14 research outputs found

    Impacts of Oxidative Stress and Antioxidants on Semen Functions

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    Oxidative stress (OS) has been considered a major contributory factor to the infertility. Oxidative stress is the result of imbalance between the reactive oxygen species (ROS) and antioxidants in the body which can lead to sperm damage, deformity, and eventually male infertility. Although high concentrations of the ROS cause sperm pathology (ATP depletion) leading to insufficient axonemal phosphorylation, lipid peroxidation, and loss of motility and viability but, many evidences demonstrate that low and controlled concentrations of these ROS play an important role in sperm physiological processes such as capacitation, acrosome reaction, and signaling processes to ensure fertilization. The supplementation of a cryopreservation extender with antioxidant has been shown to provide a cryoprotective effect on mammalian sperm quality. This paper reviews the impacts of oxidative stress and reactive oxygen species on spermatozoa functions, causes of ROS generation, and antioxidative strategies to reduce OS. In addition, we also highlight the emerging concept of utilizing OS as a tool of contraception

    Wild boars (Sus scrofa scrofa) seminiferous tubules morphometry

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    The aim of this data was to analyze morphology and function of the seminiferous tubule in adult wild boars. Testes removed by unilateral castration of five animals were used. The testicular parenchyma was composed by 82.1&plusmn;2.2% of seminiferous tubule and 17.9&plusmn;2.2% of intertubular tissue. The tubular diameter was 249.2&plusmn;33.0 &micro;m and the seminiferous tubule lenght per gram of testis was 19.3&plusmn;4.9m. The spermatogonial mitoses efficiency coefficient, meiotic index and spermatogenesis efficiency were 10.34, 2.71 and 30.5 respectively. Each Sertoli cell supported about 13 germinatives cells. The hystometric parameters studied were very similar to those related for domestic boars, however, the wild boars intrinsic efficiency of spermatogenesis and Sertoli cells indexes were smaller than in domestic boars.<br>Objetivou-se com esta pesquisa estudar as características morfométricas e funcionais dos túbulos seminíferos de javalis adultos. Utilizaram-se testículos de cinco animais submetidos a orquiectomia unilateral. O parênquima testicular foi composto por 82,1 &plusmn; 2,2% de túbulos seminíferos e 17,9 &plusmn; 2,2% de tecido intertubular. O diâmetro tubular foi de 249,2 &plusmn; 33,0&micro;m e o comprimento dos túbulos seminíferos por grama de testículo foi de 19,3 &plusmn; 4,9m. O coeficiente de eficiência das mitoses espermatogônias, o rendimento meiótico e o rendimento geral da espermatogênese foram, respectivamente, 10,34, 2,71 e 30,50. Cada célula de Sértoli suportou cerca de 13 células germinativas. Conclui-se que os parâmetros histométricos estudados nesta pesquisa foram muito semelhantes aos valores relatados para suínos domésticos, entretanto, o rendimento intrínseco da espermatogênese e os índices de células de Sértoli de javalis foram relativamente baixos quando comparados com aqueles animais