11 research outputs found

    Molecular mechanisms underlying inherited photoreceptor degeneration as targets for therapeutic intervention

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    Retinitis pigmentosa (RP) is a form of retinal degeneration characterized by primary degeneration of rod photoreceptors followed by a secondary cone loss that leads to vision impairment and finally blindness. This is a rare disease with mutations in several genes and high genetic heterogeneity. A challenging effort has been the characterization of the molecular mechanisms underlying photoreceptor cell death during the progression of the disease. Some of the cell death pathways have been identified and comprise stress events found in several neurodegenerative diseases such as oxidative stress, inflammation, calcium imbalance and endoplasmic reticulum stress. Other cell death mechanisms appear more relevant to photoreceptor cells, such as high levels of cGMP and metabolic changes. Here we review some of the cell death pathways characterized in the RP mutant retina and discuss preclinical studies of therapeutic approaches targeting the molecular outcomes that lead to photoreceptor cell demise

    A time‐course study of the expression level of synaptic plasticity‐associated genes in un‐lesioned spinal cord and brain areas in a rat model of spinal cord injury: A bioinformatic approach

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    open8noFunding: This research was funded by the POR-FESR 2019-21, project “Mat2Rep”, Emilia Romagna Region (L.C.) and by the Cluster Tecnologici Nazionali, project IRMI, MIUR (L.C.). Marco Sanna is receiving a fellowship from the program “Alte Competenze” by Emilia Romagna Region. The contribution of “Fondazione Montecatone”, Imola (Italy) is also gratefully acknowledged.“Neuroplasticity” is often evoked to explain adaptation and compensation after acute lesions of the Central Nervous System (CNS). In this study, we investigated the modification of 80 genes involved in synaptic plasticity at different times (24 h, 8 and 45 days) from the traumatic spinal cord injury (SCI), adopting a bioinformatic analysis. mRNA expression levels were analyzed in the motor cortex, basal ganglia, cerebellum and in the spinal segments rostral and caudal to the lesion. The main results are: (i) a different gene expression regulation is observed in the Spinal Cord (SC) segments rostral and caudal to the lesion; (ii) long lasting changes in the SC includes the extracellular matrix (ECM) enzymes Timp1, transcription regulators (Egr, Nr4a1), second messenger associated proteins (Gna1, Ywhaq); (iii) long‐lasting changes in the Motor Cortex includes transcription regulators (Cebpd), neurotransmitters/neuromodulators and receptors (Cnr1, Gria1, Nos1), growth factors and related receptors (Igf1, Ntf3, Ntrk2), second messenger associated proteins (Mapk1); long lasting changes in Basal Ganglia and Cerebellum include ECM protein (Reln), growth factors (Ngf, Bdnf), transcription regulators (Egr, Cebpd), neurotransmitter receptors (Grin2c). These data suggest the molecular mapping as a useful tool to investigate the brain and SC reorganization after SCI.openBaldassarro V.A.; Sanna M.; Bighinati A.; Sannia M.; Gusciglio M.; Giardino L.; Lorenzini L.; Calzà LauraBaldassarro V.A.; Sanna M.; Bighinati A.; Sannia M.; Gusciglio M.; Giardino L.; Lorenzini L.; Calzà Laur

    Time-Course Changes of Extracellular Matrix Encoding Genes Expression Level in the Spinal Cord Following Contusion Injury: A Data-Driven Approach

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    The involvement of the extracellular matrix (ECM) in lesion evolution and functional outcome is well recognized in spinal cord injury. Most attention has been dedicated to the "core" area of the lesion and scar formation, while only scattered reports consider ECM modification based on the temporal evolution and the segments adjacent to the lesion. In this study, we investigated the expression profile of 100 genes encoding for ECM proteins at 1, 8 and 45 days post-injury, in the spinal cord segments rostral and caudal to the lesion and in the scar segment, in a rat model. During both the active lesion phases and the lesion stabilization, we observed an asymmetric gene expression induced by the injury, with a higher regulation in the rostral segment of genes involved in ECM remodeling, adhesion and cell migration. Using bioinformatic approaches, the metalloproteases inhibitor Timp1 and the hyaluronan receptor Cd44 emerged as the hub genes at all post-lesion times. Results from the bioinformatic gene expression analysis were then confirmed at protein level by tissue analysis and by cell culture using primary astrocytes. These results indicated that ECM regulation also takes place outside of the lesion area in spinal cord injury

