27 research outputs found

    Problems of development of halal tourism in Russia

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    The paper considers the peculiarities of the development of halal tourism in Russia. It reveals the history, basic requirements, problems and development prospects of the tourism destinations. We used analytical, synthetic, and statistical methods for writing the paper. The potential of the international market of Halal products is growing along with the growth of the Islamic population and the spread of Islamic tradition, and it has great prospects. Therefore, the particular attention was paid to the analysis of the demographic development of the Muslims, which gives reason to talk about high dynamics of population growth in Islamic countries as a whole. The situation with tourists "exchange" between Muslim countries and Russia is unfavorable today. Citizens of Muslim countries are rather passive in terms of international tourism, which complicates the spread of halal-tourism, on the other hand the consumption of this product is growing among the population of non-Muslim countries. Halal industry is relatively recent phenomenon in the Russian Federation, and this determines the fact that the field of knowledge is poorly studied in scientific terms. The conceptual apparatus continues to take shape. Despite the fact that Russia has Muslim regions in its territory, currently the huge potential of halal tourism destinations is just beginning to develop, and its dynamic growth may require long time. The paper highlights largest countries-producers and consumers of such goods. It also considers the issues of Islamic banking. Measures for the development of Islamic economics are analyzed including purposeful activity of the Tatarstan authorities since it is one of the most economically developed regions in Russian. Furthermore, over than half of its population are Muslims

    Automated test system of diesel engines based on fuzzy neural network

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    © Medwell Journals, 2014. This study deals with the method for controlling a test stand of diesel engines based on fuzzy neural network. Structure and training algorithm have been proposed for a fuzzy neural network to control a diesel engine during testing. A knowledge base structure has been proposed. Fuzzy rules have been described to control a diesel engine. Techniques and algorithms have been realized in the form of a computer program. The effectiveness of the proposed automated diesel engine test system has been analyzed

    Использование информационных технологий и инфраструктур для агрегации научной информации. Опыт Канады, Нидерландов, Германии

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    In the paper we focus on the experience of some Networked Readness Index (NRI) leading countries. We are interested in their actions aimed at creating and using e-infrastructures and IT for the research data aggregation. As far as quite many of NRI leaders are EU countries, we also take into account EU approaches to the task mentioned. We study some steering papers and some particular IT-projects in the field as well. As a result of the analysis we ascertain that some approaches in different countries have much in common. All of the countries examined acknowledge the problem of e-infrastructures for research data storage and processing to be vital. The countries work hard in order to build and integrate it with the others. We can clearly see some differences caused by traditions and authorities. Sometimes we even could estimate the level of success of a particular country on the way to the problem solution. We also indicate some common elements for all e-infrastructures for research data storage and processing.В работе анализируется опыт создания и использования информационных технологий и инфраструктур для агрегации научной информации в трех странах-лидерах мирового ИТ-рейтинга «Индекс сетевой готовности», а также опыт Европейского Союза в целом. Изучались как руководящие и аналитические документы, так и конкретные действующие проекты в рассматриваемой предметной области. Проведенное исследование позволяет выделить как характерные общие черты в подходах, в понимании актуальности и необходимости решения задачи создания национальных инфраструктур хранения и обработки данных научных исследований и их объединения, так и заметные организационные различия, основанные на принятых в каждой конкретной стране механизмах (традициях) и органах управления, а также оценить уровень продвижения в решении поставленных задач. Были также указаны общие основные элементы построения всех инфраструктур хранения и обработки данных научных исследований

    Problems of development of halal tourism in Russia

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    The paper considers the peculiarities of the development of halal tourism in Russia. It reveals the history, basic requirements, problems and development prospects of the tourism destinations. We used analytical, synthetic, and statistical methods for writing the paper. The potential of the international market of Halal products is growing along with the growth of the Islamic population and the spread of Islamic tradition, and it has great prospects. Therefore, the particular attention was paid to the analysis of the demographic development of the Muslims, which gives reason to talk about high dynamics of population growth in Islamic countries as a whole. The situation with tourists "exchange" between Muslim countries and Russia is unfavorable today. Citizens of Muslim countries are rather passive in terms of international tourism, which complicates the spread of halal-tourism, on the other hand the consumption of this product is growing among the population of non-Muslim countries. Halal industry is relatively recent phenomenon in the Russian Federation, and this determines the fact that the field of knowledge is poorly studied in scientific terms. The conceptual apparatus continues to take shape. Despite the fact that Russia has Muslim regions in its territory, currently the huge potential of halal tourism destinations is just beginning to develop, and its dynamic growth may require long time. The paper highlights largest countries-producers and consumers of such goods. It also considers the issues of Islamic banking. Measures for the development of Islamic economics are analyzed including purposeful activity of the Tatarstan authorities since it is one of the most economically developed regions in Russian. Furthermore, over than half of its population are Muslims

