16 research outputs found

    Influence of temporary glycemic levels on gastric mioelectrical function in electrogastrografical ecamination in type 1 diabetics

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    WSTĘP. Stosując elektrogastrografię, wykazano istotny wpływ wartości glikemii na uzyskiwane wartości zapisu elektrogastrograficznego, brak jest jednak dokładnego sprecyzowania charakteru tej zależności. Celem badania była ocena wpływu wartości glikemii na zapis czynności mioelektrycznej żołądka u chorych na cukrzycę typu 1. MATERIAŁ I METODY. Zapisu czynności mioelektrycznej żołądka dokonywano u 106 pacjentów z cukrzycą typu 1 w okresie przed- i poposiłkowym (posiłek standaryzowany) przy użyciu aparatu Digitraper EGG OS wersja 03.00. WYNIKI. Znamienną statystycznie różnicę wartości średnich glikemii (G0, GI, GP, G30, G60) w trakcie zapisu elektrogastrograficznego pomiędzy grupą C1 (uznaną za reprezentującą zapis elektrogastrograficzny w granicach normy) i grupami odpowiednio C2, C3, C4, w których zależnie od rozkładu procentowego udziału częstotliwości w okresie przedposiłkowym i poposiłkowym rozmieszczeni byli pacjenci, których zapis elektrogastrograficzny nie spełniał kryteriów przyjętej normy. Stwierdzana znamienność różnicy wartości średnich glikemii była obecna w grupie z wartościami hemoglobiny glikowanej powyżej 7,5%. Jakkolwiek w grupie C3 wykazywano znaczne większe, bo sięgające 1,67 razy wartości średnie glikemii w przedziale HbA1c > 7,5%, to w grupie C2 różnica średnich glikemii w obu przedziałach wartości hemoglobiny glikowanej wynosiła 1,09. Dowodzi to, że znamienność różnicy wartości średnich glikemii pomiędzy grupą C1 a grupami C2, C3, C4 dla hemoglobiny glikowanej powyżej 7,5% nie wynika jedynie z różnic wartości średnich glikemii w zależności od wartości HbA1c. WNIOSKI. Wydaje się więc, że chwilowe wartości glikemii w trakcie zapisu elektrogastrograficznego nie wpływają na parametry zapisu przy jego wartościach prawidłowych. Wpływ ten jest widoczny przy nieprawidłowym zapisie elektrogastrograficznym i występuje wyraźniej gdy uwzględnia się wartości hemoglobiny glikowanej.INTRODUCTION. Electrogastrography have demonstrated a significant influence of glycaemia on the electrogastrographic values. Until now, however, the relationship has not been exactly expressed. One of the aims of this study was estimation of coinciden ce of glicemia and myoelectrical activity of stomach between patients with diabetes type 1. MATERIAL AND METHODS. The study covered 106 patients with type 1 diabetes. Gastric myoelectric activity was recorded with a Digitraper EGG OS unit, release 03.00. RESULTS. A statistically significant difference of mean glycaemia values (G0, GI, GP, G30, G60) during the electrogastrographic record between group C1 (deemed to represent a normal electrogastrographic record) and groups C2, C3, C4, where, depending on the percentage distribution of preprandial and postprandial frequencies, patients electrogastrographic records did not comply with the normative criteria. Significant differences between mean glycaemia values were found in the group with glicated haemoglobin values above 7.5%. Although group C3 demonstrated much higher mean glycaemia values in the range HbA1c > 7.5% (by a factor of 1.67), in group C2 the difference of mean glycaemia values in both ranges of glicated haemoglobin values was 1.09. It proves that the statistically significant difference of mean glycaemia values between group C1 and groups C2, C3, C4 for glicated haemoglobin above 7.5% was not only due to differences of mean glycaemia values depending on the haemoglobin value. In other words, the statistically significant difference in mean values between the groups does not only arise out of the fact that patients from the glicated haemoglobin range in excess of 7.5% represent a group of patients with higher mean glycaemia values. Another proof that there is no direct relationship is the insignificance of the differences of mean glycaemia values between groups C2 and C3, C2 and C4, C3 and C4 irrespective of the glicated haemoglobin value. CONCLUSION. Thus, it seems that momentary glycaemia values during the electrogastrographic record do not demonstrate any effect on the electrogastrographic parameters when its values are correct. On the other hand, such effect is visible with an incorrect electrogastrographic record, and is seen more clearly when the glicated haemoglobin value is considered