    Long-term effect of neonatal inhibition of APP gamma-secretase on hippocampal development in the Ts65Dn mouse model of Down syndrome

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    Neurogenesis impairment is considered a major determinant of the intellectual disability that characterizes Down syndrome (DS), a genetic condition caused by triplication of chromosome 21. Previous evidence obtained in the Ts65Dn mouse model of DS showed that the triplicated gene APP (amyloid precursor protein) is critically involved in neurogenesis alterations. In particular, excessive levels of AICD (amyloid precursor protein intracellular domain) resulting from APP cleavage by gamma-secretase increase the transcription of Ptch1, a Sonic Hedgehog (Shh) receptor that keeps the mitogenic Shh pathway repressed. Previous evidence showed that neonatal treatment with ELND006, an inhibitor of gamma-secretase, reinstates the Shh pathway and fully restores neurogenesis in Ts65Dn pups. In the framework of potential therapies for DS, it is extremely important to establish whether the positive effects of early intervention are retained after treatment cessation. Therefore, the goal of the current study was to establish whether early treatment with ELND006 leaves an enduring trace in the brain of Ts65Dn mice. Ts65Dn and euploid pups were treated with ELND006 in the postnatal period P3-P15 and the outcome of treatment was examined at ~ one month after treatment cessation. We found that in treated Ts65Dn mice the pool of proliferating cells in the hippocampal dentate gyrus (DG) and total number of granule neurons were still restored as was the number of pre- and postsynaptic terminals in the stratum lucidum of CA3, the site of termination of the mossy fibers from the DG. Accordingly, patch-clamp recording from field CA3 showed functional normalization of the input to CA3. Unlike in field CA3, the number of pre- and postsynaptic terminals in the DG of treated Ts65Dn mice was no longer fully restored. The finding that many of the positive effects of neonatal treatment were retained after treatment cessation provides proof of principle demonstration of the efficacy of early inhibition of gamma-secretase for the improvement of brain development in DS

    Strategies for Improved pDNA Loading and Protection Using Cationic and Neutral LNPs with Industrial Scalability Potential Using Microfluidic Technology

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    Purpose: In recent years, microfluidic technologies have become mainstream in producing gene therapy nanomedicines (NMeds) following the Covid-19 vaccine; however, extensive optimizations are needed for each NMed type and genetic material. This article strives to improve LNPs for pDNA loading, protection, and delivery, while minimizing toxicity. Methods: The microfluidic technique was optimized to form cationic or neutral LNPs to load pDNA. Classical “post-formulation” DNA addition vs “pre” addition in the aqueous phase were compared. All formulations were characterized (size, homogeneity, zeta potential, morphology, weight yield, and stability), then tested for loading efficiency, nuclease protection, toxicity, and cell uptake. Results: Optimized LNPs formulated with DPPC: Chol:DOTAP 1:1:0.1 molar ratio and 10 μg of DOPE-Rhod, had a size of 160 nm and good homogeneity. The chemico-physical characteristics of cationic LNPs worsened when adding 15 μg/mL of pDNA with the “post” method, while maintaining their characteristics up to 100 μg/mL of pDNA with the “pre” addition remaining stable for 30 days. Interestingly, neutral LNPs formulated with the same method loaded up to 50% of the DNA. Both particles could protect the DNA from nucleases even after one month of storage, and low cell toxicity was found up to 40 μg/mL LNPs. Cell uptake occurred within 2 hours for both formulations with the DNA intact in the cytoplasm, outside of the lysosomes. Conclusion: In this study, the upcoming microfluidic technique was applied to two strategies to generate pDNA-LNPs. Cationic LNPs could load 10x the amount of DNA as the classical approach, while neutral LNPs, which also loaded and protected DNA, showed lower toxicity and good DNA protection. This is a big step forward at minimizing doses and toxicity of LNP-based gene therapy

