160 research outputs found

    Landau Levels in Strained Optical Lattices

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    We propose a hexagonal optical lattice system with spatial variations in the hopping matrix elements. Just like in the valley Hall effect in strained Graphene, for atoms near the Dirac points the variations in the hopping matrix elements can be described by a pseudo-magnetic field and result in the formation of Landau levels. We show that the pseudo-magnetic field leads to measurable experimental signatures in momentum resolved Bragg spectroscopy, Bloch oscillations, cyclotron motion, and quantization of in-situ densities. Our proposal can be realized by a slight modification of existing experiments. In contrast to previous methods, pseudo-magnetic fields are realized in a completely static system avoiding common heating effects and therefore opening the door to studying interaction effects in Landau levels with cold atoms.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Bound states of Fermions in one dimension

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    The formation of bound states of fermions in one dimension has always been one of the key topics in condensed matter physics. Motivated by recent experimental progresses in Prof. Jeremy Levy's group, we study the interplay of both species (spin and transverse band index) and mass imbalance in a mixture of two or more species of fermions with attractive interactions in one dimension. Previous theoretical and experimental efforts have shown the existence of a Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov (FFLO) phase for the case of two species with equal mass, in addition to the fully paired and fully polarized phases. For the unequal mass case, there are signatures of trion phases as well. We use DMRG to explore the rich possibilities of quantum phases and their transport signatures for the cases of two and more species of Fermions as we vary the interaction strengths and mass imbalances. With this we can gain insights into ongoing experiments with sketched nanowires in LAO/STO and ultracold atoms confined to one-dimensional tubes. We also study the formation of bound states in a single component Fermi chain with attractive interactions. The phase diagram, computed from DMRG (density matrix renormalization group), shows not only a superfluid of paired fermions (pair phase) and a liquid of fermion triplets (trion phase), but also a phase with two gapless modes. We show that the latter phase is described by a 2-component Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid (TLL) theory, consisting of one charged and one emergent neutral mode. We argue based on our numerical data, that the single, pair, and trion phases are descendants of the 2-component TLL theory. We speculate on the nature of the phase transitions amongst these phases

    Yellow–colored mesoporous pure titania and its high stability in visible light photocatalysis

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    AbstractYellow–colored pure titania with a mesoporous structure was prepared by the aggregate of titania nanocrystals, which were stabilized by exfoliated titanate nanosheets via an electrostatic interaction. X–ray diffraction patterns and images of transmission electron microscope confirm that titanate sheets are randomly dispersed into the assembled titania nanocrystals without forming any self–restacked phase. This nanocrystals–nanosheets composite exhibits a mesoporous structure with pore size of ~6.5nm and surface area of 236.3m2g−1. Greatly different from the UV–responded properties of titania nanocrystals and titanate nanosheets, the absorption edge of nanocomposite red–shifts to visible light region. The visible light photocatalytic tests demonstrate that this nanocomposited titania shows excellent activity for the degradation of organic dyes, as well as a colorless organic pollutant of 2, 4–dichlorophenol. The possible photocatalytic mechanism that photogenerated holes as the mainly oxidant species in photocatalysis is proposed based on the trapping experiments of hydroxyl radicals or photogenerated holes. Moreover, as the nanocomposite depicts an extreme stability, no obvious deactivation occurs after five cycles

    Brachial Plexus Nerve Trunk Segmentation Using Deep Learning: A Comparative Study with Doctors' Manual Segmentation

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    Ultrasound-guided nerve block anesthesia (UGNB) is a high-tech visual nerve block anesthesia method that can observe the target nerve and its surrounding structures, the puncture needle's advancement, and local anesthetics spread in real-time. The key in UGNB is nerve identification. With the help of deep learning methods, the automatic identification or segmentation of nerves can be realized, assisting doctors in completing nerve block anesthesia accurately and efficiently. Here, we establish a public dataset containing 320 ultrasound images of brachial plexus (BP). Three experienced doctors jointly produce the BP segmentation ground truth and label brachial plexus trunks. We design a brachial plexus segmentation system (BPSegSys) based on deep learning. BPSegSys achieves experienced-doctor-level nerve identification performance in various experiments. We evaluate BPSegSys' performance in terms of intersection-over-union (IoU), a commonly used performance measure for segmentation experiments. Considering three dataset groups in our established public dataset, the IoU of BPSegSys are 0.5238, 0.4715, and 0.5029, respectively, which exceed the IoU 0.5205, 0.4704, and 0.4979 of experienced doctors. In addition, we show that BPSegSys can help doctors identify brachial plexus trunks more accurately, with IoU improvement up to 27%, which has significant clinical application value.Comment: 9 page

    Investigation of robust visual reaction and functional connectivity in the rat brain induced by rocuronium bromide with functional MRI

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    Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) has been used extensively to understand the brain function of a wide range of neurological and psychiatric disorders. When applied to animal studies, anesthesia is always used to reduce the movement of the animal and also reduce the impacts on the results of fMRI. Several awake models have been proposed by applying physical animal movement restrictions. However, restraining devices were designed for individual subject which limits the promotion of fMRI in awake animals. Here, a clinical muscle relaxant rocuronium bromide (RB) was introduced to restrain the animal in fMRI scanning time. The fMRI reactions of the animal induced with RB and the other two commonly used anesthesia protocols were investigated. The results of the fMRI showed that there were increased functional connectivity and well-round visual responses in the RB induced state. Furthermore, significant BOLD signal changes were found in the cortex and thalamus regions when the animal revived from isoflurane, which should be essential to further understand the effects of anesthesia on the brain. Keywords: Rocuronium bromide, isoflurane, animal anesthesia, fMRI, visual stimulation, resting stat

    SyzTrust: State-aware Fuzzing on Trusted OS Designed for IoT Devices

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    Trusted Execution Environments (TEEs) embedded in IoT devices provide a deployable solution to secure IoT applications at the hardware level. By design, in TEEs, the Trusted Operating System (Trusted OS) is the primary component. It enables the TEE to use security-based design techniques, such as data encryption and identity authentication. Once a Trusted OS has been exploited, the TEE can no longer ensure security. However, Trusted OSes for IoT devices have received little security analysis, which is challenging from several perspectives: (1) Trusted OSes are closed-source and have an unfavorable environment for sending test cases and collecting feedback. (2) Trusted OSes have complex data structures and require a stateful workflow, which limits existing vulnerability detection tools. To address the challenges, we present SyzTrust, the first state-aware fuzzing framework for vetting the security of resource-limited Trusted OSes. SyzTrust adopts a hardware-assisted framework to enable fuzzing Trusted OSes directly on IoT devices as well as tracking state and code coverage non-invasively. SyzTrust utilizes composite feedback to guide the fuzzer to effectively explore more states as well as to increase the code coverage. We evaluate SyzTrust on Trusted OSes from three major vendors: Samsung, Tsinglink Cloud, and Ali Cloud. These systems run on Cortex M23/33 MCUs, which provide the necessary abstraction for embedded TEEs. We discovered 70 previously unknown vulnerabilities in their Trusted OSes, receiving 10 new CVEs so far. Furthermore, compared to the baseline, SyzTrust has demonstrated significant improvements, including 66% higher code coverage, 651% higher state coverage, and 31% improved vulnerability-finding capability. We report all discovered new vulnerabilities to vendors and open source SyzTrust.Comment: To appear in the IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (IEEE S&P) 2024, San Francisco, CA, US
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