5 research outputs found

    Flat Foot in Children

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    Ravno stopalo je stopalo s većom dodirnom povrÅ”inom s podlogom zbog smanjenje visine ili potpune odsutnosti medijalnog svoda. Pedijatrijsko ravno stopalo se najčeŔće dijeli na patoloÅ”ko, kruto ravno stopalo i fizioloÅ”ko, fleksibilno ravno stopalo. PatoloÅ”ko spuÅ”teno stopalo pokazuje određeni stupanj ukočenosti i značajno ograničenje pokreta subtalarnog zgloba. Često uzrokuje poteÅ”koće i obično zahtijeva konzerativno ili kiruÅ”ko liječenje. FizioloÅ”ko fleksibilno ravno stopalo je pomično i mekano, predstavlja viÅ”e kozmetički nego funkcionalni problem. Ono čini āˆ¼95% slučajeva ravnih stopala u djece i pretežno je asimptomatsko. U asimptomatskih pacijenata, nema dokaza koji bi poduprli preventivnu ulogu uložaka, ortoza ili operacija s ciljem odgađanja ili uklanjanja eventualnih budućih simptoma. Rano postavljanje uložaka, koji podržavaju svod stopala ne utječe na njegovu visinu u kasnijoj dobi. TeÅ”ki oblici fleksibilnog ravnog stopala tijekom vremena mogu izazivati bolove i funkcionalne probleme i tada zahtijevaju liječenje. Općenita preporuka za prevenciju ravnog stopala je podržavanje prirodnih obrazaca kretanja u dojenačkoj dobi koji će omogućiti pravilan razvoj svodova te hodanje bez obuće i reguliranje tjelesne težine. Unatoč Å”irokoj rasprostranjenosti, u literaturu nema usuglaÅ”enih klasifikacija i smjernica za liječenje dječjeg ravnog stopala te je potrebno provesti daljnja istraživanja sa ciljem postavljanja univerzalnih smjernica za klasifikaciju, dijagnozu, prevenciju i liječenje ravnih stopala u djece.A flat foot is a foot with a larger contact area with the ground due to a reduction in height or the complete absence of a medial arch. Pediatric flat feet are most commonly divided into pathological, rigid flat feet and physiological, flexible flat feet. Pathologi-cally flat foot shows a certain degree of stiffness and significant limitation of movement of the subtalar joint. It often causes difficul-ties and usually requires treatment either conservatively or surgically. Physiologically flexible flat foot is movable and soft, and is more of a cosmetic than a functional problem. It accounts for āˆ¼95% of flat feet in children and is predominantly asymptomatic. In asymptomatic patients, there is no evidence to support the preventive role of insoles, orthoses, or surgery to delay or eliminate po-ssible future symptoms. Early placement of insoles, which support the arch of the foot does not affect its height at a later age. Severe forms of flexible flat feet can cause pain and functional problems over time and then require treatment. The general recommendation for the prevention of flat feet is to support natural patterns of movement in infancy that will allow proper development of the arches, walking without shoes and regulating body weight. Despite its wide distribution, there are no harmonized classifications and guide-lines for the treatment of childhood flat feet in the literature, and further research is needed to establish universal guidelines for the classification, diagnosis, prevention and treatment of flat feet in children