    Optimization of an Injectable Hydrogel Depot System for the Controlled Release of Retinal-Targeted Hybrid Nanoparticles

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    A drawback in the development of treatments that can reach the retina is the presence of barriers in the eye that restrain compounds from reaching the target. Intravitreal injections hold promise for retinal delivery, but the natural defenses in the vitreous can rapidly degrade or eliminate therapeutic molecules. Injectable hydrogel implants, which act as a reservoir, can allow for long-term drug delivery with a single injection into the eye, but still suffer due to the fast clearance of the released drugs when traversing the vitreous and random diffusion that leads to lower pharmaceutic efficacy. A combination with HA-covered nanoparticles, which can be released from the gel and more readily pass through the vitreous to increase the delivery of therapeutic agents to the retina, represents an advanced and elegant way to overcome some of the limitations in eye drug delivery. In this article, we developed hybrid PLGA-Dotap NPs that, due to their hyaluronic acid coating, can improve in vivo distribution throughout the vitreous and delivery to retinal cells. Moreover, a hydrogel implant was developed to act as a depot for the hybrid NPs to better control and slow their release. These results are a first step to improve the treatment of retinal diseases by protecting and transporting the therapeutic treatment across the vitreous and to improve treatment options by creating a depot system for long-term treatments

    Strategies for Improved pDNA Loading and Protection Using Cationic and Neutral LNPs with Industrial Scalability Potential Using Microfluidic Technology

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    Ilaria Ottonelli,1,* Elisa Adani,2,* Andrea Bighinati,2 Sabrina Cuoghi,1 Giovanni Tosi,1,3 Maria Angela Vandelli,1 Barbara Ruozi,1 Valeria Marigo,2,3 Jason Thomas Duskey1 1Nanotech Lab, Te.Far.T.I., Department of Life Sciences, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Modena, Italy; 2Department of Life Sciences, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Modena, Italy; 3Center for Neuroscience and Neurotechnology, Modena, Italy*These authors contributed equally to this workCorrespondence: Jason Thomas Duskey, Nanotech Lab, Te.Far.T.I., Department of Life Sciences, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Via Giuseppe Campi 103, Modena, MO, Italy, 41125, Tel +390592058573, Email [email protected] Valeria Marigo, Department of Life Sciences, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Via Giuseppe Campi 287, Modena, MO, 41125, Italy, Tel +390592055392, Email [email protected]: In recent years, microfluidic technologies have become mainstream in producing gene therapy nanomedicines (NMeds) following the Covid-19 vaccine; however, extensive optimizations are needed for each NMed type and genetic material. This article strives to improve LNPs for pDNA loading, protection, and delivery, while minimizing toxicity.Methods: The microfluidic technique was optimized to form cationic or neutral LNPs to load pDNA. Classical “post-formulation” DNA addition vs “pre” addition in the aqueous phase were compared. All formulations were characterized (size, homogeneity, zeta potential, morphology, weight yield, and stability), then tested for loading efficiency, nuclease protection, toxicity, and cell uptake.Results: Optimized LNPs formulated with DPPC: Chol:DOTAP 1:1:0.1 molar ratio and 10 μg of DOPE-Rhod, had a size of 160 nm and good homogeneity. The chemico-physical characteristics of cationic LNPs worsened when adding 15 μg/mL of pDNA with the “post” method, while maintaining their characteristics up to 100 μg/mL of pDNA with the “pre” addition remaining stable for 30 days. Interestingly, neutral LNPs formulated with the same method loaded up to 50% of the DNA. Both particles could protect the DNA from nucleases even after one month of storage, and low cell toxicity was found up to 40 μg/mL LNPs. Cell uptake occurred within 2 hours for both formulations with the DNA intact in the cytoplasm, outside of the lysosomes.Conclusion: In this study, the upcoming microfluidic technique was applied to two strategies to generate pDNA-LNPs. Cationic LNPs could load 10x the amount of DNA as the classical approach, while neutral LNPs, which also loaded and protected DNA, showed lower toxicity and good DNA protection. This is a big step forward at minimizing doses and toxicity of LNP-based gene therapy.Keywords: gene therapy, lipid nanoparticles, microfluidics, lipoplexes, DNA deliver

