50 research outputs found

    Financial Performance of New Private Sector Banks in India: An In-depth Study

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    The economic development of any country largely rests on banks. Hence, only the effective banking system could contribute to the process of growth in a positive way. Private banking activities have been in existence since past in the form of money lending and these are the foundation of economic manifestation of the country. But at some point of time, due to crisis and lack of coordination between banking policy and proper control of the authority, the growth of the banking system was almost obstructed. Globalization was another positive step which brought transformation in the then banking system. Especially, there were significant changes in the prevalent products and services of the banks which the customers avail themselves of and in consequence, the banking sector witnessed noteworthy change. In response to the recommendation of the Narasimham Committee, in July 1991 the RBI, 8 banks are set up after fulfilling the formalities, which are known as ā€˜New Private Sector Banksā€™ The present study is made to find out the overall performance of the new private sector banks in respect to profit margins and factor responsible for it. Keywords: New Private Sector Banks, Profitability, Factor Analysis, Post Reform Period

    Empowerment: a Necessary Attribute of a Learning Organization?

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    Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to study the role of empowerment in a learning organization. This research tries to explore whether empowerment is a necessary attribute for organizations to enhance their learning capability or not. It attempts to address two fundamental questions:ā€¢ What is the role of empowerment in an organizationā€™s learning capability?ā€¢ Is empowerment an essential attribute of a learning organization?Methodology: The study adopted a mixed method of research design, which includes both qualitative and quantitative methods of data collection and analysis. The quantitative survey comprised of two questionnaires was used to survey 213 executives from various IT organizations. Interviews were also conducted with executives of two case organizations where in-depth study was conducted. Qualitative data was analyzed using the grounded theory methodology.Findings: The findings indicate that only the decision making dimension of empowerment has emerged as a significant predictor of organizational learning, not the power sharing and people valuing dimensions. Further, no difference is observed in high and low learning organizations on their empowerment pattern.Research Limitations/Implications: The sample organizations were from one geographical location (National Capital Region) of India and the study was conducted in the IT sector only. Future studies may investigate this further in different regions and sectors

    A conceptual framework on health professionals' engagement towards pharmacovigilance: a qualitative exploration

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    Background: With the growing reliance on drug therapy in the recent era, the safety of medications is one of the vital parameters for the success of any medicine. Considering this, pharmacovigilance (PV) was developed to provide adequate identification, reporting, evaluation, and understanding of adverse drug reactions (ADR). The objective of this study was to understand the opinion of health care providers on PV, the current reporting mechanisms, identifying the causes for underreporting, and the existing process in clinical practice.Methods: A qualitative study using pretested interview guide was conducted among 20 different cadres of healthcare personnel (doctors, pharmacists, and staff nurses) from various hospitals such as government, private, corporate, and medical college of Odisha state. The data were analysed using a thematic analysis. The meaning units have been identified from the transcript and coded with MAXQDA software (MAXQDA Analytics Pro 2020, VERBI GmbH Berlin).Results: Participants showed a lack of awareness regarding the concept of PV. A cluster of challenges such as lack of ADR monitoring, non-conducive work atmosphere and lack of cooperation between staff, lack of knowledge among the health professionals, and fear of legal liability as major pitfalls causing poor ADR reporting. To enhance the pharmacovigilance practice, participants suggested context-specific strategies such as IEC activities, innovative ideas to improve ADR monitoring, regular monitoring.Conclusions: Capacity building through training, regular monitoring and supervision to strengthen the pharmacovigilance practices is the current need in India

    Evaluation of serum adenosine deaminase activity and autoantibodies in systemic lupus erythematosus