    Gastric mioelectrical activity in electrogastrographical examination and metabolic control in diabetic type 1 patients

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    WSTĘP. Celem niniejszej pracy była analiza wpływu wyrównania metabolicznego u chorych na cukrzycę typu 1, oceniana na podstawie stężenia HbA1c, na czynność mioelektryczną żołądka w badaniu elektrogstrograficznym. MATERIAŁ I METODY. Badanie przeprowadzono u 106 chorych na cukrzycę typu 1. Badania elektrogastrograficzne pozwoliły na ustalenie procentowego udziału częstotliwości w przedziałach 1,8-15 cykli/min [c./ /min]. Przedmiotem badania był procentowy udział częstotliwości w zakresie 2-4 cykli/min. Do dalszych badań otrzymane wyniki podzielono na 2 przedziały klasowe dla okresu przedposiłkowego (pre) i dla okresu poposiłkowego (post), opierając się na wyliczonych wartościach średnich procentowego udziału częstotliwości C w okresie przed- i poposiłkowym dla całej badanej populacji. Ponadto dokonano oceny zapisu elektrogastrograficznego na podstawie parametrów: PDF, PDP, DFIC, DPIC. Wszystkie powyższe parametry rozpatrywano oddzielnie dla okresów przedposiłkowego i poposiłkowego. Podczas badania oznaczano stężenie HbA1c i na podstawie otrzymanych wyników pacjentów podzielono na dwie grupy: z HbA1c £ 7,5% oraz HbA1c > 7,5%. WYNIKI. Potwierdzono wzajemne zależności parametrów zapisu elektrogastrograficznego z jego częstotliwością, jak również z wartością HbA1c. Przy niskich wartościach hemoglobiny glikowanej (HbA1c £ 7,5%), wysokich wartościach post C(2-4) c./min wartości parametrów DFIC, PDF, DPIC, PDP zachowują się podobnie jak u pacjentów w grupie C1, z przedziału niskich stężeń HbA1c. Przy wysokich stężeniach hemoglobiny glikowanej (HbA1c >7,5%) oraz niskich wartościach post C(2–4) c./min wartości parametrów DPIC i PDP zachowują się podobnie jak u pacjentów w grupie C1 o wysokim stężeniu hemoglobiny glikowanej.INTRODUCTION. The goal of the study was to assess the influence of metabolic control in diabetes 1 patients, assessed by means of the glicated haemoglobinvalue, on gastric myoelectric activity in a electrogastrographic examination. MATERIAL AND METHODS. The study was performed on 106 patients with diabetes type 1. The electrogastrographic examination allowed us to determine the percentage share of frequencies in the ranges from 1.8 to 15 cycles/min. The percentage share of frequencies in the range of 2-4 cycles/min was the object of this study. For further study the results were divided into two classes for the preprandial and postprandial period, based on the calculated mean percentages frequencies share. The electrogastrographic parameters: Period Dominant Frequency, Period Dominant Power, Dominant Frequency Instability Coefficient, Dominant Power Instability Coefficient were assessed. The patients were divided in two groups accordingly to the value of glicated haemoglobin, with values £ 7.5%, and > 7.5%. RESULTS. Confirmed the mutual relationships between the electrogastrographic record and recording frequency, and with the glicated haemoglobin value. Low glicated haemoglobin values, high percentages share of frequencies in the range of 2-4 cycles/min in postprandial period, caused that the electrogastrographic parameters behave similarly as in patients with normal/near normal electrogastrographic function, with low glicated haemoglobin value. In group with high glicated haemoglobin values and low percentages share of frequencies in the range of 2-4 cycles/min in postprandial period, electrogastrographic parameters behave similarly as in patients with normal/near normal electrogastrographic function and, with high glicated haemoglobin

    Wpływ chwilowych wartości glikemii na czynność mioelektryczną żołądka ocenianą w badaniu elektrogastrograficznym u chorych na cukrzycę typu 1