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    Porođajno oÅ”tećenje pleksusa brahijalisa (POPB) je neuromotorna fl akcidna paraliza ruke uzrokovana ozljedom jednog ili viÅ”e korijenova pleksusa brahijalisa (PB) tijekom poroda. Uočava se obično ubrzo nakon poroda. Incidencija POBP je između 0,5 i 4,4 na 1000 poroda. U većini slučajeva, oÅ”tećenja brahijalnog pleksusa (OPB) su prolazna i dolazi do spontanog, potpunog oporavka funkcije u prvim tjednima života. Kod neke djece (20 do 30 %) slabost ruke zaostaje i dovodi do živčano-miÅ”ićne disfunkcije i trajnog invaliditeta. U literaturi postoje razlike u klasifi kaciji, dijagnozi i liječenju ovog poremećaja. Variraju od autora do autora i zasnivaju se na različitim studijama. Zajednički cilj habilitacije je vratiti senzornu i motoričku kontrolu, održati i povećati opseg pokreta, povećati miÅ”ićnu snagu, potaknuti bilateralnu funkcionalnu aktivnost i spriječiti sekundarne komplikacije. Razlike nastaju u načinu ostvarivanja tih zadataka. Dva su osnovna oblika liječenja OBP: konzervativno i kirurÅ”ko. Konzervativno liječenje uključuje: intenzivnu kineziterapiju, koriÅ”tenje komplementarnih tehnika poput elektrostimulacije, termoterapije, hidrogimnastike, udlaga, injekcija botulin toksina, radne terapije. Rano konzervativno liječenje je glavna opcija u liječenju OBP. Pregledom literature smo primijetili da nema znanstvenih dokaza o nekim habilitacijskom tehnikama koje se koriste u konzervativnom liječenju. Koriste se u brojnim centrima, iako njihova djelotvornost nije dokazana. KirurÅ”ko liječenje OBP-a može biti primarno (neurokirurÅ”ko) i sekundarno (ortopedsko). Postoje razmimoilaženja u literaturi u pogledu potrebe neurokirurÅ”kog liječenju OBP-a kao i o dobi kada ga provesti. Svrha ovog istraživanja bila je učiniti pregled literature o klasifi kaciji, dijagnostičkoj obradi i habilitaciji POPB-a te odgovoriti na pitanja s kojima se susrećemo u svakodnevnom radu. Zbog neujednačenih stavova u literaturi, na osnovi dostupnih znanstvenih dokaza te osobnih kliničkih iskustava, izradili smo vlastite smjernice za klasifi kaciju, dijagnostiku, obradu i habilitaciju novorođenčadi i djece s OPB-om. Članovi Sekcije dječjih fi zijatara pri Hrvatskom druÅ”tvu za fi zikalnu i rehabilitacijsku medicinu na Kongresu fi zikalne i rehabilitacijske medicine u travnju 2022. u Å ibeniku usvojilii su ove smjernice (postupnik) za habilitaciju djece s porođajnim oÅ”tećenjem pleksusa brahijalisa.Brachial plexus birth palsy (BPBP) is a neuromotor fl accid paralysis caused by injury to one or more roots of the brachial plexus (BP) during childbirth. It is usually observed shortly after birth. The incidence of BPBP is between 0.5 to 4.4 per 1000 childbirths. Most cases of BPBP are transient and there is a spontaneous, complete recovery of function in the fi rst weeks of life. In some children (20% to 30%), arm weakness persists and leads to neuromuscular dysfunction and permanent disability. In the literature, there are still variations in the classifi cation, diagnosis and treatment of this disorder. They vary from author to author and are based on different studies. The common guideline for habilitation is to restore sensory and motor control, maintain and increase the range of motion, increase muscle strength, encourage bilateral functional activity, and prevent secondary complications. Differences can be seen in the way these tasks are accomplished. There are two basic forms of BPBP treatment, conservative and surgical. Conservative treatment includes intensive kinesitherapy, use of complementary techniques such as electrostimulation, thermotherapy, hydrogymnastics, use of splints, botulinum toxin injections, occupational therapy, etc. Early conservative treatment is the main option in the treatment of BPBP. By reviewing the literature, we noticed that there is no scientifi c evidence for some habilitation techniques used in conservative treatment. They are used in many centers, although their effectiveness has not been proven. Surgical treatment can be primary (neurosurgical) and secondary (orthopedic). There are disagreements in the literature regarding the need for neurosurgical treatment of PBPB and, if decided upon, the age at which it should be performed. The purpose of this research was to review the literature with the aim of assessing the available information on the classifi cation, diagnosis and habilitation prognosis. Due to uneven attitudes in the literature, based on the available scientifi c evidence and personal clinical experiences, we have created our own guidelines for the classifi cation, diagnosis, treatment and habilitation of newborns and children with BPBP. Members of the Section of Pediatric Physiatrists at the Croatian Society for Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine adopted these guidelines (procedure) for the habilitation of children with brachial plexus birth injury at the Congress of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine in April 2022 in Å ibenik

    Detection of Sarcopenia in Patients with Liver Cirrhosis Using the Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis

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    Bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) is a body composition assessment method. We aimed to determine its accuracy in the detection of sarcopenia in patients with liver cirrhosis (LC), using skeletal muscle index (SMI) at the level of third lumbar vertebra (L3-SMI) obtained using multislice computed tomography as the reference method. Patients with LC were enrolled in the period October 2019ā€“March 2022 and follow-ups were conducted until January 2023. Their BIA parameters were compared against L3-SMI, and BIA cut-off values were proposed using AUROC analysis. Patients underwent outcome analysis based on obtained clinical characteristics. A total of 106 patients were included. We found a fair correlation between BIA parameters with the L3-SMI. We determined cut-off values of ā‰¤11.1 kg/m2 for BIA-SMI (Se 73%, Sp 66%, AUROC 0.737, p < 0.001) and ā‰¤5.05Ā° for phase angle (PA) (Se 79%, Sp 60%, AUROC 0.762, p < 0.001) in the detection of sarcopenia. The relative risk of death was 2.2 times higher in patients with skeletal muscle mass (SMM) ā‰¤ 36.5 kg. SMM was significantly associated with outcome in Kaplanā€“Meier analysis. This non-invasive and simple method that showed fair performances and a very good outcome prediction could provide for the unmet need for fast and affordable detection of sarcopenia in patients with LC and should be further evaluated