472 research outputs found

    Populasi Tikus Dan Pengetahuan Masyarakat Tentang Tikus Dan Penyakit Yang Ditularkannya Di Kecamatan Berbah, Kabupaten Sleman

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    Leptospirosis is a zoonotic disease transmitted by Leptospira bacteria by rats as the main reservoir. Cases of leptospirosisoccurred in several districts in Sleman. One of them is Berbah Sub-district with one case of leptospirosis in 2011. Thepurpose of this study to identify the biotic and abiotic environmental conditions, species of rodents captured in the studysite, trap success, and Leptospira bacteria in the blood serum and kidney of rats. The study was conducted in the JogotirtoVillage, Berbah Sub-district, Sleman District. As many as 150 traps had been used in 2 trapped indoor and 2 trappedoutdoor during 3 days. Measurements, observations environmental conditions and interviews about rats and rats diseasetransmission around leptospirosis cases. Rats had been trapped identified, blood and kidneys was taken to be examined inthe presence of Leptospira bacteria by using PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction). Data were analyzed descriptively intables and graphs. Biotic and abiotic environmental conditions favor transmission of leptospirosis. Rats spesies had beenfound were Rattus tanezumi, Suncus murinus, and R. tiomanicus with trap succes indoor as much 10.5% and outdoor asmuch 5.2%. People had less knowledge about rats and rats disease transmission

    Evaluation of the Efficiency of Some Antagonistic Trichoderma spp. in the Management of Plant Parasitic Nematodes

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    Plant parasitic nematodes cause great economic losses to agricultural crops worldwide. They along, with their hosts, are not isolated in the ecological system, but are strongly influenced by antagonists, parasites and pathogens. Though pesticides appear to be the most economical and efficacious means of controlling plant pathogens, toxicological, environmental and sociological concerns have led to drastic reductions in the availability of efficient commercial nematicides. These restrictions have forced farmers to look for an integral system that makes use of other means of disease control. Species of spiral nematodes, Helicotylenchus and Scutellonema, were among the most abundant plant parasitic nematodes of the mulberry plant. Eco-friendly control of the parasitic nematodes could be achieved by means of endoparasitic fungi (like Hirsutella, Meria, Nematophthora and Nematoctonus), trapping fungi (like Arthrobotrys and Duddingtonia) or parasitic fungi (like Paeceilomyces lilacinus). During the course of this present work, Trichoderma Pers. Ex. Fr. was found to be one of the most effective fungi in controlling the eggs and J2 of Meloidogyne javanica. The present study outlines the comparative efficacy of five Trichoderma species (T. viride, T. harzianum, T. longibrachiatum, T. koningii and T. hamatum) against Helicotylenchus sp. and Scutellonema sp. The study also outlines the effect of Trichoderma viride Persoon on Scutellonema spp. and Helicotylenchus sp., effect of Trichoderma harzianum Raifae on Scutellonema sp. and Helicotylenchus sp., effect of Trichoderma longibrachiatum Rifai on Scutellonema sp. and Helicotylenchus sp., effect of Trichoderma koningii Oudeom on Scutellonema sp. and Helicotylenchus sp., and lastly effect of Trichoderma hamatum (Bonord) Bainier on Scutellonema sp. and Helicotylenchus sp

    Analisis Karakteristik Lingkungan pada Kejadian Leptospirosis di Kabupaten Demak Jawa Tengah Tahun 2009

