8 research outputs found

    From Business Corpus to Business Lexicon*

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    <p>Abstract: Language corpora are now indispensable to dictionary compilation. They help broaden the role of the dictionary from standardizing the vocabulary to recording a language. The trilingual corpus generated by the Hong Kong Polytechnic University gives a record of business languages used in Hong Kong. It differs from other corpora in that (1) it includes English, Chinese and Japanese; (2) it shows local characteristics; and (3) it focuses on a specific area (financial services, including banking, accounting, auditing, insurance and investment). The paper discusses various issues of setting up a tricorpus, and how to make full use of the data to generate a trilingual lexicon.</p><p>Keywords: MULTILINGUAL, SPECIAL PURPOSE, CORPUS, LEXICON</p><p>Opsomming: Van sakekorpus tot sakeleksikon. Taalkorpora is tans onontbeerlik virdie samestelling van woordeboeke. Hulle help om die rol van die woordeboek uit te brei vanaf diestandaardisering van die woordeskat tot die optekening van 鈥榥 taal. Die drietalige korpus wat deurdie Hongkongse Politegniese Universiteit ontwikkel is, verskaf 鈥榥 opgawe van die saketale wat inHongkong gebruik word. Dit verskil van ander korpora deurdat (1) dit Engels, Chinees and Japaneesinsluit; (2) dit plaaslike eienskappe vertoon; en (3) dit op 'n spesifieke gebied (finansi毛le dienste,insluitende bankwese, rekeningkunde, ouditering, versekering en belegging) fokus. Die artikelbespreek verskillende aspekte van die totstandbrenging van 'n drietalige korpus, en hoe om vollegebruik te maak van die data om 'n drietalige leksikon te genereer.</p><p>Sleutelwoorde: MEERTALIG, SPESIALE DOEL, KORPUS, LEKSIKON</p&gt

    Business Metaphors in a Bilingual Business Lexicon*

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    <p>Abstract: General purpose dictionaries benefit users at large in many ways, but the definitions and examples might not satisfy the diverse needs of different professional users. This is especially true of metaphors. The article discusses the treatment of business metaphors in the PolyU Business Lexicon derived from the trilingual PolyU Business Corpus (PUBC). During the process the concordances are grouped by senses, and then separated according to their literal and metaphorical meanings, which in turn lead to the decisions of sense order, word meaning and translation equivalents. Since different cultures have different 'bags' of metaphors, and metaphorical meanings also vary in different registers, the focus is primarily on the differences between Chinese and English in terms of culture, psychology, language and how such differences can be translated and presented in a corpus-based business lexicon with a minimum loss of their original connotations. Cultural transformations, such as direct translation, image substitution, explanatory notes and abandonment of the figure of speech, are suggested to bridge interlanguage metaphorical gaps.</p><p>Keywords: METAPHOR, DEFINITION, TRANSLATION, CULTURAL DIFFERENCE</p><p>Opsomming: Sakemetafore in 'n tweetalige sakewoordeboek. Woordeboeke vir algemene doeleindes bevoordeel gewone gebruikers op baie maniere, maar die definisies en voorbeelde mag dalk nie die uiteenlopende behoeftes van verskillende professionele gebruikers bevredig nie. Dit is veral waar van metafore. Die artikel bespreek die behandeling van sakemetafore in die PolyU Business Lexicon gebaseer op die drietalige PolyU Business Corpus (PUBC). Gedurende die proses word die konkordansies deur betekenisse gegroepeer, en dan geskei volgens hul letterlike en metaforiese betekenisse, wat vervolgens lei tot die besluite oor betekenisorde, woordbetekenis, en vertaalsekwivalente. Aangesien verskillende kulture verskillende "sakke" metafore het, en metaforiese betekenisse ook varieer in verskillende registers, is die fokus prim?r op die verskille tussen Sjinees en Engels in terme van kultuur, psigologie, taal en hoe sulke verskille vertaal en aangebied kan word in 'n korpusgebaseerde sakewoordeboek met 'n minimum verlies aan hul oorspronklike konnotasies. Kulturele transformasies, soos direkte vertaling, beeldvervanging, verklarende aantekeninge en prysgewing van die stylfiguur, word voorgestel vir die oorbrugging van die tussentalige metaforiese gapings.</p><p>Sleutelwoorde: METAFOOR, DEFINISIE, VERTALING, KULTURELE VERSKIL</p&gt

    Commissive speech act use in intercultural business meetings

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    Strategic challenges in the development of teaching and learning in research-intensive universities

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    The chapter provides an introduction to the current challenges facing many research-intensive universities throughout the world. It is argued that issues related to teaching and learning are becoming more important as a way to improve competitiveness and institutional profiling in a more globalized higher education sector. However, fostering change in research-intensive universities is often dependent on careful design addressing the normative, practical and organizational factors that may prevent institutional transformation. In the conclusion, it is underlined that initiatives that aim at cultural transformation may be a fruitful way forward for institutions trying to enhance their teaching and learning in a more systematic way. 漏 2017 Palgrave Macmilla