178 research outputs found

    Online Gambling: Today’s Possibilities and Tomorrow’s Opportunities

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    With the development of new information and communication technologies (ICT), above all computers and the internet, new forms of online commerce have emerged. The gambling industry began using the power of the rapidly developing virtual market by offering its services in online casinos. The phenomenon of online gambling has encouraged researchers to direct their work into various areas, including the characteristics or profile of online gamblers. In light of the data on the growth of the market for online gambling it is evident that, in the relation between the many types of traditional and online gambling, visits to traditional casinos predominate, as do predictions about the development of the internet. We therefore decided to examine the characteristics of gamblers in traditional casinos and to determine what percentage of them also gamble online, as well as to establish their profile. The aim of the research was to determine how their characteristics in respect of the development of the internet and the growth of the market have influenced the subsequent development of traditional and internet casinos. We predict that both types of gambling, each in its own way, will compete for gamblers. For traditional casinos the best solution seems to be opening their own online casinos; online casinos will have to remain abreast of the development of the internet and communication technology.online gambling, online casino, online gambling product

    Association of Management Tools with the Financial Performance of Companies: The Example of the Slovenian Construction Sector

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    The research problem dealt with in this article addresses the association of management tools with the financial performance of companies in the Slovenian construction sector. The aim of the quantitative empirical survey is to collect data on five of the most relevant accounting scores and indicators in the construction sector for the studied period 2001–2005, and to analyse their correlation with the management tools of Slovenian construction companies. The analysis of the relationship between quantitative indicators and scores with the dimensions of the factors in choosing management tools proved no strong correlation. The resultsof the analysis showthat the dimensions of undesirable consequences of transformation and the financial performance of the companies are essentially unrelated. A comparative study of the arithmetic mean of the indicators and scores with the disadvantages in introducing the management tools, however, indicated that there is a certain relationship between them.indicators, scores, financial performance, construction industry, Slovenia

    Dejavniki uspešnosti mediacije v sodnih sporih

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    Nevronske mreže kot nova metoda za reševanje poslovnih problemov in možnosti uporabe v managementu

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    Nevronske mreže so razmeroma mlado razvijajoče se področje, ki posnemajo princip delovanje bioloških možganov, zato imajo široko uporabno vrednost na različnih področjih. Nevronske mreže imajo lastnost učenja, probleme rešujejo podobno kot biološki možgani. Nevronske mreže se kažejo kot zmogljivo orodje za urejanja zadev v managementu. Vendar v slovenskem prostoru primanjkuje literature, ki bi družboslovca preprosto uvedla v razumevanje nevronskih mrež, saj je obstoječa "peščica" literature bolj namenjena naravoslovcem in tehnikom. Članek je uvod v osnovno razumevanje nevronskih mrež in možnosti uporabe v managementu z opisom, kaj so nevronske mreže in kako te uporabiti pri reševanju različnih poslovnih problemov

    The relationship between concern for environmental sustainability and the capacity for wisdom and other factors among postgraduate business students

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    The paper presents the results of an exploratory international survey, excluding USA, of postgraduate business students including MBAs. The central purpose was to consider the relationship between the propensity for wisdom and adopting an ecological perspective that is more compatible with long-term planetary sustainability. Other variables were considered. Students were more inclined to the New Ecological Paradigm [NEP], with a significant strong correlation between the level of wisdom and environmental concern. Stronger NEP and wisdom scores were positively correlated with subjective wellbeing and psychological wellbeing. Although there was no correlation between gender and wisdom, there was a positive correlation between wisdom and those with children as well as those who are partnered, suggesting the importance of experience in wisdom formation. Gender also did not correlate with environmental concern. Students reasonably strongly agreed with sustainability being a significant part of the Business degree curriculum. Further curriculum implications are provided

    vplivni dejavniki in vloga zaposlenih

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