9 research outputs found


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    The vital statistic data analyses indicate major changes in the components of the natural increase of the population in Macedonia. The trend of decreasing number of births and increased number of deaths led to a reduction in the natural population increase rate that in 2013 reached the value of 1.9‰. At the beginning of the 21st century there are obvious differences in the values of the natural population increase in demographic and spatial aspect. Particular attention is given to the differences in the level of the population natural increase among municipalities and regions in the Republic of Macedonia. These problems come as a result of the impact of the social and economic transformations. This is the case of large part municipalities in Macedonia, which means that these municipalities are characterized by a negative population natural increase. At the same time, this leaves demographic, social and economic consequences to their development, followed by numerous problems. The main aim of this research is to determine the regional differences in the positive component of the population natural increase, i.e. crude birth rate, TFR and the natural increase rate and to identify the regions in the Republic of Macedonia that are highly disadvantaged

    The reproductive behaviour of the female population in the only Roma governed community in Europe

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    This paper puts a special accent on the Roma female reproductive population and its behaviour concerning the formation and size of the family. A survey was conducted in the area of Shuto Orizari, the only Roma governed community in Europe, on respondents from the female reproductive population divided into three age groups. For the analysis of the variance of the means of the three chosen groups were used the standard statistical tests and the one-way ANOVA test was used for testing the eight hypotheses for the equality of the means of the three independent specimens. A chi-squared test of independence between the two variables was made on the whole sample. The research and the gained results about the factors that determine the demographic behaviour of the Roma female reproductive population are expected to find a way to improve the overall situation and to use it in creating demographic policies

    Republika Makedonija – bezvremeni mozaik migracija

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    This paper has the intention to depict the spatial and temporal dimensions of international migration in Macedonia. The observations are based on historical documents, from archive data and published papers all the way to contemporary records and data on immigration and emigration, as well as on interviews with Macedonian citizens who live abroad. Emigration and immigration are reviewed in two periods: first, from the earliest settlements in the area of today’s Republic of Macedonia until its independence in 1991, and second, the period from proclaiming its independence until today. Only the major migration flows that left their mark in the spatial, economic, social and cultural organization of the country are presented in the paper. Migration flows in the period of the Ottoman Empire, which have had great influence on the current demographic composition of the population of Macedonia, are given emphasis. However, an overview is also provided for other immigration flows towards Macedonia throughout history until today. A part of the paper refers to recent history and emigration after 1964, as well as to the emigration of Macedonian citizens in the period after 1991. Although estimates have been made, the question of exactly how many Macedonian citizens live outside their home country remains unanswered. At the same time, the paper touches upon an interesting topic of intensive foreigner immigration flows towards Macedonia in the period after its independence, especially from Albania, Turkey and Kosovo. Contrary to the immigration flows of foreigners, the emigration flows of Macedonian citizens are highlighted. Therefore, the positive net migration in the country is due to the immigration of foreigners with temporary and extended stay. At the same time, Macedonia is a part of the Balkan migrants’ route for the migrants from Asian and African countries.Svrha je ovog rada prikazati prostorne i vremenske dimenzije međunarodnih migracija u Makedoniji. Rad se temelji na povijesnim dokumentima, od arhivskih podataka i objavljenih radova do suvremenih zapisa i podataka o useljavanju i iseljavanju, kao i na intervjuima s makedonskim državljanima koji žive u inozemstvu. Iseljavanje i useljavanje razmatraju se u dvama razdobljima: prvome, od najstarijih naselja na području današnje Makedonije do njezine neovisnosti stečene 1991., i drugome, od proglašenja neovisnosti do danas. U radu su predstavljeni samo najvažniji migracijski tokovi koji su utjecali na prostornu, ekonomsku, društvenu i kulturnu organizaciju države. Istaknuti su migracijski tokovi iz razdoblja Osmanskog Carstva, koji su snažno utjecali na trenutačni demografski sastav stanovništva Makedonije. No pruža se i pregled drugih tokova useljavanja u Makedoniju tijekom povijesti sve do danas. Dio rada odnosi se na noviju povijest i iseljavanje nakon 1964., kao i na iseljavanje državljana Makedonije nakon 1991. Iako su dostupne određene procjene, i dalje nema odgovora na pitanje koji je točan broj državljana Makedonije koji žive izvan domovine. Istodobno se u radu spominje zanimljiva tema intenzivnih tokova imigracije stranaca u Makedoniju u razdoblju nakon stjecanja neovisnosti, osobito onih iz Albanije, Turske i Kosova. Nasuprot useljavanju stranaca ističu se tokovi emigracije državljana Makedonije. Stoga je pozitivni migracijski saldo u državi rezultat useljavanja stranaca s privremenim i produljenim boravkom. Istodobno je Makedonija i dio balkanske migrantske rute za migrante iz azijskih i afričkih zemalja