    Problems of development of halal tourism in Russia

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    The paper considers the peculiarities of the development of halal tourism in Russia. It reveals the history, basic requirements, problems and development prospects of the tourism destinations. We used analytical, synthetic, and statistical methods for writing the paper. The potential of the international market of Halal products is growing along with the growth of the Islamic population and the spread of Islamic tradition, and it has great prospects. Therefore, the particular attention was paid to the analysis of the demographic development of the Muslims, which gives reason to talk about high dynamics of population growth in Islamic countries as a whole. The situation with tourists "exchange" between Muslim countries and Russia is unfavorable today. Citizens of Muslim countries are rather passive in terms of international tourism, which complicates the spread of halal-tourism, on the other hand the consumption of this product is growing among the population of non-Muslim countries. Halal industry is relatively recent phenomenon in the Russian Federation, and this determines the fact that the field of knowledge is poorly studied in scientific terms. The conceptual apparatus continues to take shape. Despite the fact that Russia has Muslim regions in its territory, currently the huge potential of halal tourism destinations is just beginning to develop, and its dynamic growth may require long time. The paper highlights largest countries-producers and consumers of such goods. It also considers the issues of Islamic banking. Measures for the development of Islamic economics are analyzed including purposeful activity of the Tatarstan authorities since it is one of the most economically developed regions in Russian. Furthermore, over than half of its population are Muslims

    Problems of development of halal tourism in Russia

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    The paper considers the peculiarities of the development of halal tourism in Russia. It reveals the history, basic requirements, problems and development prospects of the tourism destinations. We used analytical, synthetic, and statistical methods for writing the paper. The potential of the international market of Halal products is growing along with the growth of the Islamic population and the spread of Islamic tradition, and it has great prospects. Therefore, the particular attention was paid to the analysis of the demographic development of the Muslims, which gives reason to talk about high dynamics of population growth in Islamic countries as a whole. The situation with tourists "exchange" between Muslim countries and Russia is unfavorable today. Citizens of Muslim countries are rather passive in terms of international tourism, which complicates the spread of halal-tourism, on the other hand the consumption of this product is growing among the population of non-Muslim countries. Halal industry is relatively recent phenomenon in the Russian Federation, and this determines the fact that the field of knowledge is poorly studied in scientific terms. The conceptual apparatus continues to take shape. Despite the fact that Russia has Muslim regions in its territory, currently the huge potential of halal tourism destinations is just beginning to develop, and its dynamic growth may require long time. The paper highlights largest countries-producers and consumers of such goods. It also considers the issues of Islamic banking. Measures for the development of Islamic economics are analyzed including purposeful activity of the Tatarstan authorities since it is one of the most economically developed regions in Russian. Furthermore, over than half of its population are Muslims


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    We present a clinical observation of a pathological fracture of the spine in a patient with ankylosing spondylitis (Bechterew's disease). The results of a comprehensive radiological assessment (X-ray, multidetector computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging), which enabled the differential diagnosis with a tumor and inflammatory processes and to determine a management strategy

    Desarrollo en la sombra de la violencia : agenda de conocimiento para políticas; informe sobre la dirección a futuro de la inversión en evidencia en problemas de fragilidad, seguridad y conflicto, Ginebra, 22 de septiembre de 2011

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    Versión inglés en la biblioteca: Development in the shadow of violence : a knowledge agenda for policy; report on the Future Direction of Investment in Evidence on Issues of Fragility, Security and Conflict Geneva, September 22, 2011Versión francés en la biblioteca: Développement à l'ombre de la violence : un programme de connaissances pour l'action; l'orientation future des investissements en recherche sur les questions de fragilité, conflit, et sécurité, Genève, le 22 Septembre, 2011Ciclos recurrentes de violencia acosan y definen a los estados frágiles y la violencia alimenta su subdesarrollo crónico. Las tasas de pobreza en los países empobrecidos que sufren de violencia son, en promedio, 20 puntos más altas que las de sus contrapartes pobres donde prevalece la paz. El trabajo realizado en el tema de conflictos en el pasado a menudo buscaba una explicación simple, una causa única (etnia, “avaricia”, etc.), con su respectiva bala mágica para resolver el problema de la fragilidad. Ahora sabemos con certeza que las causas de los conflictos son múltiples y complejas y que generalmente ocurren en combinación. Sabemos que es difícil, pero no imposible sostener una salida del conflicto; que los arreglos políticos incluyentes son importantes para la paz; que es vital para el éxito la confianza que se logre en los arreglos políticos y en instituciones reformadas. También sabemos que esto toma tiempo, con frecuencia medido en décadas. A pesar de la complejidad de las causas, el razonamiento general que subyace a los conflictos es sencillo: para decirlo de un modo simple, la violencia ocurre en contextos donde no existen alternativas institucionales a la violencia o si las hay son débiles. Instituciones débiles combinadas con una gama de motivaciones políticas, económicas y de seguridad (y presiones externas) crean las condiciones para el conflicto y la violencia..