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    Introduction: Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a complex autoimmune disease with no single specific and sensitive test available for its diagnosis. Adenosine deaminase (ADA) is an enzyme that can act as an indicator of cellular immunity reflecting the extent of inflammation. The aim of this study was to investigate the role of serum adenosine deaminase activity and its association with antinuclear antibodies (ANA) and anti-dsDNA (anti-double stranded deoxyribonucleic acid) in SLE patients.Material and methods: In this study, we included 36 diagnosed case of SLE as per the American Rheumatology Association (ARA) criteria and 30 healthy control. Serum ADA activity was measured by a spectrophotometric technique based on Giusti and Gallanti. ANA and Anti ds-DNA were measured by indirect Enzyme-Linked Immune Sorbent Assay (ELISA). Normal values of serum ADA activity, ANA and anti ds-DNA was < 25 IU/L, < 10 U/mL and < 25 IU/mL respectively.Results: The mean ADA activity (37.03 Ā± 13.03 IU/L) in SLE patients was higher as compared to control (18.23 Ā± 10.12 IU/L), and the difference was statistically significant (p < 0.001). Median values of ANA and anti-dsDNA in SLE patients was 16.9 (8.5, 42.8) and 24.7 (20.5, 45.0) respectively. Serum ANA was positive in 25 out of 36 cases, anti-dsDNA was positive in 17 out of 36 cases and ADA was positive in 29 out of 36 cases. We observed a weak positive correlation between ANA and anti-dsDNA (r = 0.46, p = 0.005), whereas a moderate correlation between ANA and ADA (r = 0.525, p = 0.001) in SLE patients.Conclusion: Serum ADA was significantly higher in SLE patients as compared to control and more specific than autoantibodies. Determination of ADA activity is a reliable, cost-effective, and easy test that can be used as an alternative parameter for diagnosing and evaluating disease activity in SLE patients

    ā€˜The broker also told me that I will not have problems after selling because we have two and we can survive on one kidneyā€™: findings from an ethnographic study of a village with one kidney in Central Nepal

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    Kidney selling is a global phenomenon engraved by poverty and governance in low-income countries with the higher-income countries functioning as recipients and the lower-income countries as donors. Over the years, an increasing number of residents in a village near the capital city of Nepal have sold their kidneys. This study aims to explore the drivers of kidney selling and its consequences using ethnographic methods and multi-stakeholder consultations. An ethnographic approach was used in which the researcher lived and observed the residentsā€™ life and carried out formal and informal interactions including in-depth interviews with key informants, community members and kidney sellers in Hokse village, Kavrepalanchok district. Participants in the village were interacted by researchers who resided in the village. In addition, remote interviews were conducted with multiple relevant stakeholders at various levels that included legal workers, government officers, non-government organization (NGO) workers, medical professionals, and policymaker. All formal interviews were audio-recorded for transcription in addition to field notes and underwent thematic analysis. The study identified processes, mechanisms, and drivers of kidney selling. Historically, diversion of a major highway from the village to another village was found to impact the livelihood, economy and access to the urban centres, ultimately increasing poverty and vulnerability for kidney selling. Existing and augmented deprivation of employment opportunities were shown to foster emigration of villagers to India, where they ultimately succumbed to brokers associated with kidney selling. Population in the village also maintained social cohesion through commune living, social conformity (that had a high impact on decision making), including behaviours that deepened their poverty. Behaviours such as alcoholism, trusting and following brokers based on the persuasion and decision of their peers, relatives, and neighbours who became the new member of the kidney brokerage also contributed to kidney selling. The other reasons that may have influenced high kidney selling were perceived to be a poor level of education, high demands of kidneys in the market and an easy source of cash through selling. In Hokse village, kidney selling stemmed from the interaction between the brokers and community membersā€™ vulnerability (poverty and ignorance), mainly as the brokers raised false hopes of palliating the vulnerability. The decision-making of the villagers was influenced heavily by fellow kidney sellers, some of whom later joined the network of kidney brokers. Although sustained support in livelihood, development, and education are essential, an expanding network and influence of kidney brokers require urgent restrictive actions by the legal authority

    Capacity building among frontline health workers (FHWs) in screening for cardiovascular diseases (CVDs): Findings of an implementation study from Bihar, India

