7,444 research outputs found

    Dependence of Temporal Properties on Energy in Long-Lag, Wide-Pulse Gamma-Ray Bursts

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    We employed a sample compiled by Norris et al. (2005, ApJ, 625, 324) to study the dependence of the pulse temporal properties on energy in long-lag, wide-pulse gamma-ray bursts. Our analysis shows that the pulse peak time, rise time scale and decay time scale are power law functions of energy, which is a preliminary report on the relationships between the three quantities and energy. The power law indexes associated with the pulse width, rise time scale and decay time scale are correlated and the correlation between the indexes associated with the pulse width and the decay time scale is more obvious. In addition, we have found that the pulse peak lag is strongly correlated with the CCF lag, but the centroid lag is less correlated with the peak lag and CCF lag. Based on these results and some previous investigations, we tend to believe that all energy-dependent pulse temporal properties may come from the joint contribution of both the hydrodynamic processes of the outflows and the curvature effect, where the energy-dependent spectral lag may be mainly dominated by the dynamic process and the energy-dependent pulse width may be mainly determined by the curvature effect.Comment: 20 pages, 7 figures, added references, matched to published version, accepted for publication in PAS

    Density and O-density of Beurling generalized integers

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    AbstractLet π(x) and N(x) be the respective counting functions of a set of generalized primes and a set of generalized integers in Beurling's sense. We consider weak conditions on π(x) some of which yield N(x) ∼ cx for some positive c, and some of which yield nontrivial O-estimates for N(x)x

    Universal Properties of Fermi Gases in One-dimension

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    In this Rapid Communication, we investigate the universal properties of a spin-polarized two-component Fermi gas in one dimension (1D) using Bethe ansatz. We discuss the quantum phases and phase transitions by obtaining exact results for the equation of state, the contact, the magnetic susceptibility and the contact susceptibility, giving a precise understanding of the 1D analogue of the Bose-Einstein condensation and Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer crossover in three dimension (3D) and the associated universal magnetic properties. In particular, we obtain the exact form of the magnetic susceptibility χ1/Texp(Δ/T)\chi \sim {1}/{\sqrt{T}}\exp(-\Delta/T) at low temperatures, where Δ\Delta is the energy gap and TT is the temperature. Moreover, we establish exact upper and lower bounds for the relation between polarization PP and the contact CC for both repulsive and attractive Fermi gases. Our findings emphasize the role of the pair fluctuations in strongly interacting 1D fermion systems that can shed light on higher dimensions.Comment: 4 figures, the main pape

    Charm elliptic flow at RHIC

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    Charm elliptic flow in heavy ion collisions at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) is studied in a multiphase transport model. Assuming that the cross section for charm quark scattering with other light quarks is the same as that between light quarks, we find that both charm and light quark elliptic flows are sensitive to the value of the cross section. Compared to that of light quarks, the elliptic flow of charm quarks is smaller at low transverse momentum but approaches comparable values at high transverse momentum. Similar features are seen in the elliptic flow of charmed mesons as well as that of the electrons from their semileptonic decays when the charmed mesons are produced from quark coalescence during hadronization of the partonic matter. To describe the large electron elliptic flow observed in available experimental data requires a charm quark scattering cross section that is much larger than that given by the perturbative QCD

    Holographic Mutual Information of Two Disjoint Spheres

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    We study quantum corrections to holographic mutual information for two disjoint spheres at a large separation by using the operator product expansion of the twist field. In the large separation limit, the holographic mutual information is vanishing at the semiclassical order, but receive quantum corrections from the fluctuations. We show that the leading contributions from the quantum fluctuations take universal forms as suggested from the boundary CFT. We find the universal behavior for the scalar, the vector, the tensor and the fermionic fields by treating these fields as free fields propagating in the fixed background and by using the 1/n prescription. In particular, for the fields with gauge symmetries, including the massless vector boson and massless graviton, we find that the gauge parts in the propagators play indispensable role in reading the leading order corrections to the bulk mutual information.Comment: 37 pages, 1 figure; significant revisions, corrected the discussions on the computations of the mutual information in CFT, conclusions unchange

    Characteristics of profiles of gamma-ray burst pulses associated with the Doppler effect of fireballs

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    In this paper, we derive in a much detail the formula of count rates, in terms of the integral of time, of gamma-ray bursts in the framework of fireballs, where the Doppler effect of the expanding fireball surface is the key factor to be concerned. Effects arising from the limit of the time delay due to the limited regions of the emitting areas in the fireball surface and other factors are investigated. Our analysis shows that the formula of the count rate of fireballs can be expressed as a function of τ\tau which is the observation time scale relative to the dynamical time scale of the fireball. The profile of light curves of fireballs depends only on the relative time scale, entirely independent of the real time scale and the real size of the objects. It displays in detail how a cutoff tail, or a turn over, feature (called a cutoff tail problem) in the decay phase of a light curve can be formed. This feature is a consequence of a hot spot in the fireball surface, moving towards the observer, and was observed in a few cases previously. By performing fits to the count rate light curves of six sample sources, we show how to obtain some physical parameters from the observed profile of the count rate of GRBs. In addition, the analysis reveals that the Doppler effect of fireballs could lead to a power law relationship between the FWHMFWHM of pulses and energy, which were observed previously by many authors.Comment: 38 pages, 10 figures; accepted for publication in ApJ (10 December 2004, v617

    Thermally-activated precipitation strengthening

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    Precipitation strengthening is a key strengthening method for metallic materials. However, the temperature effect on precipitation strengthening is still unclear to date. Based on dislocation theory, a thermally-activated precipitation strengthening model is built by considering the competition between shear and bypass mechanisms. For medium-sized precipitate particles, the thermally-activated shear mechanism dominates the precipitation strengthening, resulting in a plateau region. While, for large or very fine precipitate particles, the thermally-activated bypass mechanism dominates the precipitation strengthening, leading to the strengthening or weakening regions. Moreover, the effects of precipitate phase volume fraction, temperature, shear modulus, strain rate, and mobile dislocation density on precipitation strengthening are also investigated. This study not only provides new insights into precipitation strengthening from the perspective of thermal activation but also offers clear guidance for the design of new materials