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    Overlap Analysis in The Conversation of "The Graham Norton Show"

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    PRIA BIJAKSANA, A320090314, OVERLAP ANALYSIS IN THE CONVERSATION OF “THE GRAHAM NORTON SHOW”. research paper. School of Teacher Training and Education. Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta. 2020. Advisor: Dr. Malikatul Lila, M.Hum. In a communication, the speakers or the listeners make something we call turn taking. Turn taking is the time for the speaker taking the turn or past the floor in conversation. They make some overlapping, self initiations or back channels. Overlapping is the condition where a speaker speaks equal or at the same time to the other speaker. Overlapping is a really unique condition because they never know when overlapp hapenned.In this research, the writer finds the types of overlapping happen among the speakers in “Graham Norton Show”. Those types of overlaps are: (1) terminal Overlap; (2)Continuers; (3) Conditional acces to the turn; and (4) Chordal or Choral. Beside that, the writer finds the reasons of overlap happen in this research. they are: (1) Asking for help; (2) Breaking up; (3) completing; (4) correcting; (5) Disagreeing; (6) seeking clarification; and (7) showing agreement.Based on the research, the writer finds that the type of overlap most often found is chordal or choral. And for the reason most ofen found is breaking up