463 research outputs found

    VLBI Observations of SN 2008D

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    We report on two epochs of very-long-baseline interferometry (VLBI) observations of the Type Ib/c supernova SN 2008D, which was associated with the X-ray outburst XRF 080109. At our first epoch, at t = 30 days after the explosion, we observed at 22 and 8.4 GHz, and at our second, at t = 133 days, at 8.4 and 5.0 GHz. The VLBI observations allow us to accurately measure the source's size and position at each epoch, and thus constrain its expansion velocity and proper motion. We find the source at best marginally resolved at both epochs, allowing us to place a 3sigma upper limit of ~0.75c on the expansion velocity of a circular source. For an elongated source, our measurements are compatible with mildly relativistic expansion. However, our 3sigma upper limit on the proper motion is 4 micro-arcsec/day, corresponding to an apparent velocity of <0.6c, and is consistent with a stationary flux centroid. This limit rules out a relativistic jet such as an gamma-ray burst jet away from the line of sight, which would be expected to show apparent proper motion of >c. Taken together, our measurements argue against the presence of any long-lived relativistic outflow in SN 2008D. On the other hand, our measurements are consistent with the nonrelativistic expansion velocities of <30,000 km/s and small proper motions (<500 km/s) seen in typical supernovae.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal Letter

    The Photon Dispersion as an Indicator for New Physics ?

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    We first comment on the search for a deviation from the linear photon dispersion relation, in particular based on cosmic photons from Gamma Ray Bursts. Then we consider the non-commutative space as a theoretical concept that could lead to such a deviation, which would be a manifestation of Lorentz Invariance Violation. In particular we review a numerical study of pure U(1) gauge theory in a 4d non-commutative space. Starting from a finite lattice, we explore the phase diagram and the extrapolation to the continuum and infinite volume. These simultaneous limits - taken at fixed non-commutativity - lead to a phase of broken Poincare symmetry, where the photon appears to be IR stable, despite a negative IR divergence to one loop.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, talk presented at the VI International Workshop on the Dark Side of the Universe, Leon (Mexico), June 1-6, 2010. References adde

    Area-preserving diffeomorphisms in gauge theory on a non-commutative plane: a lattice study

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    We consider Yang-Mills theory with the U(1) gauge group on a non-commutative plane. Perturbatively it was observed that the invariance of this theory under area-preserving diffeomorphisms (APDs) breaks down to a rigid subgroup SL(2,R). Here we present explicit results for the APD symmetry breaking at finite gauge coupling and finite non-commutativity. They are based on lattice simulations and measurements of Wilson loops with the same area but with a variety of different shapes. Our results are consistent with the expected loss of invariance under APDs. Moreover, they strongly suggest that non-perturbatively the SL(2,R) symmetry does not persist either.Comment: 28 pages, 15 figures, published versio

    Exploring Topology Conserving Gauge Actions for Lattice QCD

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    We explore gauge actions for lattice QCD, which are constructed such that the occurrence of small plaquette values is strongly suppressed. By choosing strong bare gauge couplings we arrive at values for the physical lattice spacings of O(0.1 fm). Such gauge actions tend to confine the Monte Carlo history to a single topological sector. This topological stability facilitates the collection of a large set of configurations in a specific sector, which is profitable for numerical studies in the epsilon-regime. The suppression of small plaquette values is also expected to be favourable for simulations with dynamical quarks. We use a local Hybrid Monte Carlo algorithm to simulate such actions, and we present numerical results for the static potential, the physical scale, the topological stability and the kernel condition number of the overlap Dirac operator. In addition we discuss the question of reflection positivity for a class of such gauge actions.Comment: 28 pages, 8 figure