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    INTRODUCTION. Electrogastrography have demonstrated a significant influence of glycaemia on the electrogastrographic values. Until now, however, the relationship has not been exactly expressed. One of the aims of this study was estimation of coincidence of glicemia and myoelectrical activity of stomach between patients with diabetes type 1. MATERIAL AND METHODS. The study covered 106 patients with type 1 diabetes. Gastric myoelectric activity was recorded with a Digitraper EGG OS unit, release 03.00. RESULTS. A statistically significant difference of mean glycaemia values (G0, GI, GP, G30, G60) during the electrogastrographic record between group C1 (deemed to represent a normal electrogastrographic record) and groups C2, C3, C4, where, depending on the percentage distribution of preprandial and postprandial frequencies, patients electrogastrographic records did not comply with the normative criteria. Significant differences between mean glycaemia values were found in the group with glicated haemoglobin values above 7.5%. Although group C3 demonstrated much higher mean glycaemia values in the range HbA1c > 7.5% (by a factor of 1.67), in group C2 the difference of mean glycaemia values in both ranges of glicated haemoglobin values was 1.09. It proves that the statistically significant difference of mean glycaemia values between group C1 and groups C2, C3, C4 for glicated haemoglobin above 7.5% was not only due to differences of mean glycaemia values depending on the haemoglobin value. In other words, the statistically significant difference in mean values between the groups does not only arise out of the fact that patients from the glicated haemoglobin range in excess of 7.5% represent a group of patients with higher mean glycaemia values. Another proof that there is no direct relationship is the insignificance of the differences of mean glycaemia values between groups C2 and C3, C2 and C4, C3 and C4 irrespective of the glicated haemoglobin value. CONCLUSION. Thus, it seems that momentary glycaemia values during the electrogastrographic record do not demonstrate any effect on the electrogastrographic parameters when its values are correct. On the other hand, such effect is visible with an incorrect electrogastrographic record, and is seen more clearly when the glicated haemoglobin value is considered.WSTĘP. Stosując elektrogastrografię, wykazano istotny wpływ wartości glikemii na uzyskiwane wartości zapisu elektrogastrograficznego, brak jest jednak dokładnego sprecyzowania charakteru tej zależności. Celem badania była ocena wpływu wartości glikemii na zapis czynności mioelektrycznej żołądka u chorych na cukrzycę typu 1.MATERIAŁ I METODY. Zapisu czynności mioelektrycznej żołądka dokonywano u 106 pacjentów z cukrzycą typu 1 w okresie przed- i poposiłkowym (posiłek standaryzowany) przy użyciu aparatu Digitraper EGG OS wersja 03.00. WYNIKI. Znamienną statystycznie różnicę wartości średnich glikemii (G0, GI, GP, G30, G60) w trakcie zapisu elektrogastrograficznego pomiędzy grupą C1 (uznaną za reprezentującą zapis elektrogastrograficzny w granicach normy) i grupami odpowiednio C2, C3, C4, w których zależnie od rozkładu procentowego udziału częstotliwości w okresie przedposiłkowym i poposiłkowym rozmieszczeni byli pacjenci, których zapis elektrogastrograficzny nie spełniał kryteriów przyjętej normy. Stwierdzana znamienność różnicy wartości średnich glikemii była obecna w grupie z wartościami hemoglobiny glikowanej powyżej 7,5%. Jakkolwiek w grupie C3 wykazywano znaczne większe, bo sięgające 1,67 razy wartości średnie glikemii w przedziale HbA1c > 7,5%, to w grupie C2 różnica średnich glikemii w obu przedziałach wartości hemoglobiny glikowanej wynosiła 1,09. Dowodzi to, że znamienność różnicy wartości średnich glikemii pomiędzy grupą C1 a grupami C2, C3, C4 dla hemoglobiny glikowanej powyżej 7,5% nie wynika jedynie z różnic wartości średnich glikemii w zależności od wartości HbA1c. WNIOSKI. Wydaje się więc, że chwilowe wartości glikemii w trakcie zapisu elektrogastrograficznego nie wpływają na parametry zapisu przy jego wartościach prawidłowych. Wpływ ten jest widoczny przy nieprawidłowym zapisie elektrogastrograficznym i występuje wyraźniej gdy uwzględnia się wartości hemoglobiny glikowanej

