33 research outputs found


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    This study was conducted to examine the correlation between the scores of the Functional Movement Screen (FMS) and the scores of the Cardio Fitness Test (CFT) in students studying in the Faculty of Sports Sciences. The sample group was composed of totally 25 students, including 14 males and 11 females aged between 22-24 years. The Functional Movement Screen (FMS) test battery including seven stations as deep squat, hurdle step, in-line lunge, shoulder mobility, active straight-leg raise, trunk stability, and rotary trunk and the Cardio Fitness Test (CFT) battery including six stations as resting heart rate, heart rate recovery, body flexibility, upper body strength, core strength, and lower body strength were applied to the sample group in different days. It was found that there was a statistically significant positive correlation between the total scores of the Functional Movement Screen (FMS) and the total scores of the Cardio Fitness Test (CFT) (r =0.60, p<0.001). While no statistically significant correlation was found between the lower body total scores of the relevant test batteries, there was a statistically significant positive correlation between the upper extremity total scores (r=0.48, p<0.05). Consequently; the significant correlation found between the Functional Movement Screen test battery, used in posture analysis and posture rehabilitation, and the Cardio Fitness Test formed the opinion that these two tests can be used in the field in combination. It may be recommended to apply this correlation in larger groups and assess the gender and age differences.  Article visualizations


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    The aim of this study was to examine effects of a training program based on longitudinal training of athlete development approach on gross motor skills among 6-8 years old children. Participants of Multi Branches Talent Identification and Development Project (n = 54), Basketball School players (n = 55) and a control group (n = 50) participated in the study. Multi Branches group attended to training sessions lasted 90 minutes, three days in a week for six months. Test of Gross Motor Development-2 test was used to assess development of locomotor and object control skills of the three groups before and after 6-months training period. Wilcoxon test indicated that post-test scores of Test of Gross Motor Development-2 were significantly higher than pre-test scores for all three groups (p<.001). Kruskal Wallis test results showed that there were statistically significant differences between three groups on the object control and total scores of Test of Gross Motor Development-2 (p<.001) but no differences on the locomotor scores of the test. The development percentage of Multi Branches group was higher than those of the other two groups. As a result, it can be concluded that the training program based on Long Term Athlete Development approach improved object control skills of 6-8 years old children.  Article visualizations

    Comparİson of the effects of jumping rope and aiİlity ladder exercise program on agility performance in boxers

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    Bu araştırma, elit erkek boksörlerde 6 haftalık ip atlama ve çeviklik merdiveni egzersiz programlarının çeviklik performansına etkisinin karşılaştırılması amacıyla yapılmıştır. Araştırma grubu, Fenerbahçe Spor Kulübü Boks Şubesinde lisanslı, yaş ortalamaları 17,95±2,24 vücut ağırlığı ortalamaları 62,42±6,16 olan 21 gönüllü erkek boksörden oluşmaktadır. Çalışmaya katılan sporcular; ip atlama grubu, çeviklik merdiveni grubu ve kontrol grubu olarak üçe ayrılmıştır. Boksa özgü yaklaşık 15 dakikalık ısınmanın ardından ip grubuna,1 dakika egzersiz 30 saniye dinlenme, 1 haftada her biri 10 hareketten oluşan 3 farklı egzersiz programı; merdiven grubuna, 1 haftada her biri 15 hareketten oluşan 3 farklı egzersiz programı ve her iki gruba teknik antrenmanda uygulanmıştır. Kontrol grubu yalnızca teknik antrenmana katılmıştır. 6 haftalık programların öncesinde ve sonrasında İllinois ile Hexagon çeviklik testleri uygulanmıştır. Ön test ve son test değerleri farkına t-test ile bakıldığında; ip atlama ve çeviklik merdiveni gruplarındaki boksörlere uygulanan çeviklik testi sonuçlarında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı farklılıklar bulunmuştur (p<0.05). Kontrol grubundaki boksörlere uygulanan çeviklik test sonuçlarında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir farklılık görülmemiştir (p>0.05). Deney ve kontrol grubunun uygulanan testler bakımından farklılığına ilişkin tek yönlü varyans analizinde istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir farklılık bulunmuştur (p<0.05). Sonuç olarak ip atlama ve çeviklik merdiveni antrenman programlarının çeviklik yetisini geliştirmede etkili olduğu belirlenmiştir.This research was conducted to compare the effects of 6-week rope skipping and agility ladder exercise programs on agility performance in elite male boxers. The research group consists of 21 volunteer male boxers licensed in Fenerbahçe Sports Club Boxing Branch with an average age of 17.95±2.24 and an average body weight of 62.42±6.16. Athletes participating in the study; The rope skipping group was divided into three as agility ladder group and control group. After warming up for about 15 minutes specific to boxing, 1 minute exercise, 30 seconds rest, 3 different exercise programs consisting of 10 movements each in 1 week; 3 different exercise programs consisting of 15 movements each were applied to the ladder group in 1 week and technical training was applied to both groups. The control group only participated in the technical training. Before and after the 6-week programs, Illinois and Hexagon agility tests were applied. When the difference between pretest and post-test values is examined by t-test; Statistically significant differences were found in the agility test results applied to the boxers in the jump rope and agility ladder groups (p<0.05). There was no statistically significant difference in the agility test results applied to the boxers in the control group (p>0.05). A statistically significant difference was found in the one-way analysis of variance regarding the differences between the experimental and control groups in terms of the tests applied (p<0.05). As a result, it was aimed that jumping rope and agility ladder training programs were effective in improving agility ability

