8 research outputs found
The open body: a ânewâ book
At the beginning of the â300, Mondino deâ Liuzzi, a physician from Bologna, was the first anatomist who started again the dissection of human body neglected from the III century. He hinted at the existence of the conflict between book and body, between âauctoritasâ and the direct observation of the human body . The Mondinoâs masterwork âAnothomiaâ remained the key book up to the middle of the sixth century, when Andrea Vesalio wrote âDe Umani Corporis Fabrica,â in which the body (cadaver) eventually became the main player of the book . During the years, the technologic evolution led to the wrong conviction that dissection could be dismissed, albeit, still in our day, doctors in training feel the need to associate the direct experience on the cadaver with the very valuable digital means and the modern imaging technologies even in 3D. Thinking to Anatomy as an already fully well known discipline is a mistake. The most advanced methodologies for surgical access, namely the minimally invasive surgery, require the evolution of the traditional anatomical knowledge. The Human Anatomy Institute of the University of Bologna, among the first in Italy, has recognized this need. Thanks to the generosity of the people enrolled in the Body donation programme for research and teaching, our Institute allows medical students to practice dissection on cadavers, beginning as Freshman, then Sophomore, Junior and Senior. The sharing of Bolognaâs experience could be the chance to think about the perspectives offered by the dissection of the corpse: a wide range of possibilities spanning from research projects to advanced training courses in collaboration with clinicians and surgeons belonging to different branches. Moreover the practice of corpse dissection is extremely important for the recruitment of young graduates in Medicine which, by means of the experience vested acting as âtutor of anatomyâ, acquire interest in the field of research of morphological sciences, spanning from macroscopic up to the cellular and molecular level. Hic mors gaudet succurrere vitae: the motto, reported in dissection room of most of the Italian anatomical institutes, represents the synthesis of the experience of an ancient discipline which, nowadays , has the chance to rewrite a new chapter dedicated to modern frontiers of scientific research and medical education
Utopia al femminile: eutopie, distopie e fantasie compensatorie
Chi cerca di realizzare il paradiso interra, sta in effetti preparando per gli altriun molto rispettabile inferno. (Paul Claudel) Nel recensire, su «The London Review of Books», unâopera di Gregory Claeys sullâUtopia (1997), Terry Eagleton (1997: 6-7) esordisce dicendo che «Utopia is the most self-undermining of literary forms» in quanto «all utopian writing is also dystopian», perchĂ© contiene una critica di situazioni negative esistenti, che comunque tende a riprodurre (a cominciare, nota se..
The open body: a \u201cnew\u201d book
At the beginning of the â300, Mondino deâ Liuzzi, a physician from Bologna, was the first anatomist who started again the dissection of human body neglected from the III century. He hinted at the existence of the conflict between book and body, between âauctoritasâ and the direct observation of the human body . The Mondinoâs masterwork âAnothomiaâ remained the key book up to the middle of the sixth century, when Andrea Vesalio wrote âDe Umani Corporis Fabrica,â in which the body (cadaver) eventually became the main player of the book . During the years, the technologic evolution led to the wrong conviction that dissection could be dismissed, albeit, still in our day, doctors in training feel the need to associate the direct experience on the cadaver with the very valuable digital means and the modern imaging technologies even in 3D. Thinking to Anatomy as an already fully well known discipline is a mistake. The most advanced methodologies for surgical access, namely the minimally invasive surgery, require the evolution of the traditional anatomical knowledge. The Human Anatomy Institute of the University of Bologna, among the first in Italy, has recognized this need. Thanks to the generosity of the people enrolled in the Body donation programme for research and teaching, our Institute allows medical students to practice dissection on cadavers, beginning as Freshman, then Sophomore, Junior and Senior. The sharing of Bolognaâs experience could be the chance to think about the perspectives offered by the dissection of the corpse: a wide range of possibilities spanning from research projects to advanced training courses in collaboration with clinicians and surgeons belonging to different branches. Moreover the practice of corpse dissection is extremely important for the recruitment of young graduates in Medicine which, by means of the experience vested acting as âtutor of anatomyâ, acquire interest in the field of research of morphological sciences, spanning from macroscopic up to the cellular and molecular level. Hic mors gaudet succurrere vitae: the motto, reported in dissection room of most of the Italian anatomical institutes, represents the synthesis of the experience of an ancient discipline which, nowadays , has the chance to rewrite a new chapter dedicated to modern frontiers of scientific research and medical education
C'era una volta la letteratura inglese. Da Lodge alla Globish literature
Curatela dell'intero numero monografico della rivista e un saggio all'interno della stessa.
Codice ISSN: 1972-7321
Il fascino inquieto dell'utopia
Marialuisa Bignami, cui questo volume Ăš dedicato, Ăš una tra le piĂč illustri studiose dellâutopia letteraria in Italia. In dialogo con la sua opera critica, il volume discute origini ed esiti del concetto di utopia nel panorama letterario e sociale occidentale, in particolare anglosassone. La riflessione prende le mosse da unâelaborazione di stampo millenarista del pensiero utopico, per proseguire nellâindagine dei suoi esiti letterari tardorinascimentali, settecenteschi e anche coloniali; si approda infine alle utopie moderne, postmoderne e femministe del nostro tempo, senza tralasciare gli esiti dellâimmaginario utopico nella cultura di massa. Lâutopia, un poâ come il romanticismo, sembra essere una necessitĂ della cultura occidentale, una categoria dello spirito, che puĂČ essere reinterpretata, negata, persino vilipesa, ma non abbandonata. I percorsi attraverso le mutazioni spazio-temporali dellâutopia raccolti in questo volume sono ispirati ad approcci critici diversi e sono trasversali a piĂč ambiti di ricerca; la ricchezza del dibattito invita a proseguire lâindagine sui volti molteplici del genere utopico, anche attraverso lâesplorazione di nuove interazioni e di nuovi linguaggi
Lâinvestigatore allo specchio: un approccio transdisciplinare al poliziesco
Nato con una duplice finalitĂ , ermeneutica e didattica, "Lâinvestigatore allo specchio: un approccio transdisciplinare al poliziesco" offre una riflessione seria e al contempo appassionata sulla letteratura poliziesca e criminale. Sintetizzando il rigore del discorso scientifico con la curiositĂ (e la connivenza) tipica del lettore sedotto, studiosi provenienti da varie aree disciplinari analizzano aspetti complementari di questo genere dalle molteplici articolazioni interne, spostandosi dal noir cinematografico al corpo nella letteratura sensazionale e nell'antropologia criminale dell'Ottocento, dalle performances investigative dei murder mystery weekends al paesaggio sonoro e alla semiotica della detection. Il volume traccia un originale percorso multidisciplinare e intermediale attraverso approcci critici, sottogeneri e rimediazioni dellâindagine poliziesca, muovendosi dai crimini ambientati in epoca classica o medievale fino alle inchieste medico-legali popolarizzate dal piccolo schermo, sul filo di una riflessione intorno alla scrittura gialla come strumento di critica e lettura della societĂ