    Gastric mioelectrical activity in electrogastrographical examination and metabolic control in diabetic type 1 patients

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    WSTĘP. Celem niniejszej pracy była analiza wpływu wyrównania metabolicznego u chorych na cukrzycę typu 1, oceniana na podstawie stężenia HbA1c, na czynność mioelektryczną żołądka w badaniu elektrogstrograficznym. MATERIAŁ I METODY. Badanie przeprowadzono u 106 chorych na cukrzycę typu 1. Badania elektrogastrograficzne pozwoliły na ustalenie procentowego udziału częstotliwości w przedziałach 1,8-15 cykli/min [c./ /min]. Przedmiotem badania był procentowy udział częstotliwości w zakresie 2-4 cykli/min. Do dalszych badań otrzymane wyniki podzielono na 2 przedziały klasowe dla okresu przedposiłkowego (pre,) i dla okresu poposiłkowego (post), opierając się na wyliczonych wartościach średnich procentowego udziału częstotliwości C w okresie przed- i poposiłkowym dla całej badanej populacji. Ponadto dokonano oceny zapisu elektrogastrograficznego na podstawie parametrów: PDF, PDP, DFIC, DPIC. Wszystkie powyższe parametry rozpatrywano oddzielnie dla okresów przedposiłkowego i poposiłkowego. Podczas badania oznaczano stężenie HbA1c i na podstawie otrzymanych wyników pacjentów podzielono na dwie grupy: z HbA1c £ 7,5% oraz HbA1c > 7,5%. WYNIKI. Potwierdzono wzajemne zależności parametrów zapisu elektrogastrograficznego z jego częstotliwością, jak również z wartością HbA1c. Przy niskich wartościach hemoglobiny glikowanej (HbA1c £ 7,5%), wysokich wartościach post C(2-4) c./min wartości parametrów DFIC, PDF, DPIC, PDP zachowują się podobnie jak u pacjentów w grupie C1, z przedziału niskich stężeń HbA1c. Przy wysokich stężeniach hemoglobiny glikowanej (HbA1c >7,5%) oraz niskich wartościach post C(2-4) c./min wartości parametrów DPIC i PDP zachowują się podobnie jak u pacjentów w grupie C1 o wysokim stężeniu hemoglobiny glikowanej.INTRODUCTION. The goal of the study was to assess the influence of metabolic control in diabetes 1 patients, assessed by means of the glicated haemoglobin value, on gastric myoelectric activity in a electrogastrographic examination. MATERIAL AND METHODS. The study was performed on 106 patients with diabetes type 1. The electrogastrographic examination allowed us to determine the percentage share of frequencies in the ranges from 1.8 to 15 cycles/min. The percentage share of frequencies in the range of 2-4 cycles/min was the object of this study. For further study the results were divided into two classes for the preprandial and postprandial period, based on the calculated mean percentages frequencies share. The electrogastrographic parameters: Period Dominant Frequency, Period Dominant Power, Dominant Frequency Instability Coefficient, Dominant Power Instability Coefficient were assessed. The patients were divided in two groups accordingly to the value of glicated haemoglobin, with values £ 7.5%, and > 7.5%. RESULTS. Confirmed the mutual relationships between the electrogastrographic record and recording frequency, and with the glicated haemoglobin value. Low glicated haemoglobin values, high percentages share of frequencies in the range of 2-4 cycles/min in postprandial period, caused that the electrogastrographic parameters behave similarly as in patients with normal/near normal electrogastrographic function, with low glicated haemoglobin value. In group with high glicated haemoglobin values and low percentages share of frequencies in the range of 2–4 cycles/ min in postprandial period, electrogastrographic parameters behave similarly as in patients with normal/ near normal electrogastrographic function and, with high glicated haemoglobin

    Neurological symptoms in hospitalised patients with COVID-19 and their association with in-hospital mortality