    Effect of HIIT on Motor Performance in Female Handball Players

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of interval training at four different intensi-ties in addition to handball training for 8 weeks on aerobic-anaerobic, speed and agility param-eters in female handball players. Twenty female handball players (experimental group: 10; con-trol group: 10) voluntarily participated in the studyThe experimental group trained in high-intensity interval training (HIIT) 3 days a week for 8 weeks in addition to handball train-ing, while the control group was allowed to continue their standard training program. The an-aerobic capacity, speed, and agility of the experimental and control groups were measured twice before and after an 8-week training program. The HIIT training program for the experimental group was adapted to the movements most commonly used in handball. The values of the data obtained from the handball players were analyzed. ANOVA for mixed measures was applied to determine the difference between the pre-test and post-test values of the experimental and con-trol groups. There was a statistically significant difference (p < 0.05) between the pre and post-test values of the 20-m sprint test of the experimental and control groups of HIIT training for handball players, while there was no statistically significant difference between the pre and post-test values of the anaerobic capacity and agility test of HIIT training. In conclusion, it is recommended to include HIIT training in the training periodization of handball players during the season, and it is believed that it will have a positive effect on players' speed performance

    Development of an optimum proliferation medium via the graph kernel statistical analysis method for genetically stable in vitro propagation of endemic Thymus cilicicus (Turkey)

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    Thymus cilicicus is an endemic Eastern Mediterranean element that has aromatic-medicinal properties. Its natural population spreads across gravelly ground and open rocky areas of South and Southwest Anatolia. The current study on in vitro propagation of T. cilicicus focused deeply on environmental applications such as the development of an optimum medium composition for efficient and genetically stable micropropagation and improved preservation procedures for long-time conservation of elite germplasms for further studies. For this purpose, MS and OM media were used individually and in combination with cytokinins, charcoal, AgNO3, Fe-EDDHA, and H3BO3. The raw data were statistically analyzed via the graph kernel method to optimize the nonlinear relationship between all parameters. The optimal proliferation medium for T. cilicicus was OM supplemented with a combination of 10 g L-1 charcoal and 1 mg L-1 KIN and the calculated averages of the best regeneration rate, the best shoot number and the best shoot length were 96.89%, 3 and 1.24 respectively on this medium. The determination of genetic stability of in vitro grown plants on the optimum medium compositions obtained by the graph kernel method was carried out with the use of the ISSR-PCR technique. All the ISSR primers produced a total of 192 reproductive band profiles, none of which were polymorphic. Furthermore, the micropropagated plants were successfully rooted and acclimatized to greenhouse conditions. In this study, we present a graph kernel multiple propagation index which considers all the possible parameters needing to be analyzed. Such an index is used for the first time for the determination of the optimum proliferation medium

    Evaluation of the Sterility of PRP Obtained with Multi-bag System (PRPBAG®)

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    Introduction:The aim of this study is demonstrating the sterility of PRPBAG®, a multi-bag completely closed PRP preparation system different than PRP kits in the market and determining preservability of the sterility of PRP produced with PRPBAG® up to 5 days similar to other platelet products.Methods:We recruited 60 participants for increased statistical significance. 150 mL of whole blood was collected in specially produced PRPBAG®. A double-spin preparation method was used for the samples with a refrigerated centrifuge specially manufactured for PRPBAG®. We started centrifugation within 1 h after collecting blood. In the 1st spin of the centrifugation, whole blood was centrifuged. Erythrocytes precipitated in the first bag because of blood component density, and the supernatant plasma was transferred into the second bag using a manual plasma extractor. The third bag was empty after the first spin. We used a hose-closing device to separate the first bag, which contained erythrocytes, from the other bags. In the second spin of centrifugation, the plasma was centrifuged.Results:PRP product with high-quality was collected in the second bag. We have considered the European guidelines for the preparation, use, and quality assurance of blood components during the whole process. 1 cc of PRP was added into separate pediatric blood culture bottles on days 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. These samples were sent to the microbiology laboratory and incubated for 5 days. After this incubation period, the blood culture bottles that did not give positive signals were reported as sterile.Conclusion:Currently, PRP is used immediately after preparation. Our study demonstrates that PRP prepared with a closed triple blood bag system PRPBAG® may be used for 5 days if agitated at room temperature. There was not any bacterial growth in any sample after 5 days