    A process of demographic and economic polarization in the Republic of Macedonia

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    Demographic and economic development in the Republic of Macedonia is characterized by high dynamics, and imbalance in development. The unequal social and economic development is one of the main negative features of development, especially during the transition period in which the regional development has been marginalized on the expense of market development and stabilization and restructuring of the economy. Equally important component of the development is the problem of concentration and dispersion of population and economic activities in the area causing the appearance of demographic and economic polarization in the country. Today, the degree of the population and economic development in the Republic of Macedonia shows certain differences on a regional level, according to distribution of the population, investments, GDP and etc. From the available social and economic indicators can be concluded that the Republic of Macedonia has the characteristics of a country with a monocentric model of development where the Skopje region stands out as the core of development, while other regions stagnate or grow with less intensity compared to the previous one. Therefore, this current problem requires finding solutions for reducing the disparities in the regional development and harmonization of the same

    The regional differentiation of the demographic movements in the Republic of Macedonia

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    The Republic of Macedonia covers an area of 25,713 km² and according to data from the census conducted in 2002, it has a population of 2,022,547 inhabitants. In the past, the Republic of Macedonia was characterized by some significant demographic changes, including a decline in the average annual rate of population increase. The enhanced immigration movements and sudden decline in the rates of natural population increase have led to changes in distribution of the population and to a spatial differentiation in the population. The long period of transition in the country has been reflected in the spatial development of the country and its demographic processes and to relocation of the population. The different natural-geographical characteristics, unequal regional development potentials, unequal economic development, and demographic characteristics have led to changes in the demographic situation of certain regions. The regions that continually lose part of its population clearly differ from these regions that are characterized by an increased population which is leading to a greater concentration of people in certain location. Further decades with a declining birth rate, followed by a change in the values of population increase, together with migration movements, particularly from the rural and less developed economic regions, has resulted in a decline in the population. The different zones of depopulation and concentration in a simple way express the complex relationships in the population composition

    Estimation of maximum annual discharges by frequency analysis with four probability distributions in case of non-homogeneous time series (Kazani karst spring in Republic of Macedonia)

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    Frequency analysis is usually used in hydrology for the possibility and scale of discharge extremes, especially low flows or flood features of concrete gauge. The paper presents a frequency analysis carried out on a 51 year period (1961-2011) series of maximum annual discharge, on Kazani karst spring gauge station. The time series were non-homogenous according to Cumulative deviations test (Q = 1.531) and Standard normal homogeneity test ( = 10.543). After adjusting of annual maximum discharges (AMD) before the year of change (1995), with using AnClim software, the frequency analysis was made using four probability distributions. Obtained results show possibility of karst spring flood occurrence for different return periods. After their calculation the best fitting distribution was chosen using graphical and statistical testing between empirical and theoretical data distribution. According to the spring significance for nature and humanity, it was crucial to choose a right probability distribution for annual maximum discharges of Kazani karst spring. Therefore, a comparison using graphical and statistical testing (Kolmogorov-Smirnov, χ2 and Anderson-Darling test) was made. The best fit according to three tests was the Gumbel distribution with AMD of 4.54 m3/s for return period of 10 years, 6.06 m3/s for return period of 100 years and 7.56 m3/s for return period of 1000 years, respectively.Key words: karst spring, annual maximum discharge, hydrology, homogeneity, frequency analysis.Ocena maksimalnih letnih pretokov s frekvenčno analizo s štirimi verjetnostnimi porazdelitvami v primeru nehomogenih časovnih serij (kraški izvir Kazani v Republiki Makedoniji)Običajno uporabljamo v hidrologiji frekvenčno analizo za oceno verjetnosti in velikosti ekstremnih pretokov, še posebej nizkih tokov ali poplavnih značilnosti na določenih merilnih mestih. V članku je predstavljena frekvenčna analiza, ki je bila izvedena na seriji maksimalnih letnih pretokov izmerjenih na merilni postaji na kraškem izviru Kazani v obdobju 51 let (1961-2011). Glede na rezultate testa kumulativnih odklonov (Q = 1,531) in testa SNHT ( = 10,543) je časovna serija nehomogena. Po prilagoditvi letnih maksimalnih pretokov pred letom spremembe (1995) z uporabo programske opreme AnClim je bila izvedena frekvenčna analiza z uporabo štirih verjetnostnih porazdelitev. Dobljeni rezultati kažejo na verjetnost pojava poplav na kraškem izviru za različne povratne dobe. Po izračunu so bile z uporabo grafičnih in statističnih primerjav med empirično in teoretično razporeditvijo podatkov določene porazdelitve z najboljšim ujemanjem. Ker je izvir naravna vrednota in pomemben vir za družbo, je zelo pomembno izbrati ustrezno verjetnostno porazdelitev za maksimalne letne pretoke kraškega izvira Kazani. Zato je bila izvedena primerjava z uporabo grafičnih in statističnih testov (Kolmogorov-Smirnov, χ2 in Anderson-Darling). Najboljše ujemanje glede na te tri teste je bilo doseženo pri Gumbelovi porazdelitvi z maksimalnim letnim pretokom 4,54 m3/s za povratno dobo 10 let, 6,06 m3/s za povratno dobo 100 let in 7,56 m3/s za povratno dobo 1000 let.Ključne besede: kraški izvir, maksimalni letni pretok, hidrologija, homogenost, frekvenčna analiza


