1,004 research outputs found

    On Neighborhood Tree Search

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    We consider the neighborhood tree induced by alternating the use of different neighborhood structures within a local search descent. We investigate the issue of designing a search strategy operating at the neighborhood tree level by exploring different paths of the tree in a heuristic way. We show that allowing the search to 'backtrack' to a previously visited solution and resuming the iterative variable neighborhood descent by 'pruning' the already explored neighborhood branches leads to the design of effective and efficient search heuristics. We describe this idea by discussing its basic design components within a generic algorithmic scheme and we propose some simple and intuitive strategies to guide the search when traversing the neighborhood tree. We conduct a thorough experimental analysis of this approach by considering two different problem domains, namely, the Total Weighted Tardiness Problem (SMTWTP), and the more sophisticated Location Routing Problem (LRP). We show that independently of the considered domain, the approach is highly competitive. In particular, we show that using different branching and backtracking strategies when exploring the neighborhood tree allows us to achieve different trade-offs in terms of solution quality and computing cost.Comment: Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO'12) (2012

    On stochastic differential equations driven by the renormalized square of the Gaussian white noise

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    We investigate the properties of the Wick square of Gaussian white noises through a new method to perform non linear operations on Hida distributions. This method lays in between the Wick product interpretation and the usual definition of nonlinear functions. We prove on Ito-type formula and solve stochastic differential equations driven by the renormalized square of the Gaussian white noise. Our approach works with standard assumptions on the coefficients of the equations, Lipschitz continuity and linear growth condition, and produces existence and uniqueness results in the space where the noise lives. The linear case is studied in details and positivity of the solution is proved.Comment: 23 page


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    Local Maps: New Insights into Mobile Agent Algorithms

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    In this paper, we study the complexity of computing with mobile agents having small local knowledge. In particular, we show that the number of mobile agents and the amount of local information given initially to agents can significantly influence the time complexity of resolving a distributed problem. Our results are based on a generic scheme allowing to transform a message passing algorithm, running on an nn-node graph GG, into a mobile agent one. By generic, we mean that the scheme is independent of both the message passing algorithm and the graph GG. Our scheme, coupled with a well-chosen clustered representation of the graph, induces O~(1)ratiobetweenthetimecomplexityoftheobtainedmobileagentalgorithmandthetimecomplexityoftheoriginalmessagepassingcounterpart,whileusing\widetilde{O}(1) ratio between the time complexity of the obtained mobile agent algorithm and the time complexity of the original message passing counterpart, while using \widetilde{O}(n)mobileagents.Ifonly mobile agents. If only kagentsareallowed( agents are allowed (kisanintegerparameter),thenweshowthatthetimeratiois is an integer parameter), then we show that the time ratio is O(n/\sqrt{k}).Asaconsequence,weshowthatanygloballabelingfunctionof. As a consequence, we show that any global labeling function of Gcanbecomputedbyexactly can be computed by exactly nmobileagentsknowingtheir mobile agents knowing their n^{\epsilon}neighborhoodin-neighborhood in \widetilde{O}(D)time, time, Disthediameterofthegraphand is the diameter of the graph and \epsilonisanarbitrarysmallconstant.Weapplyourgenericresultsforthefundamentalproblemofcomputingaleader(resp.aBFStree)undertheadditionalrestrictionof is an arbitrary small constant. We apply our generic results for the fundamental problem of computing a leader (resp. a BFS tree) under the additional restriction of \widetilde{O}(1)(resp. (resp. \widetilde{O}(n))memorybitsperagent,andobtain) memory bits per agent, and obtain \widetilde{O}(D)$ time algorithms