9 research outputs found

    Differential inhibitory control of semicircular canal nerve afferent-evoked inputs in second-order vestibular neurons by glycinergic and GABAergic circuits.

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    Labyrinthine nerve-evoked monosynaptic excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSPs) in second-order vestibular neurons (2 degrees VN) sum with disynaptic inhibitory postsynaptic potentials (IPSPs) that originate from the thickest afferent fibers of the same nerve branch and are mediated by neurons in the ipsilateral vestibular nucleus. Pharmacological properties of the inhibition and the interaction with the afferent excitation were studied by recording monosynaptic responses of phasic and tonic 2 degrees VN in an isolated frog brain after electrical stimulation of individual semicircular canal nerves. Specific transmitter antagonists revealed glycine and GABA(A) receptor-mediated IPSPs with a disynaptic onset only in phasic but not in tonic 2 degrees VN. Compared with GABAergic IPSPs, glycinergic responses in phasic 2 degrees VN have larger amplitudes and a longer duration and reduce early and late components of the afferent nerve-evoked subthreshold activation and spike discharge. The difference in profile of the disynaptic glycinergic and GABAergic inhibition is compatible with the larger number of glycinergic as opposed to GABAergic terminal-like structures on 2 degrees VN. The increase in monosynaptic excitation after a block of the disynaptic inhibition in phasic 2 degrees VN is in part mediated by a N-methyl-d-aspartate receptor-activated component. Although inhibitory inputs were superimposed on monosynaptic EPSPs in tonic 2 degrees VN as well, the much longer latency of these IPSPs excludes a control by short-latency inhibitory feed-forward side-loops as observed in phasic 2 degrees VN. The differential synaptic organization of the inhibitory control of labyrinthine afferent signals in phasic and tonic 2 degrees VN is consistent with the different intrinsic signal processing modes of the two neuronal types and suggests a co-adaptation of intrinsic membrane properties and emerging network properties

    K.: Hybrid spline-based multimodal registration using local measures for joint entropy and mutual information

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    Abstract. We introduce a new hybrid approach for spline-based elastic registration of multimodal medical images. The approach uses point landmarks as well as intensity information based on local analytic measures for mutual information. The intensity similarity metrics are computationally efficient and can be optimized independently for each voxel. We have successfully applied our approach to synthetic images, brain phantom images, as well as real multimodal medical images.


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    Robust and accurate segmentation of blood vessels is important for treatment and diagnosis of cardiovascular diseases. Here, we introduce a new approach for 3D segmentation of vessels which is formulated as a convex parameter estimation problem and combined with an incremental tracking approach. Parameter values are determined as global optimum of a semidefinite program and admissible shape variations are imposed by convex constraints. The performance of the approach has been evaluated using 3D synthetic images and clinical 3D CTA images of the aorta including pathologies

    Segmentation of heterochromatin foci using a 3D spherical harmonics intensity model.

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    Abstract. We introduce a 3D model-based approach for automatic segmentation of 3D fluorescent heterochromatin foci from 3D microscopy images. The approach employs a new 3D parametric intensity model based on a spherical harmonics (SH) expansion and can represent foci of regular and highly irregular shapes. By solving a least-squares optimization problem, the model is directly fitted to the 3D image data, and the model parameters including the SH expansion coefficients are estimated. The approach has been successfully applied to real 3D microscopy image data. A visual comparison and a quantitative evaluation show that the new approach yields better results than previous approaches

    3D morphometry using automated aortic segmentation in native MR angiography: an alternative to contrast enhanced MRA?

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    INTRODUCTION Native-MR angiography (N-MRA) is considered an imaging alternative to contrast enhanced MR angiography (CE-MRA) for patients with renal insufficiency. Lower intraluminal contrast in N-MRA often leads to failure of the segmentation process in commercial algorithms. This study introduces an in-house 3D model-based segmentation approach used to compare both sequences by automatic 3D lumen segmentation, allowing for evaluation of differences of aortic lumen diameters as well as differences in length comparing both acquisition techniques at every possible location. METHODS AND MATERIALS Sixteen healthy volunteers underwent 1.5-T-MR Angiography (MRA). For each volunteer, two different MR sequences were performed, CE-MRA: gradient echo Turbo FLASH sequence and N-MRA: respiratory-and-cardiac-gated, T2-weighted 3D SSFP. Datasets were segmented using a 3D model-based ellipse-fitting approach with a single seed point placed manually above the celiac trunk. The segmented volumes were manually cropped from left subclavian artery to celiac trunk to avoid error due to side branches. Diameters, volumes and centerline length were computed for intraindividual comparison. For statistical analysis the Wilcoxon-Signed-Ranked-Test was used. RESULTS Average centerline length obtained based on N-MRA was 239.0±23.4 mm compared to 238.6±23.5 mm for CE-MRA without significant difference (P=0.877). Average maximum diameter obtained based on N-MRA was 25.7±3.3 mm compared to 24.1±3.2 mm for CE-MRA (P<0.001). In agreement with the difference in diameters, volumes obtained based on N-MRA (100.1±35.4 cm(3)) were consistently and significantly larger compared to CE-MRA (89.2±30.0 cm(3)) (P<0.001). CONCLUSIONS 3D morphometry shows highly similar centerline lengths for N-MRA and CE-MRA, but systematically higher diameters and volumes for N-MRA

    True four-dimensional analysis of thoracic aortic displacement and distension using model-based segmentation of computed tomography angiography.

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    Previous analyses of aortic displacement and distension using computed tomography angiography (CTA) were performed on double-oblique multi-planar reformations and did not consider through-plane motion. The aim of this study was to overcome this limitation by using a novel computational approach for the assessment of thoracic aortic displacement and distension in their true four-dimensional extent. Vessel segmentation with landmark tracking was executed on CTA of 24 patients without evidence of aortic disease. Distension magnitudes and maximum displacement vectors (MDV) including their direction were analyzed at 5 aortic locations: left coronary artery (COR), mid-ascending aorta (ASC), brachiocephalic trunk (BCT), left subclavian artery (LSA), descending aorta (DES). Distension was highest for COR (2.3 ± 1.2 mm) and BCT (1.7 ± 1.1 mm) compared with ASC, LSA, and DES (p < 0.005). MDV decreased from COR to LSA (p < 0.005) and was highest for COR (6.2 ± 2.0 mm) and ASC (3.8 ± 1.9 mm). Displacement was directed towards left and anterior at COR and ASC. Craniocaudal displacement at COR and ASC was 1.3 ± 0.8 and 0.3 ± 0.3 mm. At BCT, LSA, and DES no predominant displacement direction was observable. Vessel displacement and wall distension are highest in the ascending aorta, and ascending aortic displacement is primarily directed towards left and anterior. Craniocaudal displacement remains low even close to the left cardiac ventricle