2,863 research outputs found

    On The Expected Photon Spectrum in B -> X_s + gamma and Its Uses

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    Measuring the photon energy spectrum in radiative B decays provides essential help for gaining theoretical control over semileptonic B transitions. The hadronic recoil mass distribution in B -> X_u \ell\nu promises the best environment for determining |V_ub|. The theoretical uncertainties are largest in the domain of low values of the lepton pair mass q^2. Universality relations allow to describe this domain reliably in terms of the photon spectrum in B -> X_s + \gamma. A method is proposed to incorporate 1/m_b corrections into this relation. The low-E_\gamma tail in radiative decays is important in the context of extracting |V_ub|. We argue that CLEO's recent fit to the spectrum underestimates the fraction of the photon spectrum below 2 GeV. Potentially significant uncertainties enter in the theoretical evaluation of the integrated end-point lepton spectrum or the B -> X_u \ell\nu width with a too high value of the lower cut on q^2 in alternative approaches to |V_ub|.Comment: 24 pages, 6 figures, LaTeX. Revised: Complete version. Numerical predictions are improved and the estimate for the decay fraction revised. The theoretical expectations for the decay fraction and the spectrum itself are given on the plot

    The Two Roads to "Intrinsic Charm" in B Decays

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    We describe two complementary ways to show the presence of higher order effects in the 1/m_Q expansion for inclusive B decays that have been dubbed "Intrinsic Charm". Apart from the lessons they can teach us about QCD's nonperturbative dynamics their consideration is relevant for precise extractions of |V_{cb}|: for they complement the estimate of the potential impact of 1/m_Q^4 contributions. We draw semiquantitative conclusions for the expected scale of Weak Annihilation in semileptonic B decays, both for its valence and non-valence components.Comment: 17 pages, 3 figure

    Bloch-Nordsieck cancellations beyond logarithms in heavy particle decays

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    We investigate the one-loop radiative corrections to the semileptonic decay of a charged particle at finite gauge boson mass. Extending the Bloch-Nordsieck cancellation of infrared logarithms, the subsequent non-analytic terms are also found to vanish after eliminating the pole mass in favor of a mass defined at short distances. This observation justifies the operator product expansion for inclusive decays of heavy mesons and implies that infrared effects associated with the summation of the radiative corrections are suppressed by at least three powers of the mass of the heavy decaying particle.Comment: LATEX, 7 pages, one figure appended as uu-encoded ps-file, MPI-PhT/94-1

    Experimental limits on New Physics from charm decay

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    Recent measurements in the charm sector are reviewed, concentrating on results which are sensitive to New Physics effects. The scope of the presentation includes D0-D0bar mixing searches, a CPT / Lorentz invariance study, and a range of searches for rare and forbidden decays. Results from the BaBar, Belle, CDF, CLEO, and FOCUS collaborations are presented, including an important first observation.Comment: 14 pages, 5 tables, 17 figures. Invited talk presented at the 21st International Symposium On Lepton And Photon Interactions At High Energies (LP03) 11-16 August 2003, Batavia, Illinois. To appear in the proceedings of the symposiu

    Precision Studies of Duality in the 't Hooft Model

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    We address numerical aspects of local quark-hadron duality using the example of the exactly solvable 't Hooft model, two-dimensional QCD with N_c --> infinity. The primary focus of these studies is total semileptonic decay widths relevant for extracting |V_{cb}| and |V_{ub}|. We compare the exact channel-by-channel sum of exclusive modes to the corresponding rates obtained in the standard 1/m_Q expansion arising from the Operator Product Expansion. An impressive agreement sets in unexpectedly early, immediately after the threshold for the first hadronic excitation in the final state. Yet even at higher energy release it is possible to discern the seeds of duality-violating oscillations. We find the ``Small Velocity'' sum rules to be exceptionally well saturated already by the first excited state. We also obtain a convincing degree of duality in the differential distributions and in an analogue of R_{e^+e^-}(s). Finally, we discuss possible lessons for semileptonic decays of actual heavy quarks in QCD.Comment: 45 pages, 16 eps figures include

    A Vademecum on Quark-Hadron Duality

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    We present an elementary introduction to the problem of quark-hadron duality and its practical limitations, in particular as it concerns local duality violation in inclusive B meson decays. We show that the accurate definition of duality violation elaborated over the recent years allows one to derive informative constraints on violations of local duality. The magnitude of duality violation is particularly restricted in the total semileptonic widths. This explains its strong suppression in concrete dynamical estimates. We analyze the origin of the suppression factors in a model-independent setting, including a fresh perspective on the Small Velocity expansion. A new potentially significant mechanism for violation of local duality in \Gamma_sl(B) is analyzed. Yet we conclude that the amount of duality violation in \Gamma_sl(B) must be safely below the half percent level, with realistic estimates being actually much smaller. Violation of local duality in \Gamma_sl(B) is thus far below the level relevant to phenomenology. We also present a cautionary note on the B->D^* decay amplitude at zero recoil and show that it is much more vulnerable to violations of quark-hadron duality than \Gamma_sl(B). A critical review of some recent literature is given. We point out that the presently limiting factor in genuinely model-independent extraction of V_cb is the precise value of the short-distance charm quark mass. We suggest a direct and precise experimental check of local quark-hadron duality in semileptonic B->X_c l\nu decays.Comment: 48 pages, 4 figures; LaTe

    Heavy Quark Expansion and Preasymptotic Corrections to Decay Widths in the 't Hooft Model

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    We address nonperturbative power corrections to inclusive decay widths of heavy flavor hadrons in the context of the 't Hooft model (two-dimensional QCD at N_c->oo), with the emphasis on the spectator-dependent effects sensitive to the flavor of the spectator. The summation of exclusive widths is performed analytically using the `t Hooft equation. We show that the 1/m_Q expansion of both the Weak Annihilation and Pauli Interference widths coincides with the OPE predictions, to the computed orders. Violation of local duality in the inclusive widths is quantified, and the new example is identified where the OPE prediction and the actual effect are completely saturated by a single final state. The qualitative aspects of quark hadronization emerging from the analysis in the 't Hooft model are discussed. Certain aspects of summation of spectator-independent hadronic weak decay widths are given in more detail, which were not spelled out previously. We also give some useful details of the 1/m_Q expansion in the 't~Hooft model.Comment: 54 pages, 8 figures in the text. Version to be published in Phys. Rev. D. A number of typos are corrected and relevant references added. Clarifications in Conclusions, Appendices 2.1 and 3 are adde

    Theoretical Uncertainties in Gamma_sl(b->u)

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    I review the existing theoretical uncertainties in relating the semileptonic decay width in b->u transitions to the underlying Kobayashi-Maskawa mixing element |V_ub|. The theoretical error bars are only a few percent in |V_ub|, with uncertainties from the impact of the nonperturbative effects nearly negligible.Comment: 12 pages, LaTeX; discussion of 1/m_b^3 effects is expanded. Contribution to Workshop on the Derivation of |V_cb| and |V_ub|: Experimental Status and Theory Uncertainties, CERN, May 28 - June 2, 199
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