492 research outputs found

    Characterization of soft stripe-domain deformations in Sm-C and Sm-C* liquid-crystal elastomers

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    The neoclassical model of Sm-C (and Sm-C*) elastomers developed by Warner and Adams predicts a class of “soft” (zero energy) deformations. We find and describe the full set of stripe domains—laminate structures in which the laminates alternate between two different deformations—that can form between pairs of these soft deformations. All the stripe domains fall into two classes, one in which the smectic layers are not bent at the interfaces, but for which—in the Sm-C* case—the interfaces are charged, and one in which the smectic layers are bent but the interfaces are never charged. Striped deformations significantly enhance the softness of the macroscopic elastic response

    Exactly isochoric deformations of soft solids

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    Many materials of contemporary interest, such as gels, biological tissues and elastomers, are easily deformed but essentially incompressible. Traditional linear theory of elasticity implements incompressibility only to first order and thus permits some volume changes, which become problematically large even at very small strains. Using a mixed coordinate transformation originally due to Gauss, we enforce the constraint of isochoric deformations exactly to develop a linear theory with perfect volume conservation that remains valid until strains become geometrically large. We demonstrate the utility of this approach by calculating the response of an infinite soft isochoric solid to a point force that leads to a nonlinear generalization of the Kelvin solution. Our approach naturally generalizes to a range of problems involving deformations of soft solids and interfaces in 2 dimensional and axisymmetric geometries, which we exemplify by determining the solution to a distributed load that mimics muscular contraction within the bulk of a soft solid

    Elasticity of Polydomain Liquid Crystal Elastomers

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    We model polydomain liquid-crystal elastomers by extending the neo-classical soft and semi-soft free energies used successfully to describe monodomain samples. We show that there is a significant difference between polydomains cross-linked in homogeneous high symmetry states then cooled to low symmetry polydomain states and those cross-linked directly in the low symmetry polydomain state. For example, elastomers cross-linked in the isotropic state then cooled to a nematic polydomain will, in the ideal limit, be perfectly soft, and with the introduction of non-ideality, will deform at very low stress until they are macroscopically aligned. The director patterns observed in them will be disordered, characteristic of combinations of random deformations, and not disclination patterns. We expect these samples to exhibit elasticity significantly softer than monodomain samples. Polydomains cross-linked in the nematic polydomain state will be mechanically harder and contain characteristic schlieren director patterns. The models we use for polydomain elastomers are spatially heterogeneous, so rather than solving them exactly we elucidate this behavior by bounding the energies using Taylor-like (compatible test strain fields) and Sachs (constant stress) limits extended to non-linear elasticity. Good agreement is found with experiments that reveal the supersoft response of some polydomains. We also analyze smectic polydomain elastomers and propose that polydomain SmC* elastomers cross-linked in the SmA monodomain state are promising candidates for low field electrical actuation.Comment: 13 pages, 11 figure

    Supersoft elasticity in polydomain nematic elastomers

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    We consider the equilibrium stress-strain behavior of polydomain liquid crystal elastomers (PLCEs). We show that there is a fundamental difference between PLCEs cross-linked in the high temperature isotropic and low temperature aligned states. PLCEs cross-linked in the isotropic state then cooled to an aligned state will exhibit extremely soft elasticity (confirmed by recent experiments) and ordered director patterns characteristic of textured deformations. PLCEs cross-linked in the aligned state will be mechanically much harder and characterized by disclination textures

    Lifting, Loading, and Buckling in Conical Shells

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    Liquid crystal elastomer films that morph into cones are strikingly capable lifters. Thus motivated, we combine theory, numerics, and experiments to reexamine the load-bearing capacity of conical shells. We show that a cone squashed between frictionless surfaces buckles at a smaller load, even in scaling, than the classical Seide/Koiter result. Such buckling begins in a region of greatly amplified azimuthal compression generated in an outer boundary layer with oscillatory bend. Experimentally and numerically, buckling then grows sub-critically over the full cone. We derive a new thin-limit formula for the critical load, t5/2\propto t^{5/2}, and validate it numerically. We also investigate deep post-buckling, finding further instabilities producing intricate states with multiple Pogorelov-type curved ridges arranged in concentric-circles or Archimedean spirals. Finally, we investigate the forces exerted by such states, which limit lifting performance in active cones.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures. This version published in PRL, open acces

    Localized soft elasticity in liquid crystal elastomers.

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    This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from Nature Publishing Group via http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/ncomms10781Synthetic approaches to prepare designer materials that localize deformation, by combining rigidity and compliance in a single material, have been widely sought. Bottom-up approaches, such as the self-organization of liquid crystals, offer potential advantages over top-down patterning methods such as photolithographic control of crosslink density, relating to the ease of preparation and fidelity of resolution. Here, we report on the directed self-assembly of materials with spatial and hierarchical variation in mechanical anisotropy. The highly nonlinear mechanical properties of the liquid crystalline elastomers examined here enables strain to be locally reduced >15-fold without introducing compositional variation or other heterogeneities. Each domain (⩾0.01 mm(2)) exhibits anisotropic nonlinear response to load based on the alignment of the molecular orientation with the loading axis. Accordingly, we design monoliths that localize deformation in uniaxial and biaxial tension, shear, bending and crack propagation, and subsequently demonstrate substrates for globally deformable yet locally stiff electronics.T.H.W., A.F.S. and T.J.W. would like to acknowledge financial support from the Materials and Manufacturing Directorate and the Office of Scientific Research of the Air Force Research Laboratory