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    Background: Community-based screening is one of the key preventive strategies to tackle the ever-rising burden of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) under the National Programme for Prevention & Control of Cancer, Diabetes, Cardiovascular Diseases and Stroke (NPCDCS). Objective: The current study was aimed to build capacity among frontline health workers (FHWs) in screening for cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) under NPCDCS in the selected districts of Bihar state. Methodology: This was an implementation study with follow-up components, conducted among 75 FHWs [14 auxiliary nurse midwives (ANMs) and 61 accredited social health activists (ASHAs)] from 15 primary healthcare facilities across four districts of Bihar state from October 2019 to September 2021. The selected FHWs were initially trained on NPCDCS for a day, including pre- and post-training knowledge assessment. Then, supportive supervision (SS) visits using a predesigned questionnaire were done. Results: The pre- and post-training mean knowledge scores of the FHWs were 12.9 and 22.1, respectively, with an overall effect size of 2.5. During SS visits, only 20.0% of the visited primary healthcare facilities had all the required logistics to conduct weekly NCD screening clinics for CVDs. Considering different measurements and operative skill proficiencies of FHWs, waist circumference skills (41.7% for ANMs and 50.8% for ASHAs), followed by blood pressure (BP) (41.7%) and random blood sugar (RBS) measurement (25.0%), were found to be the most deficient skills (among ANMs). Moreover, the quality of initial and follow-up home visits was found to be satisfactory for only 54.1% of the ASHAs. The reported barriers of NCD screening were reported to be non-cooperation, unawareness among community dwellers, lack of knowledge and skill of FHWs, logistic constraints and delayed honorarium credit. Conclusion: One-day training on NCDs for FHWs was quite effective. However, for translating all the desired skills for CVD screening into action, periodic training needs assessment, and SS of FHWs might be fruitful

    Promjene srčanih biomarkera i ublažavanje simptoma trovanja arsenom u bijelih pataka pasmine pekinÅ”ka patka nakon upotrebe đumbira

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    Cardiotoxicity is an imperative issue in the assessment of heavy metal consumption and inorganic arsenic (As). These have a cardiotoxic effect which is evaluated by biochemical, and oxidative-antioxidant tests, and by the Nrf2- HO-1 pathway. Dried ginger powder is recognized for its efficient antioxidant activities and as a protector of the cardiovascular system from toxic damage caused by heavy metals. However, the possible function of ginger against As in heart via heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1) and nuclear factor erythroid 2-related factor (Nrf2) is unclear. A total of 120 White Pekin ducks were randomly distributed into groups comprising 24 birds in each. Each group comprised 3 replicates having 8 birds in each replicate. The time period of this study was 90 days. The groups were the control [Group I] whereas groups II to IV were fed a basal diet including arsenic at 28 mg/L. Dried ginger powder as an ameliorative agent was mixed with the basal diet and fed at 0.1, 0.3 and 1 g/kg feed to groups III, IV and V, respectively. In the current experiment, dried ginger powder decreased As-induced reactive oxygen species (ROSs) production, oxidative injury and pathological modifications. In addition, cardiac dysfunction factors, intracellular calcium (Ca2+), As accumulation and cAMP deficiency levels were noticed in ducks; these alternations were attenuated by ginger. Furthermore, ginger significantly altered the down regulation of both HO-1 and Nrf2 gene expressions caused by As. Thus, the proven protective role of ginger against As-induced cardiotoxicity may be a consequence of the maintenance of redox homeostasis, i.e. the Nrf2-HO-1 pathway and by enabling As efflux.Kardiotoksičnost je vrlo važna u procjeni problema koji nastaju konzumacijom teÅ”kih metala. Anorganski arsen (As) ima kardiotoksičan učinak koji se procjenjuje na temelju biokemijskih, oksidacijsko-antioksidacijskih nalaza te na temelju puta Nrf2-HO-1. SuÅ”eni đumbirov prah poznat je po svojoj učinkovitoj antioksidacijskoj aktivnosti i zaÅ”titnom djelovanju u slučaju intoksikacije kardiovaskularnog sustava teÅ”kim metalima. Nejasna je međutim uloga đumbira u odnosu na arsen u srčanom miÅ”iću putem hem-oksigenaze 1 (HO-1) i faktora 2 povezanog s nuklearnim eritroidnim faktorom. Ukupno je 120 bijelih pataka pasmine pekinÅ”ka patka nasumično podijeljeno u skupine koje su sadržavale po 24 jedinke. U svakoj skupini provedena su 3 ponovljena postupka (replikacije) na po 8 jedinki. Ukupno je vrijeme istraživanja bilo 90 dana. Skupina I bila je kontrolna skupina koja nije primila ni arsen ni đumbir. Pokusnim skupinama od II do V je, uz osnovnu prehranu, u različitim kombinacijama dodavan arsen u dozi od 28mg/L i suÅ”eni đumbirov prah u dozama od 0,1g/kg 0,3g/kg i 1 g/kg. Rezultati su pokazali da je suÅ”eni đumbirov prah smanjio prisutnost reaktivnih vrsta kisika (ROS) uzrokovanu arsenom, oksidacijsko oÅ”tećenje i patoloÅ”ke promjene. Osim toga uočene promjene, kao Å”to su su faktori srčane disfunkcije, unutarstanični kalcij (Ca2+), nakupljanje arsena i deficijencija razine cAMP-a, ublažene su đumbirovim prahom. Đumbir je, nadalje, znakovito utjecao na smanjenje genske ekspresije i HO-1 i Nrf2 uzrokovane arsenom. Zaključeno je da bi zaÅ”titna uloga đumbira u slučaju kardiotoksičnosti uzrokovane arsenom mogla biti posljedica održavanja redoks homeostaze, odnosno puta Nrf2-HO-1 i omogućavanja eliminacije arsena

