55 research outputs found

    Detecting Mutually-Salient Landmark Pairs with MRF Regularization

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    In this paper, we present a framework for extracting mutually-salient landmark pairs for registration. Traditional methods detect landmarks one-by-one and separately in two images. Therefore, the detected landmarks might inherit low discriminability and are not necessarily good for matching. In contrast, our method detects landmarks pair-by-pair across images, and those pairs are required to be mutually-salient, i.e., uniquely corresponding to each other. The second merit of our framework is that, instead of finding individually optimal correspondence, which is a local approach and could cause self-intersection of the resultant deformation, our framework adopts a Markov-random-field (MRF)-based spatial arrangement to select the globally optimal landmark pairs. In this way, the geometric consistency of the correspondences is maintained and the resultant deformations are relatively smooth and topology-preserving. Promising experimental validation through a radiologist’s evaluation of the established correspondences is presented

    PORTR: Pre-Operative and Post-Recurrence Brain Tumor Registration

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    We propose a new method for deformable registration of pre-operative and post-recurrence brain MR scans of glioma patients. Performing this type of intra-subject registration is challenging as tumor, resection, recurrence, and edema cause large deformations, missing correspondences, and inconsistent intensity profiles between the scans. To address this challenging task, our method, called PORTR, explicitly accounts for pathological information. It segments tumor, resection cavity, and recurrence based on models specific to each scan. PORTR then uses the resulting maps to exclude pathological regions from the image-based correspondence term while simultaneously measuring the overlap between the aligned tumor and resection cavity. Embedded into a symmetric registration framework, we determine the optimal solution by taking advantage of both discrete and continuous search methods. We apply our method to scans of 24 glioma patients. Both quantitative and qualitative analysis of the results clearly show that our method is superior to other state-of-the-art approaches

    The Brain Tumor Sequence Registration Challenge: Establishing Correspondence between Pre-Operative and Follow-up MRI scans of diffuse glioma patients

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    Registration of longitudinal brain Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) scans containing pathologies is challenging due to tissue appearance changes, and still an unsolved problem. This paper describes the first Brain Tumor Sequence Registration (BraTS-Reg) challenge, focusing on estimating correspondences between pre-operative and follow-up scans of the same patient diagnosed with a brain diffuse glioma. The BraTS-Reg challenge intends to establish a public benchmark environment for deformable registration algorithms. The associated dataset comprises de-identified multi-institutional multi-parametric MRI (mpMRI) data, curated for each scan's size and resolution, according to a common anatomical template. Clinical experts have generated extensive annotations of landmarks points within the scans, descriptive of distinct anatomical locations across the temporal domain. The training data along with these ground truth annotations will be released to participants to design and develop their registration algorithms, whereas the annotations for the validation and the testing data will be withheld by the organizers and used to evaluate the containerized algorithms of the participants. Each submitted algorithm will be quantitatively evaluated using several metrics, such as the Median Absolute Error (MAE), Robustness, and the Jacobian determinant

    Patent Foramen Ovale Closure Decreases the Incidence but Not the Size of New Brain Infarction on Magnetic Resonance Imaging An Analysis of the REDUCE Trial

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    Background and Purpose: Randomized patent foramen ovale closure trials have used open-label end point ascertainment which increases the risk of bias and undermines confidence in the conclusions. The Gore REDUCE trial prospectively performed baseline and follow-up magnetic resonance imaging (MRIs) for all subjects providing an objective measure of the effectiveness of closure.Methods: We performed blinded evaluations of the presence, location, and volume of new infarct on diffusion-weighted imaging of recurrent clinical stroke or new infarct (>3 mm) on T2/fluid attenuated inversion recovery from baseline to follow-up MRI at 2 years, comparing closure to medical therapy alone. We also examined the effect of shunt size and the development of atrial fibrillation on infarct burden at follow-up.Results: At follow-up, new clinical stroke or silent MRI infarct occurred in 18/383 (4.7%) patients who underwent closure and 19/177 (10.7%) medication-only patients (relative risk, 0.44 [95% CI, 0.24-0.81], P=0.02). Clinical strokes were less common in closure patients compared with medically treated patients, 5 (1.3%) versus 12 (6.8%), P=0.001, while silent MRI infarcts were similar, 13 (3.4%) versus 7 (4.0%), P=0.81. There were no differences in number, volumes, and distribution of new infarct comparing closure patients to those treated with medication alone. There were also no differences of number, volumes, and distribution comparing silent infarcts to clinical strokes. Infarct burden was also similar for patients who developed atrial fibrillation and for those with large shunts.Conclusions: The REDUCE trial demonstrates that patent foramen ovale closure prevents recurrent brain infarction based on the objective outcome of new infarcts on MRI. Only clinical strokes were reduced by closure while silent infarctions were similar between study arms, and there were no differences in infarct volume or location comparing silent infarcts to clinical strokes.Registration: URL: https://www.clinicaltrials.gov; Unique identifier: NCT00738894.</p