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    ABSTRACT Internal migrations are interesting to be researched in function of creating a sustainable policy for population balanced, economic and spatial development. These migratory movements in the 21st century record a constant pace of progress. Focused mainly towards the urban municipalities and mainly towards the Skopje region, they are causing a basis for the analysis of the possible problems that occur due to the unequal distribution of population, disadvantages in the gender and age structure of the population in particular regions, which by itself dictates the biodynamics and the population basis of space. At the same time calls into the question for the possibilities of spatial and economic development of individual regions and especially the problem of overcoming the optimal opportunities for living in the city and the negative consequences on the environmental quality. The paper aims to draw upon the opportunities and (no) opportunities for the sustainable development in different parts of the Republic of Macedonia in direct correlation with the impact of internal migration

    Characteristics of the unemployment in the Republic of Macedonia

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    This paper focuses on the fact that Republic of Macedonia has faced for many years a high unemployment rate of over 30%. The indications that average third of the unemployed are aged 25 to 34 years are alarming; almost half of the unemployed are without qualifications; and over 80% of the unemployed wait for employment for over 11 months. Obviously, these situations differ on a regional level, depending on the demographic and economic characteristics of the region. This paper emphasizes the need for further knowledge of the structural characteristics of the contingent of unemployed persons in Macedonia as a basis for further planning in the field of economy and non-economic sector, providing additional guidance in education, forming a strategy for equally regional economic and demographic development, which largely depends on the ability or inability of the person to be employed in some place

    Estimation of maximum annual discharges by frequency analysis with four probability distributions in case of non-homogeneous time series (Kazani karst spring in Republic of Macedonia)

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    Frequency analysis is usually used in hydrology for the possibility and scale of discharge extremes, especially low flows or flood features of concrete gauge. The paper presents a frequency analysis carried out on a 51 year period (1961-2011) series of maximum annual discharge, on Kazani karst spring gauge station. The time series were non-homogenous according to Cumulative deviations test (Q = 1.531) and Standard normal homogeneity test ( = 10.543). After adjusting of annual maximum discharges (AMD) before the year of change (1995), with using AnClim software, the frequency analysis was made using four probability distributions. Obtained results show possibility of karst spring flood occurrence for different return periods. After their calculation the best fitting distribution was chosen using graphical and statistical testing between empirical and theoretical data distribution. According to the spring significance for nature and humanity, it was crucial to choose a right probability distribution for annual maximum discharges of Kazani karst spring. Therefore, a comparison using graphical and statistical testing (Kolmogorov-Smirnov, χ2 and Anderson-Darling test) was made. The best fit according to three tests was the Gumbel distribution with AMD of 4.54 m3/s for return period of 10 years, 6.06 m3/s for return period of 100 years and 7.56 m3/s for return period of 1000 years, respectively.Key words: karst spring, annual maximum discharge, hydrology, homogeneity, frequency analysis.Ocena maksimalnih letnih pretokov s frekvenčno analizo s štirimi verjetnostnimi porazdelitvami v primeru nehomogenih časovnih serij (kraški izvir Kazani v Republiki Makedoniji)Običajno uporabljamo v hidrologiji frekvenčno analizo za oceno verjetnosti in velikosti ekstremnih pretokov, še posebej nizkih tokov ali poplavnih značilnosti na določenih merilnih mestih. V članku je predstavljena frekvenčna analiza, ki je bila izvedena na seriji maksimalnih letnih pretokov izmerjenih na merilni postaji na kraškem izviru Kazani v obdobju 51 let (1961-2011). Glede na rezultate testa kumulativnih odklonov (Q = 1,531) in testa SNHT ( = 10,543) je časovna serija nehomogena. Po prilagoditvi letnih maksimalnih pretokov pred letom spremembe (1995) z uporabo programske opreme AnClim je bila izvedena frekvenčna analiza z uporabo štirih verjetnostnih porazdelitev. Dobljeni rezultati kažejo na verjetnost pojava poplav na kraškem izviru za različne povratne dobe. Po izračunu so bile z uporabo grafičnih in statističnih primerjav med empirično in teoretično razporeditvijo podatkov določene porazdelitve z najboljšim ujemanjem. Ker je izvir naravna vrednota in pomemben vir za družbo, je zelo pomembno izbrati ustrezno verjetnostno porazdelitev za maksimalne letne pretoke kraškega izvira Kazani. Zato je bila izvedena primerjava z uporabo grafičnih in statističnih testov (Kolmogorov-Smirnov, χ2 in Anderson-Darling). Najboljše ujemanje glede na te tri teste je bilo doseženo pri Gumbelovi porazdelitvi z maksimalnim letnim pretokom 4,54 m3/s za povratno dobo 10 let, 6,06 m3/s za povratno dobo 100 let in 7,56 m3/s za povratno dobo 1000 let.Ključne besede: kraški izvir, maksimalni letni pretok, hidrologija, homogenost, frekvenčna analiza