3 research outputs found


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    Purpose. Experimental research into the physical model of the Earth’s core formation in the center of gas‑dust spiral vortex and numerical assessment of the physical conditions associated with the development of thermonuclear reactions in the Earth’s core. Methodology. Analysis of the main points of conventional conceptions, their principal merits and drawbacks which delineate their potential possibilities. Experimental studies implementing shock‑wave treatment of porous materials in cylindrical containers. Numerical assessment of the physical conditions that initiate thermonuclear reactions in the Earth’s core. Findings. It is extremely important to choose the model of the Earth formation with originally “light” core for several reasons. First, it provides a physically grounded mechanism of the thermonuclear heat source formation;second, the process of the Earth transition to equilibrium state inevitably creates conditions for mechanical, physical and chemical activity of elements in geospheres. Numerical assessment was performed to estimate the main conditions which are necessary for thermonuclear heating of the Earth’s central bulk – to determine the deuterium nuclei concentration and the respective temperatures. Originality. The authors suggested a model describing formation of the initially “light” core of the Earth. Experiments allowed studying some physical peculiarities of spiral vortices initiation and development. Regularities of change in plasma parameters, core temperature and thermonuclear energy release have been established in reference to the Earth’s age. Practical value. The obtained results will be useful for studying such important planetary geological phenomena as matter differentiation and formation of spheres inside the planet, as well as heat flow distribution in its bulk


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    Purpose. Study of the formation of an electrically conductive phase in carbonates using siderite as an example and determination of the temperature dependence of its formation and silicon content during simultaneous heating and the action of a weak electric field. Methodology. Analysis and generalization of the results of experimental studies. Physicochemical analytical studies have been performed using electron and optical microscopy, petrographic and X-ray phase analysis, thermogravimetric analysis and differential scanning calorimetry, and gas chromatography. Phase equilibria in the “iron oxides – carbon – carbon oxides” system have been evaluated using data on the standard change in the Gibbs energy Evaluation. Findings. Formation of electrically conductive phases in siderite has been studied. The dependence of new phase formation on heating and the magnitude of the electric field strength have been determined. The regularities of the change in threshold temperatures of phase transitions in samples of siderite and calcite containing silicon impurities have been established. Originality. Due to the thermally stimulated increase in the concentration of mobile charge carriers in intergranular space, the electric field of point charges takes the prominent part in the formation of the end product of chemical reactions. The additional effect of electric current on the increasing destabilization of chemical bonds between surface atoms leads to the formation and transport of ions, to a decrease in the energy barrier of nuclei formation of the electrically conductive phase near the active centres. The abrupt increase in electrical conductivity is due to the spontaneous formation of the nuclei of a new phase and the transition of ionic conductivity to a mixed one or an electronic one primarily. A composite semiconductor is formed as a result of electrothermal activation of siderite. This semiconductor consists of a matrix-semiconductor representing the initial mineral and is penetrated by parallel-oriented highconductivity threads. Practical value. Experimental results show that such processes occurring in rock are quite real under the conditions of the earth’s crust, and the physical values of thermodynamic quantities (factors of metamorphism) are sometimes overestimated significantly in the interpretation of various geological events


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    Purpose. To determine the change dependency of the potential energy of the chemical bond of a diatomic molecule on the value of the point charge and its distance to the bond using quantum mechanical calculation. Methodology. Numerical simulation of a quantum mechanical system consisting of a point charge and a diatomic molecule interacting with each other. Findings. The quantum-mechanical problem of the effect of an external Coulomb center on the chemical bond of diatomic molecules is solved. Originality. A quantum mechanical model of a physical system consisting of three interacting Coulomb centers (there is a chemical bond between two of them) is developed. The model makes it possible to understand the dynamics of the interaction of a molecule with an ion, the charge of which can be characterized by either integers or fractional numbers. The change in the energy of the chemical bond in the ion field depending on the distance to the bond and the magnitude of the charge is established. Practical value. The developed technique for calculating the energy of a chemical bond as a function of the magnitude of the electric charge was used in the development of the method for growing single crystals of metastable diamond, in calculating the limits of the chemical bond stability in metal azides, in developing the way of additional harmful gases formation during rock blasting and in calculating the stability of nanoscale hydrocarbon chains in coal, and others. The method can be used to decide on the catalyst and control the catalytic reactions