    Brain extraction on MRI scans in presence of diffuse glioma: Multi-institutional performance evaluation of deep learning methods and robust modality-agnostic training

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    Brain extraction, or skull-stripping, is an essential pre-processing step in neuro-imaging that has a direct impact on the quality of all subsequent processing and analyses steps. It is also a key requirement in multi-institutional collaborations to comply with privacy-preserving regulations. Existing automated methods, including Deep Learning (DL) based methods that have obtained state-of-the-art results in recent years, have primarily targeted brain extraction without considering pathologically-affected brains. Accordingly, they perform sub-optimally when applied on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) brain scans with apparent pathologies such as brain tumors. Furthermore, existing methods focus on using only T1-weighted MRI scans, even though multi-parametric MRI (mpMRI) scans are routinely acquired for patients with suspected brain tumors. In this study, we present a comprehensive performance evaluation of recent deep learning architectures for brain extraction, training models on mpMRI scans of pathologically-affected brains, with a particular focus on seeking a practically-applicable, low computational footprint approach, generalizable across multiple institutions, further facilitating collaborations. We identified a large retrospective multi-institutional dataset of n=3340 mpMRI brain tumor scans, with manually-inspected and approved gold-standard segmentations, acquired during standard clinical practice under varying acquisition protocols, both from private institutional data and public (TCIA) collections. To facilitate optimal utilization of rich mpMRI data, we further introduce and evaluate a novel ‘‘modality-agnostic training’’ technique that can be applied using any available modality, without need for model retraining. Our results indicate that the modality-agnostic approach1 obtains accurate results, providing a generic and practical tool for brain extraction on scans with brain tumors

    A large annotated medical image dataset for the development and evaluation of segmentation algorithms

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    Semantic segmentation of medical images aims to associate a pixel with a label in a medical image without human initialization. The success of semantic segmentation algorithms is contingent on the availability of high-quality imaging data with corresponding labels provided by experts. We sought to create a large collection of annotated medical image datasets of various clinically relevant anatomies available under open source license to facilitate the development of semantic segmentation algorithms. Such a resource would allow: 1) objective assessment of general-purpose segmentation methods through comprehensive benchmarking and 2) open and free access to medical image data for any researcher interested in the problem domain. Through a multi-institutional effort, we generated a large, curated dataset representative of several highly variable segmentation tasks that was used in a crowd-sourced challenge - the Medical Segmentation Decathlon held during the 2018 Medical Image Computing and Computer Aided Interventions Conference in Granada, Spain. Here, we describe these ten labeled image datasets so that these data may be effectively reused by the research community

    The Medical Segmentation Decathlon

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    International challenges have become the de facto standard for comparative assessment of image analysis algorithms. Although segmentation is the most widely investigated medical image processing task, the various challenges have been organized to focus only on specific clinical tasks. We organized the Medical Segmentation Decathlon (MSD)—a biomedical image analysis challenge, in which algorithms compete in a multitude of both tasks and modalities to investigate the hypothesis that a method capable of performing well on multiple tasks will generalize well to a previously unseen task and potentially outperform a custom-designed solution. MSD results confirmed this hypothesis, moreover, MSD winner continued generalizing well to a wide range of other clinical problems for the next two years. Three main conclusions can be drawn from this study: (1) state-of-the-art image segmentation algorithms generalize well when retrained on unseen tasks; (2) consistent algorithmic performance across multiple tasks is a strong surrogate of algorithmic generalizability; (3) the training of accurate AI segmentation models is now commoditized to scientists that are not versed in AI model training

    Federated learning enables big data for rare cancer boundary detection

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    Although machine learning (ML) has shown promise across disciplines, out-of-sample generalizability is concerning. This is currently addressed by sharing multi-site data, but such centralization is challenging/infeasible to scale due to various limitations. Federated ML (FL) provides an alternative paradigm for accurate and generalizable ML, by only sharing numerical model updates. Here we present the largest FL study to-date, involving data from 71 sites across 6 continents, to generate an automatic tumor boundary detector for the rare disease of glioblastoma, reporting the largest such dataset in the literature (n = 6, 314). We demonstrate a 33% delineation improvement for the surgically targetable tumor, and 23% for the complete tumor extent, over a publicly trained model. We anticipate our study to: 1) enable more healthcare studies informed by large diverse data, ensuring meaningful results for rare diseases and underrepresented populations, 2) facilitate further analyses for glioblastoma by releasing our consensus model, and 3) demonstrate the FL effectiveness at such scale and task-complexity as a paradigm shift for multi-site collaborations, alleviating the need for data-sharing
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