    Current Applications of Functional Movement Screen: a Systematic Review

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    Fonksiyonel hareket analizi [functional movement screen (FMS), insanın hareket kalitesini değerlendirmek için kullanılan bir araçtır. Araştırmanın amacı, FMS için normatif değerler oluşturarak, FMS’nin güvenirliliği, geçerliliği, sakatlık tahmini, antrenman etkisini ve durum tespitini inceleyip, yapılan araştırmalarla ilgili bir derleme sunabilmektir. Veri toplama yöntemi olarak, elektronik veri tabanları kullanılarak araştırma yapılmıştır. Tanımlanan çalışmalar, dâhil etme kriterlerini doğrulamak için eleştirel analiz ve ön yargı değerlendirilmesinden sonra ayrıntılı olarak gözden geçirilmiştir. Tanımlanan 154 çalışmadan güvenirlilik (13), geçerlilik (5), sakatlık tahmin değeri (14), durum tespiti (50) ve antrenman etkisini (12) inceleyen çalışmalardan 94’ü derlemeye dâhil edilmiştir. FMS interrater ve intrarater güvenirliliği için; 7 çalışmada mükemmel (ICC=0,97; ICC=0,96; ICCInter= 0,98; ICCIntra=0,92; ICC=0,90), 5 çalışmada iyi (ICCInter=0,88; ICCintra=0,75; 0,89; ICCInter=0,76; ICCIntra=0,74; ICCintra=0,80 ve 81) ve 1 çalışmada zayıf (ICCInter=0,29; ICCIntra=0,6) bulunmuştur. FMS geçerliliği için incelenen 5 çalışmada, uygulanan farklı 7 alt testte, farklı değerlendirmeler ve önerilerde bulunulmuştur. FMS sakatlık tahmin değerlerinde incelenen 14 çalışmada, FMS sakatlık risk değeri (%95CI, <14) için 14 puanın altındaki değerlere sahip katılımcıların, sakatlık riskine sahip olduğu bulunmuştur. Antrenmanın FMS değerleri üzerine etkisini inceleyen 12 araştırmanın 9’unda, ilgili değerlerde anlamlı artışlar görülmüştür. Durum tespiti araştırmalarında ise değerlendirilen 50 araştırmada karşılaştırılan değişkenlerde (motorik beceri, antropometrik değerler, branş performansları, sakatlık geçmişi, cinsiyet, obezite, rehabilitasyon süreci) FMS değerlerinin, genelde doğru orantılı ve anlamlı şekilde etkin olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Sonuç olarak, FMS ve benzeri postür analiz değerlendirmelerinin, hem performans hem rehabilitasyon hem de durum tespiti olarak alana katkı sağlayacağı düşünülmektedir

    Güncel Yüksek Şiddetli Aralıklı Antrenman (High Intensity Interval Training- HIIT) Uygulamalarının Kardiyovasküler- Metabolik ve Performans Yanıtları: Sistematik Derleme