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    Objectives. To evaluate the spectrum of neurological symptoms in patients with COVID-19 during the first 14 days of hospitalisation and its association with in-hospital mortality. Material and methods. We included 200 patients with RT-PCR-confirmed COVID-19 admitted to University Hospital in Krakow, Poland. In 164 patients, a detailed questionnaire concerning neurological symptoms and signs was performed prospectively within 14 days of hospitalisation. In the remaining 36 patients, such questionnaires were completed retrospectively based on daily observations in the Department of Neurology. Results. During hospitalisation, 169 patients (84.5%) experienced neurological symptoms; the most common were: fatigue (62.5%), decreased mood (45.5%), myalgia (43.5%), and muscle weakness (42.5%). Patients who died during hospitalisation compared to the remainder were older (79 [70.5–88.5] vs. 63.5 [51–77] years, p = 0.001), and more often had decreased level of consciousness (50.0% vs. 9.3%, p < 0.001), delirium (33.3% vs. 4.4%, p < 0.001), arterial hypotension (50.0% vs. 19.6%, p = 0.005) or stroke during (18.8% vs. 3.3%, p = 0.026) or before hospitalisation (50.0% vs. 7.1, p < 0.001), whereas those who survived more often suffered from headache (42.1% vs. 0%, p = 0.012) or decreased mood (51.7% vs. 0%, p = 0.003). Conclusions. Most hospitalised patients with COVID-19 experience neurological symptoms. Decreased level of consciousness, delirium, arterial hypotension, and stroke during or before hospitalisation increase the risk of in-hospital mortality

    Determinants of Quality of Life and Satisfaction with Life in Women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

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    The purpose of the study was to assess the quality of life (QoL) and satisfaction with life (SwL) of women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) in comparison with those of healthy controls, and to identify and analyze factors determining QoL and SwL in women with PCOS. The cross-sectional study was performed between January and November 2016 in 504 women using health care services in Poland. The study group comprised women with PCOS, the control group women without PCOS. The study used a diagnostic survey with questionnaires. Research instruments included the World Health Organization Quality of Life-BREF (WHOQOL-BREF) questionnaire, the satisfaction with life scale (SWLS), and a standardized interview questionnaire comprising questions on the participants’ characteristics. Women with PCOS have lower QoL and SwL than healthy controls (p < 0.05). Factors affecting QoL in PCOS patients included socio-economic standing, time from PCOS diagnosis, BMI, age, and professional activity (p < 0.05). Factors affecting SwL in PCOS patients included socio-economic standing, having children, BMI, and time from PCOS diagnosis (p < 0.05). The higher the PCOS patients’ QoL, the higher their SwL (p < 0.05). Further studies are required, focusing both on PCOS and its etiology, and on its impact on the women diagnosed with the disease

    Generalized Self-Efficacy, Dispositional Optimism, and Illness Acceptance in Women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

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    Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is one of the most common chronic endocrinopathies affecting between 5 and 10% of reproductive age women. A diagnosis of PCOS very often causes a deterioration in the woman’s self-esteem and self-image, and consequently her quality of life (QoL). The purpose of the study was to investigate generalized self-efficacy, dispositional optimism and acceptance of illness in women with PCOS and to explore factors that affect these variables. The study was performed between January and November 2016 among women with PCOS using health care services. The study used a diagnostic survey with questionnaires. The research instruments included the Generalized Self-Efficacy Scale (GSES), the Life Orientation Test-Revised (LOT-R), the Acceptance of Illness Scale (AIS), and a standardized interview questionnaire. Among the PCOS patients studied, the mean score for generalized self-efficacy was 28.74 (±5.16), dispositional optimism—13.56 (±4.28), and acceptance of illness—27.90 (±7.74). The respondents’ generalized self-efficacy was determined by their residence, education, socio-economic standing, BMI, and time from diagnosis (p < 0.05), while socio-economic standing was a determinant of dispositional optimism (p < 0.05). Determinants of illness acceptance in women with PCOS included their residence, socio-economic standing, and time from diagnosis (p < 0.05). Increased generalized self-efficacy and dispositional optimism contributed to more illness acceptance in PCOS patients. The present study, compared with others on the subject, will enable specialists providing care to women with PCOS to gain a deeper and more comprehensive understanding of the situation and condition of their patients. It will also allow for a better response to the needs of PCOS patients, and provide them with individualized, holistic specialist care, diagnostics, and treatment

