unnecessarily. All mobile devices residing in the gateways transmission range receive the advertisement and update information about gateway. After receiving advertisement, a mobile device just forward it broadcast it again. This process goes on within entire MANET. • In reactive gateway discovery a mobile device of MANET connects by gateway only when it is needed. For that the mobile device broadcasts request message to the ALL MANET GW MULTICAST address (the IP address for the group of all gateways in a mobile ad hoc network). Thus, only the gateways are addressed by this message and only they process it. Intermediate mobile nodes that receive the message just forward it by broadcasting it again up to gateway. • To minimize the disadvantages of proactive and reactive gateway discovery, the two approaches can be combined. This results is a hybrid gateway discovery. For mobile devices in a certain range around a gateway, proactive gateway discovery is used. Mobile devices residing outside this range use reactive gateway discovery to obtain information about the gateway. In comparing theses di®erent gateway discovery, three matrices are used. These are packet delivery ratio,average end-to-end delay and overhead. In case of proactive gateway discovery and hybrid gateway discovery, value of packet delivery ratio is larger than reactive gateway discovery. In case of proactive gateway discovery and hybrid gateway discovery, value of end to end delay is less than reactive gateway discovery. The overhead of proactive gateway discovery is greater than other two gateway discovery As for the average end-to-end delay, the proactive and hybrid methods perform slightly better than the reactive method. Concerning the routing overhead, when the advertisement interval is short the reactive method generates much less overhead than the proactive method, which in turn generates much less overhead than the hybrid method

    Robust Techniques for Feature-based Image Mosaicing

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    Since the last few decades, image mosaicing in real time applications has been a challenging field for image processing experts. It has wide applications in the field of video conferencing, 3D image reconstruction, satellite imaging and several medical as well as computer vision fields. It can also be used for mosaic-based localization, motion detection & tracking, augmented reality, resolution enhancement, generating large FOV etc. In this research work, feature based image mosaicing technique using image fusion have been proposed. The image mosaicing algorithms can be categorized into two broad horizons. The first is the direct method and the second one is based on image features. The direct methods need an ambient initialization whereas, Feature based methods does not require initialization during registration. The feature-based techniques are primarily followed by the four steps: feature detection, feature matching, transformation model estimation, image resampling and transformation. SIFT and SURF are such algorithms which are based on the feature detection for the accomplishment of image mosaicing, but both the algorithms has their own limitations as well as advantages according to the applications concerned. The proposed method employs this two feature based image mosaicing techniques to generate an output image that works out the limitations of the both in terms of image quality The developed robust algorithm takes care of the combined effect of rotation, illumination, noise variation and other minor variation. Initially, the input images are stitched together using the popular stitching algorithms i.e. Scale Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT) and Speeded-Up Robust Features (SURF). To extract the best features from the stitching results, the blending process is done by means of Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) using the maximum selection rule for both approximate as well as detail-components

    A very useful blotting-paper !

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    La prévention du danger rare que représente la contamination des fromages de chèvre au lait cru par Listeria monocytogenes passse par une augmentation de la fréquence du plan d’autocontrôlés des laits mis en fabrication. Les producteurs fermiers de Touraine ont adopté un système original de “lactobuvard” qui permet de répondre efficacement et à moindre coût à cette exigence qualité.The contamination of goat’s raw milk cheese by Listeria monocytogenes is rare. Nevertheless, a higher frequency of milk self-checking, during cheese manufacturing, permits to control this hazard. The farm producers of Touraine have adopted an original system of blotting-papers witch allows to be effectively in accordance with the quality requirements and at a lower cost