    Biochemical, Antimicrobial, and Antioxidant activities of some wild Mushrooms from Nepal

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    Wild mushrooms represent a crucial dietary staple for many tribal groups throughout the world since they consist of a significant source of bioactive constituents such as phenolic compounds, tocopherol, and act as anti-cancer, anti-allergic, anti-obesity, anti-inflammatory compounds, etc. Wild mushrooms including Scleroderma citrinum, Heterobasidion annosum, Coriolus hirsutus, Cavimalum indicum, Russula sanguinea, and Suillus punctatipes were studied to evaluate their phytochemical constituents, antimicrobial activity, antioxidant activity, toxicity and its importance as a source of food along with safety concerns. Initially, the total flavonoid content (TFC), total phenolic content (TPC), and total tannin content (TTC) along with antioxidant, and antimicrobial activity were assessed using ethanolic extracts of fungus. Furthermore, a Brine shrimp bioassay was performed, the correlation of which with antioxidant activity, TPC, TFC, TTC, and lethal concentration (LC50) value was shown by principal component analysis (PCA). Secondary metabolites like glucosides, flavonoids, polyphenols, alkaloids, terpenoids, saponins, and quinones were identified using phytochemical investigations. The TPC ranged from 45.98 to 102.3 mg GAE/g for the extracts, TFC from 100 to 225 mg QE/g, and the TTC was found to vary between 80 to 180 mg GAE/g. The findings of the antioxidant studies demonstrated that S. punctatipes exhibited the highest antioxidant activity (IC50 = 16.95 Āµg/mL), followed by C. indicum (IC50 = 22.5 Āµg/mL), and C. hirsutus (IC50 = 35.34 Āµg/mL). Likewise, S. punctatipes exhibited strong antimicrobial activity as compared to other extracts. The larvicidal efficacy against brine shrimp tests revealed that three mushrooms; C. hirsutus, C. indicum, and S. punctatipesā€”contain highly toxic substances while the other three are non-toxic and when properly examined can be consumed to some extent

    Biochemical, Antimicrobial, and Antioxidant activities of some wild Mushrooms from Nepal