    In Vivo Metabolic Responses to Different Formulations of Amino Acid Mixtures for the Treatment of Phenylketonuria (PKU)

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    Phenylketonuria (PKU) is a rare autosomal recessive inborn error of metabolism where the mainstay of treatment is a Phe restricted diet consisting of a combination of limited amounts of natural protein with supplementation of Phe-free or low-Phe protein substitutes and special low protein foods. Suboptimal outcomes may be related to the different absorption kinetics of free AAs, which have lower biological efficacy than natural proteins. Physiomimic Technology™ is a technology engineered to prolong AA (AA-PT) release allowing physiological absorption and masking the odor and taste of free AAs. The aim of these studies was to assess the impact of AA-PT formulation on selected functional and metabolic parameters both in acute and long-term experimental studies. Adult rats in fasting conditions were randomized in different groups and treated by oral gavage. Acute AA-PT administration resulted in significantly lower BUN at 90 min versus baseline. Both BUN and glycemia were modulated in the same direction as intact casein protein. Long-term treatment with AA-PT significantly reduces the protein expression of the muscle degradation marker Bnip3L (−46%) while significantly increasing the proliferation of market myostatin (+58%). Animals dosed for 15 days with AA-PT had significantly stronger grip strength (+30%) versus baseline. In conclusion, the results suggest that the AA-PT formulation may have beneficial effects on both AA oxidation and catabolism with a direct impact on muscle as well as on other metabolic pathways

    White Matter and Neuroprotection in Alzheimer's Dementia.

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    Myelin is the main component of the white matter of the central nervous system (CNS), allowing the proper electrical function of the neurons by ensheathing and inslating the axons. The extensive use of magnetic resonance imaging has highlighted the white matter alterations in Alzheimer\u2019s dementia and other neurodegenerative disease, alterations which are early, extended, and regionally selective. Given that the white matter turnover is considerable in the adulthood, and that myelin repair is currently recognized as being the only true reparative capability of the mature CNS, oligodendrocyte precursor cells (OPCs), the cells responsible for myelin formation and repair are regarded as a potential target for neuroprotection. In this review, several aspects of the OPC biology are reviewed. The histology and functional role of OPCs in the neurovascular-neuroglial unit as described in preclinical and clinical studies on dementia is discussed, such as the OPC vulnerability to hypoxia-ischemia, neuroinflammation, and amyloid deposition. Finally, the position of OPCs in drug discovery strategies for dementia is discussed

    NGF and Endogenous Regeneration: From Embryology Toward Therapies

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    The self-repair ability of tissues and organs in case of injury and disease is a fundamental biological mechanism and an important therapeutic target. The tissue plasticity and the presence of adult stem cell niches open a new path in the development of pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatments finalized to improve the intrinsic regeneration. In this context, nerve growth factor (NGF) is widely studied for its capability of driving endogenous regeneration of ectoderm-derived tissues, directly acting on the cell targets and through the regulation of the stem cell niches. In fact, this growth factor is very promising for its key role in the development and multiplicity of the cellular targets. In this chapter, we have traveled across the recent history of NGF pleiotropic role in ectodermal tissue generation and repair, from embryonic development to skin wound healing, axonal regrowth, and remyelination. The better understanding of both the biological mechanisms underlying regeneration and the physiological role of NGF in development and injury response will open new therapeutic strategies, driven by the potential applications of this growth factor as an agent for improving endogenous regeneration processes