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    Modern toplumda bir norm hâline gelmiş olan hareketsizlik, birçok hastalık için risk faktörüdür. Fiziksel aktivite ve egzersiz için birçok engel bulunmakta olup, başlıca sebebi zaman eksikliğidir. Yaygın metabolik hastalıkların tedavisi ve yönetiminde rol oynayan egzersiz, sağlıklı yaşamın temel prensiplerinden biridir. Daha kısa egzersiz ve dinlenme süreleriyle uygulanan antrenman birimleri, aerobik fitness gelişimi için gelecek vaat eden bir egzersiz stratejisidir. Sağladığı kardiyovasküler, metabolik ve fiziksel yararları ile evrensel bir antrenman seçeneği olabilir. Bu derlemenin amacı, yüksek şiddetli aralıklı antrenman (HIIT) etkilerini; kardiyovasküler, metabolik ve performans yanıtlarıyla değerlendiren yapılmış araştırmalarla ilgili bir sistematik derleme sunabilmektir. Veri toplama yöntemi olarak, elektronik veri tabanları kullanılarak araştırma yapılmıştır. Tanımlanan çalışmalar, dâhil etme kriterlerini doğrulamak için eleştirel analiz ve önyargı değerlendirilmesinden sonra ayrıntılı olarak gözden geçirilmiştir. HIIT ve kardiyovasküler sağlıkla ilgili incelenen çalışmalarda, maksimal oksijen tüketim kapasitesi, kardiyovasküler toparlanma, kardiyorespiratuar fitness bileşenleri, kardiyovasküler risk faktörleri ve yaşam kalitesi parametreleri; HIIT ve metabolik sağlıkla ilgili incelenen çalışmalarda, vücut kompoziyonu, glisemik kontrol, insülin seviyeleri, vücut yağ yüzdesi, beden kitle indeksi, vücut ağırlığı, kan laktat cevapları, ortalama arteriyel ve sistolik kan basınçları, kalp atım hızı rezervi, yağ oksidasyonu, bazal aktivite düzeyleri, kemik mineral yoğunluğu, inhibitör kontrol, bilişsel sağlık; HIIT ve performansla ilgili incelenen çalışmalarda, aerobik performans parametreleri, mitokondriyal oksidatif kapasite, kapiller yoğunluk, kalp hızı değişimleri, maksimal oksijen kapasitesi, vücut kompozisyonu, eğlence oranları gibi parametreleri değerlendirmeye alınmıştır. Sonuç olarak HIIT uygulamalarının, kardiyovasküler, metabolik ve performans yanıtlarında etkili olduğunu gösteren araştırmalar gelecek için yol gösterici olabilecektir


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    The aim of this study was to examine effects of a training program based on longitudinal training of athlete development approach on gross motor skills among 6-8 years old children. Participants of Multi Branches Talent Identification and Development Project (n = 54), Basketball School players (n = 55) and a control group (n = 50) participated in the study. Multi Branches group attended to training sessions lasted 90 minutes, three days in a week for six months. Test of Gross Motor Development-2 test was used to assess development of locomotor and object control skills of the three groups before and after 6-months training period. Wilcoxon test indicated that post-test scores of Test of Gross Motor Development-2 were significantly higher than pre-test scores for all three groups (p<.001). Kruskal Wallis test results showed that there were statistically significant differences between three groups on the object control and total scores of Test of Gross Motor Development-2 (p<.001) but no differences on the locomotor scores of the test. The development percentage of Multi Branches group was higher than those of the other two groups. As a result, it can be concluded that the training program based on Long Term Athlete Development approach improved object control skills of 6-8 years old children

    The effect of dry-land training on functional strength and swimming performance of 10-12 years old swimmers

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    Study Objectives: The objective of this study was to examine the effect of three weeks of dry-land training on functional strength and swimming performance in addition to eight weeks of swimming training of 15 female athletes in the 10-12 years age group with at least three years of training history. A total of 30 athletes between the ages of 10-12 participated in the study; it was divided into control and experimental groups. Methods: Muscle strength tests and swimming performance tests (50 m freestyle, 400 m freestyle, critical swimming speed tests) were applied to all groups before and after the test at eight week intervals. The dry-land training program applied to the experimental group was prepared for the 10 most frequently used muscle groups in swimming branch in the literature. Descriptive statistics were applied to the obtained data. The normality of data were analyzed with Kolmogorov-Smirnov test and it was found that the data showed a normal distribution. Paired samples t test was used for within group comparisons in the analysis of data and independent samples t test was used for comparison of measurement times of the groups. Results: Trapezius middle left-right deltoid anterior left-right, deltoid middle-right, triceps brachii left-right, gluteus maximus left-right, tensor facia latasol-right, biceps femoris left-right, quadriceps femoris left-right; a statistically significant difference was found between the groups in terms of 400 m free style and 50 m free style critical swimming speed variability (p <0.05). When the pre-test and post-test values of the experimental group were compared, Trapezius middle left, deltoid anterior left-right, biceps brachii left-right, brachio radialis left-right, gluteus maximus left-right, tensor fasia lata left-right, biceps femoris left-right, quadriceps femoris left-right statistically significant differences were found in 400 m free style, 50 m free style critical swimming speed variables (p <0.01). When the developmental values of the experimental and control groups were examined, trapezius middle-left, deltoid anterior left-right, deltoid middle-left, biceps brachii left-right, brachio radialis left-right, gluteus maximus left-right, tensor facia lata left, biceps phemoris left-right, quadriceps femoris left-right; statistically significant differences were found in 400 m free style and 50 m free style critical swimming speed variables (p <0.05). Conclusion: Dry-land training has a positive effect on swimming and functional strength performance in 10-12 years old strength swimmers. © Mattioli 1885