939 research outputs found

    Structural phase transitions of vortex matter in an optical lattice

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    We consider the vortex structure of a rapidly rotating trapped atomic Bose-Einstein condensate in the presence of a co-rotating periodic optical lattice potential. We observe a rich variety of structural phases which reflect the interplay of the vortex-vortex and vortex-lattice interactions. The lattice structure is very sensitive to the ratio of vortices to pinning sites and we observe structural phase transitions and domain formation as this ratio is varied.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Excitation spectroscopy of vortex lattices in a rotating Bose-Einstein condensate

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    Excitation spectroscopy of vortex lattices in rotating Bose-Einstein condensates is described. We numerically obtain the Bogoliubov-deGenne quasiparticle excitations for a broad range of energies and analyze them in the context of the complex dynamics of the system. Our work is carried out in a regime in which standard hydrodynamic assumptions do not hold, and includes features not readily contained within existing treatments.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures. Submitted for publicatio

    Summertime cooling of the shallow continental shelf

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    Author Posting. © American Geophysical Union, 2011. This article is posted here by permission of American Geophysical Union for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Journal of Geophysical Research 116 (2011): C07015, doi:10.1029/2010JC006744.In summer on the shallow New England continental shelf, near the coast the water temperature is much cooler than the observed surface heat flux suggests. Using depth-integrated heat budgets in 12 and 27 m water depth calculated from observed surface heat flux, water temperature, and velocity, we demonstrate that on time scales of weeks to months the water is persistently cooled due to a mean upwelling circulation. Because the mean wind is weak, that mean circulation is likely not wind driven; it is partly a tidal residual circulation. A feedback exists between the cross-shelf and surface heat fluxes: the two fluxes remain nearly in balance for months, so the water temperature is nearly constant in spite of strong surface heating (the heat budget is two-dimensional). A conceptual model explains the feedback mechanism: the short flushing time of the shallow shelf produces a near steady state heat balance, regardless of the exact form of the circulation, and the feedback is via the influence of surface heating on temperature stratification. Along-shelf heat flux divergence is apparently small compared to the surface and cross-shelf heat flux divergences on time scales of weeks to months. Heat transport due to Stokes drift from surface gravity waves is substantial, warms the shallow shelf in summer, and was previously ignored. In winter, the surface heat flux dominates and the observed water temperature is close to the temperature predicted from surface cooling (the heat budget is one-dimensional); weak winter stratification makes the cross-shelf heat flux small even during strong cross-shelf circulation.This research was funded by National Aeronautics and Space Administration Headquarters grant NNG04GL03G and Earth System Science Fellowship Grant NNG04GQ14H; Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution through Academic Programs Fellowship Funds and MVCO; National Science Foundation grants OCE‐0241292, OCE‐0548961, and OCE‐0337892; the Jewett/ EDUC/Harrison Foundation; and Office of Naval Research contracts N00014‐01‐1‐0029 and N00014‐05‐10090 for the Low‐Wind Component of the Coupled Boundary Layers Air‐Sea Transfer Experiment

    Forbidden Transitions in a Magneto-Optical Trap

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    We report the first observation of a non-dipole transition in an ultra-cold atomic vapor. We excite the 3P-4P electric quadrupole (E2) transition in 23^{23}Na confined in a Magneto-Optical Trap(MOT), and demonstrate its application to high-resolution spectroscopy by making the first measurement of the hyperfine structure of the 4P1/2_{1/2} level and extracting the magnetic dipole constant A == 30.6 ±\pm 0.1 MHz. We use cw OODR (Optical-Optical Double Resonance) accompanied by photoinization to probe the transition

    The Invisible Thin Red Line

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    The aim of this paper is to argue that the adoption of an unrestricted principle of bivalence is compatible with a metaphysics that (i) denies that the future is real, (ii) adopts nomological indeterminism, and (iii) exploits a branching structure to provide a semantics for future contingent claims. To this end, we elaborate what we call Flow Fragmentalism, a view inspired by Kit Fine (2005)’s non-standard tense realism, according to which reality is divided up into maximally coherent collections of tensed facts. In this way, we show how to reconcile a genuinely A-theoretic branching-time model with the idea that there is a branch corresponding to the thin red line, that is, the branch that will turn out to be the actual future history of the world

    Observation of anomalous spin-state segregation in a trapped ultra-cold vapor

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    We observe counter-intuitive spin segregation in an inhomogeneous sample of ultra-cold, non-condensed Rubidium atoms in a magnetic trap. We use spatially selective microwave spectroscopy to verify a model that accounts for the differential forces on two internal spin states. In any simple understanding of the cloud dynamics, the forces are far too small to account for the dramatic transient spin polarizations observed. The underlying mechanism remains to be elucidated.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Spin Excitations in a Fermi Gas of Atoms

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    We have experimentally investigated a spin excitation in a quantum degenerate Fermi gas of atoms. In the hydrodynamic regime the damping time of the collective excitation is used to probe the quantum behavior of the gas. At temperatures below the Fermi temperature we measure up to a factor of 2 reduction in the excitation damping time. In addition we observe a strong excitation energy dependence for this quantum statistical effect.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure