355 research outputs found

    A Metric Encoding for Bounded Model Checking (extended version)

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    In Bounded Model Checking both the system model and the checked property are translated into a Boolean formula to be analyzed by a SAT-solver. We introduce a new encoding technique which is particularly optimized for managing quantitative future and past metric temporal operators, typically found in properties of hard real time systems. The encoding is simple and intuitive in principle, but it is made more complex by the presence, typical of the Bounded Model Checking technique, of backward and forward loops used to represent an ultimately periodic infinite domain by a finite structure. We report and comment on the new encoding technique and on an extensive set of experiments carried out to assess its feasibility and effectiveness

    Validating the hybrid ERTMS/ETCS level 3 concept with electrum

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    This paper reports on the development of a formal model for the Hybrid ERTMS/ETCS Level 3 concept in Electrum, a lightweight formal specification language that extends Alloy with mutable relations and temporal logic operators. We show how Electrum and its Analyzer can be used to perform scenario exploration to validate this model, namely to check that all the example operational scenarios described in the reference document are admissible, and to reason about expected safety properties, which can be easily specified and model checked for arbitrary track configurations. The Analyzer depicts scenarios (and counter-examples) in a graphical notation that is logic-agnostic, making them understandable for stakeholders without expertise in formal specification.- Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia(POCI-01-0145-FEDER-016826); ERDF - European Regional Development Fund through the Operational Programme for Competitiveness and Internationalisation - COMPETE 2020 and by National Funds through the Portuguese funding agenc

    Automated Benchmarking of Incremental SAT and QBF Solvers

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    Incremental SAT and QBF solving potentially yields improvements when sequences of related formulas are solved. An incremental application is usually tailored towards some specific solver and decomposes a problem into incremental solver calls. This hinders the independent comparison of different solvers, particularly when the application program is not available. As a remedy, we present an approach to automated benchmarking of incremental SAT and QBF solvers. Given a collection of formulas in (Q)DIMACS format generated incrementally by an application program, our approach automatically translates the formulas into instructions to import and solve a formula by an incremental SAT/QBF solver. The result of the translation is a program which replays the incremental solver calls and thus allows to evaluate incremental solvers independently from the application program. We illustrate our approach by different hardware verification problems for SAT and QBF solvers.Comment: camera-ready version (8 pages + 2 pages appendix), to appear in the proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Logic for Programming, Artificial Intelligence and Reasoning (LPAR), LNCS, Springer, 201

    Bounded model checking of temporal formulas with alloy

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    Alloy is formal modeling language based on first-order relational logic, with no specific support for specifying reactive systems. We propose the usage of temporal logic to specify such systems, and show how bounded model checking can be performed with the Alloy Analyzer

    Towards Personalized Prostate Cancer Therapy Using Delta-Reachability Analysis

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    Recent clinical studies suggest that the efficacy of hormone therapy for prostate cancer depends on the characteristics of individual patients. In this paper, we develop a computational framework for identifying patient-specific androgen ablation therapy schedules for postponing the potential cancer relapse. We model the population dynamics of heterogeneous prostate cancer cells in response to androgen suppression as a nonlinear hybrid automaton. We estimate personalized kinetic parameters to characterize patients and employ δ\delta-reachability analysis to predict patient-specific therapeutic strategies. The results show that our methods are promising and may lead to a prognostic tool for personalized cancer therapy.Comment: HSCC 201

    Bounded Determinization of Timed Automata with Silent Transitions

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    Deterministic timed automata are strictly less expressive than their non-deterministic counterparts, which are again less expressive than those with silent transitions. As a consequence, timed automata are in general non-determinizable. This is unfortunate since deterministic automata play a major role in model-based testing, observability and implementability. However, by bounding the length of the traces in the automaton, effective determinization becomes possible. We propose a novel procedure for bounded determinization of timed automata. The procedure unfolds the automata to bounded trees, removes all silent transitions and determinizes via disjunction of guards. The proposed algorithms are optimized to the bounded setting and thus are more efficient and can handle a larger class of timed automata than the general algorithms. The approach is implemented in a prototype tool and evaluated on several examples. To our best knowledge, this is the first implementation of this type of procedure for timed automata.Comment: 25 page

    On QBF Proofs and Preprocessing

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    QBFs (quantified boolean formulas), which are a superset of propositional formulas, provide a canonical representation for PSPACE problems. To overcome the inherent complexity of QBF, significant effort has been invested in developing QBF solvers as well as the underlying proof systems. At the same time, formula preprocessing is crucial for the application of QBF solvers. This paper focuses on a missing link in currently-available technology: How to obtain a certificate (e.g. proof) for a formula that had been preprocessed before it was given to a solver? The paper targets a suite of commonly-used preprocessing techniques and shows how to reconstruct certificates for them. On the negative side, the paper discusses certain limitations of the currently-used proof systems in the light of preprocessing. The presented techniques were implemented and evaluated in the state-of-the-art QBF preprocessor bloqqer.Comment: LPAR 201

    Automatic Abstraction in SMT-Based Unbounded Software Model Checking

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    Software model checkers based on under-approximations and SMT solvers are very successful at verifying safety (i.e. reachability) properties. They combine two key ideas -- (a) "concreteness": a counterexample in an under-approximation is a counterexample in the original program as well, and (b) "generalization": a proof of safety of an under-approximation, produced by an SMT solver, are generalizable to proofs of safety of the original program. In this paper, we present a combination of "automatic abstraction" with the under-approximation-driven framework. We explore two iterative approaches for obtaining and refining abstractions -- "proof based" and "counterexample based" -- and show how they can be combined into a unified algorithm. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first application of Proof-Based Abstraction, primarily used to verify hardware, to Software Verification. We have implemented a prototype of the framework using Z3, and evaluate it on many benchmarks from the Software Verification Competition. We show experimentally that our combination is quite effective on hard instances.Comment: Extended version of a paper in the proceedings of CAV 201

    Incrementally Computing Minimal Unsatisfiable Cores of QBFs via a Clause Group Solver API

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    We consider the incremental computation of minimal unsatisfiable cores (MUCs) of QBFs. To this end, we equipped our incremental QBF solver DepQBF with a novel API to allow for incremental solving based on clause groups. A clause group is a set of clauses which is incrementally added to or removed from a previously solved QBF. Our implementation of the novel API is related to incremental SAT solving based on selector variables and assumptions. However, the API entirely hides selector variables and assumptions from the user, which facilitates the integration of DepQBF in other tools. We present implementation details and, for the first time, report on experiments related to the computation of MUCs of QBFs using DepQBF's novel clause group API.Comment: (fixed typo), camera-ready version, 6-page tool paper, to appear in proceedings of SAT 2015, LNCS, Springe