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    Wild mushrooms represent a crucial dietary staple for many tribal groups throughout the world since they consist of a significant source of bioactive constituents such as phenolic compounds, tocopherol, and act as anti-cancer, anti-allergic, anti-obesity, anti-inflammatory compounds, etc. Wild mushrooms including Scleroderma citrinum, Heterobasidion annosum, Coriolus hirsutus, Cavimalum indicum, Russula sanguinea, and Suillus punctatipes were studied to evaluate their phytochemical constituents, antimicrobial activity, antioxidant activity, toxicity and its importance as a source of food along with safety concerns. Initially, the total flavonoid content (TFC), total phenolic content (TPC), and total tannin content (TTC) along with antioxidant, and antimicrobial activity were assessed using ethanolic extracts of fungus. Furthermore, a Brine shrimp bioassay was performed, the correlation of which with antioxidant activity, TPC, TFC, TTC, and lethal concentration (LC50) value was shown by principal component analysis (PCA). Secondary metabolites like glucosides, flavonoids, polyphenols, alkaloids, terpenoids, saponins, and quinones were identified using phytochemical investigations. The TPC ranged from 45.98 to 102.3 mg GAE/g for the extracts, TFC from 100 to 225 mg QE/g, and the TTC was found to vary between 80 to 180 mg GAE/g. The findings of the antioxidant studies demonstrated that S. punctatipes exhibited the highest antioxidant activity (IC50 = 16.95 Āµg/mL), followed by C. indicum (IC50 = 22.5 Āµg/mL), and C. hirsutus (IC50 = 35.34 Āµg/mL). Likewise, S. punctatipes exhibited strong antimicrobial activity as compared to other extracts. The larvicidal efficacy against brine shrimp tests revealed that three mushrooms; C. hirsutus, C. indicum, and S. punctatipesā€”contain highly toxic substances while the other three are non-toxic and when properly examined can be consumed to some extent

    Prevalence of stunting among under-five children in refugee and internally displaced communities: a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    BackgroundA pooled estimate of stunting prevalence in refugee and internally displaced under-five children can help quantify the problem and focus on the nutritional needs of these marginalized groups. We aimed to assess the pooled prevalence of stunting in refugees and internally displaced under-five children from different parts of the globe.MethodsIn this systematic review and meta-analysis, seven databases (Cochrane, EBSCOHost, EMBASE, ProQuest, PubMed, Scopus, and Web of Science) along with ā€œpreprint serversā€ were searched systematically from the earliest available date to 14 February 2023. Refugee and internally displaced (IDP) under-five children were included, and study quality was assessed using ā€œNational Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI)ā€ tools.ResultsA total of 776 abstracts (PubMed = 208, Scopus = 192, Cochrane = 1, Web of Science = 27, Embase = 8, EBSCOHost = 123, ProQuest = 5, Google Scholar = 209, and Preprints = 3) were retrieved, duplicates removed, and screened, among which 30 studies were found eligible for qualitative and quantitative synthesis. The pooled prevalence of stunting was 26% [95% confidence interval (CI): 21ā€“31]. Heterogeneity was high (I2 = 99%, p < 0.01). A subgroup analysis of the type of study subjects revealed a pooled stunting prevalence of 37% (95% CI: 23ā€“53) in internally displaced populations and 22% (95% CI: 18ā€“28) among refugee children. Based on geographical distribution, the stunting was 32% (95% CI: 24ā€“40) in the African region, 34% (95% CI: 24ā€“46) in the South-East Asian region, and 14% (95% CI: 11ā€“19) in Eastern Mediterranean region.ConclusionThe stunting rate is more in the internally displaced population than the refugee population and more in the South-East Asian and African regions. Our recommendation is to conduct further research to evaluate the determinants of undernutrition among under-five children of refugees and internally displaced populations from different regions so that international organizations and responsible stakeholders of that region can take effective remedial actions.Systematic review registrationhttps://www.crd.york.ac.uk/prospero/display_record.php?RecordID=387156, PROSPERO [CRD42023387156]