    Air pollution and semen parameters in men seeking fertility treatment for the first time

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    Objectives The purpose of this paper was to analyze the relationship between the selected chemical air pollutants found in the Lublin Province and the semen parameters of men seeking fertility treatment for the first time. Material and Methods The study involved an analysis of semen sample test results obtained from male patients first reporting for fertility treatment in reproductive health centers in the Lublin Province, Poland. The data set comprises semen parameters of 13 148 men, and the number of samples in the reference period was 255–769 annually. Data on air pollution were obtained from the website of the Polish General Environmental Inspectorate and included selected chemical air pollutant levels, i.e., NO₂, SO₂, O₃, and PM₁₀. Results The mean PM₁₀ levels in the air increased, on average, by 0.65 μg/m₃ annually in 2000–2015 (p = 0.029); the mean levels of O₃, NO₂, SO₂ did not change significantly in the analyzed period. There were increasing trends in the mean sperm density and total sperm count of the subjects in 1992–2015 (p < 0.001). The mean percentage of sperm with normal morphology significantly decreased in the subsequent analysis periods: 1992–1998 (p = 0.001); 1999–2009 (p < 0.001); 2010–2015 (p = 0.001). A significant negative correlation was found between the ozone levels in the air in the Lublin Province and the percentage of sperm with normal morphology (r = –0.8311, p = 0.040). Conclusions Exposure to ozone in the air contributes to decreased percentages of sperm with normal sperm morphology. Over the years, there was an increasing trend in sperm density in the men first reporting for fertility treatment, and a decreasing trend in the percentage of sperm with normal morphology. Int J Occup Med Environ Health. 2019;32(3):387–9

    Using Milk Thistle (Silybum marianum) Extract to Improve the Welfare, Growth Performance and Meat Quality of Broiler Chicken

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    Modern poultry production looks for feed and water additives that improve the welfare of chickens. The utilization of herbs as additives in feed or drinking water is becoming increasingly well known. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of milk thistle extract (Silybum marianum), administered in drinking water, on chickens&rsquo; welfare, production results, selected physicochemical properties of the breast muscles, the activity of selected enzymes, and the antioxidant potential of blood serum and breast muscles. A total of 102 one-day-old male ROSS 308 chicks were allocated into three treatment groups. The material was an infusion of dried milk thistle seeds in two doses, administered in drinking water for chickens (group: C = 0; E1 = 0.24; E2 = 0.36 g/day/animal) under standard rearing conditions. As a result of adding the milk thistle to the drinking water, there was an improvement in the welfare of the chickens and in the production results, enzymatic capacity of selected enzymes, and antioxidant capacity in the blood serum and in pectoral muscle (p &le; 0.05). The addition of a milk thistle seed infusion for chickens can be used in poultry production to improve the rearing performance antioxidant capacity and welfare of chickens

    Phytogenic Ingredients from Hops and Organic Acids Improve Selected Indices of Welfare, Health Status Markers, and Bacteria Composition in the Caeca of Broiler Chickens

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    The objective of this study was to determine the influence of phytogenic product-supplemented, organic acid-supplemented, and prebiotic-supplemented diets on the production results, antioxidative status, and selected welfare indices in broiler chickens. A total of 1155 one-day old male Ross 308 broilers were randomly assigned to one of three treatment groups: Group C, no additives; Group A, supplemented with phytogenic supplement (50% hop); and Group P, supplemented with 65% organic acids and their salts, and 30% prebiotic complex. Health condition and production results were monitored during the entire experiment. After 42 days, 10 birds from each dietary treatment group were selected for blood sampling and slaughter analysis. The results obtained revealed that over the whole feeding period, none of the investigated additives significantly affected broiler performance indices. However, feeding the birds treatment-A increased the relative abundance of Bifidobacterium in caecal digesta compared to the other treatments, whereas feeding treatment-P increased the relative abundance of Lactobacillus compared to the control treatment. Overall, treatment-A was more effective at increasing relative abundance of Clostridia in birds at 42 days of age than treatment-P. Finally, there were no changes in blood levels of antioxidant indices or liver function indicators