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    Background: Leptospirosis is a zoonosis disease caused by Leptospira bacteria and transmitted to human by contact with contaminated animal urin or contaminated environment. Leptospirosis cases in Demak district increased for 4 year later. Until April 15th 2008, there were 62 leptospirosis cases with CFR=9,67%. The aim of this research was to determine environmental characteristic related to leptospirosis incidence in Demak district. Method: It was an observational research using a case control design with 44 cases and 44 controls. Cases were leptospirosis diagnosed by leptotek dri dot in Demak Health District Agency. Controls were neighbour of leptospirosis cases who didn't have clinically symptom of leptospirosis, with age and sex appropiate to inclusion criteria. Laboratory diagnosis with leptotek dri dot had done for controls who agreed to sign inform consent. Data were analyzed using chi square test at α=5%. Variable with p value<0,25 would be continued with multivariat test using Regressi Logistic - Backward Likehood Ratio method. Result: The result of this research showed that there were 10 controls with no clinical diagnosis but positive at leptotek dri dot diagnosis. At statistical analysis 10 cases and 10 controls dropped. Univariat analysis showed controls and cases have environmental risk factor and knowledge, attitude, practice about leptospirosis similarly. Bivariat analysis showed there was no relationship between environmental characteristic and knowledge, attitude, practice with leptospirosis. Test of water sample had been done at 8 location. One of them of creek showed positif contain Leptospira sp. Rat trapped had been done at four location, showed trap succes about 8,7%-29,8%. Eventhough environment factor and knowledge, attitude, practice showed there were no but water from ditch that positif Leptospira sp, significant association and highly succes at rat trapped were concidered to be the risk of leptospirosis transmission

    Skrining Fitokimia Dan Aktivitas Antioksidan Fraksi Etanol Alga Merah Eucheuma Spinosum

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    Antioxidant activities are responsible for beneficial health effect and correlated wellwith polyphenols and flavonoids content. Red algae is considered as rich source of natural antioxidant. The study objective was to investigate phytochemical screenings and antioxidant activity of ethanol fractions Euchema spinosum from south Bangka waters in fresh algae (FA), dry algae (DA) and algae product (AP) by DPPH (1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl) assay. Extraction by acidic 70% ethanol for 24 hr and evaporated using rotary evaporator. Dry extract fractionated with ethanol : n - hexane ( 2 : 3 ) and dried ethanol fraction.The phytochemical screenings showed these fractions presence of flavonoid, alkaloid and triterpenoid compounds. The antioxidant activity was superior to ethanol fraction of AP with IC50 value 333.66 μg/mL, FA 418.32 μg/mL and DA 472.14 μg/mL. Based on the results obtained, it can conclude that the algae product ethanol fraction may be valuable natural antioxidant sources

    Perubahan Respon Fisiologis BBLR Setelah Perawatan Metode Kanguru Di Kota Palembang

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    The main cause of neonatal mortality is low birth weight especially in developing countries. Kangaroo mother care is one of an effecitve care for low birth weight infants. The purpose of the study was to identify the effect of the kangaroo mother care on physiology response of low birth weight infants in Palembang city. The study design was one-group pre and post test with accidental sampling technique. The research was conducted on 17 babies with low birth weight (&lt;2500 grams) in Palembang with the implementation of research in the November - Desember 2015. Descriptive data processing and statistical analysis using friedman. Statistical analysis was performed with SPSS software ver.23.The result of study was found that there were the are significant differencies between before and after kangaroo mother care intervention on body temperature, respiratory rate and heart rate (p value&lt;0,001). Kangaroo mother care may be applied as an alternative treatment for the mother in the care of low birth weight infants at home independently

    Analisis Kesiapsiagaan Safety Driving Pada Pengemudi Mobil Pribadi Di Rute Tol Cipali (Cikopo – Palimanan)

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    Safety driving is part of the road safety culture to see how safety a person in the act of driving. There are three factors that influence human behavior in driving, the host factor (driver), agent factors (physical energy motor vehicles), and environmental factors. The main factors that causing an accident while driving is a factor undisciplined driving behavior that is equal to 80-90%. The drivers behavior who are not ready to implement a safety driving course will cause an accident on the highway. One of the most frequent accident in highway route is a Cipali highway which have quite different characteristics than the other, due the highway route is one of the longest highway route in Indonesia. The purpose of this research is to analyze the safety driving preparedness to the personal drivers in Cipali hihway route. This research is using descriptive qualitative method. The data collected by indepth interview and observation to 8 informant (5 driver, one ambulance employees, one employee highway patrol, and the first Head of the Traffic PT. LMS). The results of this research showed that safety driving preparedness to the personal drivers in Cipali highway route is less because they assume that driving safely make driving time becomes longer. It can be concluded in this research that the human factor (road user) is fairly bad, and to be expected the driver always ready to implement safety driving

    Gambaran Epidemiologi Leptospirosis di Kecamatan Jepara, Kabupaten Jepara, Provinsi Jawa Tengah

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    Background: In 2011 two cases of leptospirosis were found in two villages of Jepara Subdistrict, Jepara District, Central Java. The objectives of this study were to determine the epidemiology of leptospirosis in that area, covering : success rate of rat trapping, positivity of leptospirosis in rat species, environment condition and prediction of transmission. Methods: Observational study with cross sectional design was done in Panggang and Saripan Village, Jepara Sub district, Jepara district on July 2011. As much 250 traps had been used at each location (area of two village as location of leptospirosis cases) two traps were set indoor and two traps were set outdoor during 3 days. Environment observation and location coordinates were determined by using Global Positioning System (GPS). Interviews with community around leptospirosis cases were also conducted. Rats had been trapped, identified, counted trap success, and serra were taken from blood of the rat cardiac. Identification of Leptospira strain were conducted by using Polimerase Chain Reaction (PCR). Data analyzed descriptively in table and picture. Results: Trap success was high, 8,4% with trap success indoor 15,83% and outdoor 4,9%, rat species which had been found were Rattus tanezumi, Suncus murinus dan R. norvegicus, PCR examination showed negative Leptospira sp. Examined water samples showed one sample positive of Leptospira sp. Environment condition supported for leptospirosis transmission. The location of the survey was about 1 km from the river. Conclusion: Leptospirosis transmission in Jepara must cautious with one positive sample of water with Leptospira and high trap success Keywords: seroprevalence, leptospirosis, Jepara Abstrak Latar Belakang: Dalam tahun 2011 ditemukan adanya leptospirosis yang ditemukan pada dua Desa/Kelurahan di Kecamatan Jepara. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui epidemiologi leptospirosis di wilayah tersebut, meliputi : keberhasilan penangkapan tikus, species tikus yang positif leptospira, kondisi lingkungan dan kemungkinan penularan. Metode: Jenis penelitian adalah observasi dengan desain survei potong lintang. Penangkapan tikus dilakukan pada satu lokasi ditemukannya kasus leptospirosis di Kecamatan Jepara, Kabupaten Jepara, pada bulan Juli 2011. Sebanyak 250 perangkap dipasang, di dalam rumah 2 perangkap dan di luar rumah 2 perangkap, serta lahan di sekitar lingkungan tersebut selama 3 malam berturut-turut. Wawancara dilakukan pada penduduk di sekitar penderita leptospirosis, pengukuran dan pengamatan faktor lingkungan, serta pengambilan titik GPS (Global Positioning System). Tikus yang tertangkap diidentifikasi, dihitung kepadatannya dan diambil darahnya untuk diperiksa keberadaan bakteri leptospira secara PCR (Polimerase Chain Reaction), bersama dengan data wawancara dan hasil pengamatan lingkungan dianalisis secara deskriptif. Hasil: Keberhasilan penangkapan tinggi, secara umum sebesar 8,4% dengan keberhasilan penangkapan di dalam rumah 15,83% dan di luar rumah 4,9% Species tikus yang ditemukan Rattus tanezumi, Suncus murinus dan R. norvegicus, tidak ditemukan bakteri Leptospira pada sampel darah tikus yang diperiksa. Pada sampel air ditemukan positif Leptospira sp pada bak mandi. Kondisi lingkungan mendukung untuk penularan leptospirosis. Lokasi berjarak kurang dari 1 km dari sungai. Kesimpulan: Leptospirosis di Kabupaten Jepara patut diwaspadai penularannya dengan ditemukannya air yang positif Leptospira sp dan trap success tikus yang tinggi. Kata kunci: epidemiologi, leptospirosis, Jepar
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