61 research outputs found

    Perbandingan Antara Penerapan Terapi Okupasi Dan Logoterapi Terhadap Tingkat Stress Lansia Di Panti Werdha Damai Perkamil Kecamatan Ranomuut Manado Dan Panti Werdha Senja Cerah Paniki Kecamatan Mapanget Manado

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    Menua proses menghilangnya secara perlahan kemampuan jaringan untuk memperbaiki struktur dan fungsi normal tubuh. Stres merupakan respons tubuh yang tidak spesifik terhadap tuntutan beban atasnya. Logoterapi merupakan kegiatan terapi individu berupa konseling yang dilakukan untuk mengatasi berbagai permasalahan pada lansia, Terapi Okupasi merupakan kegiatan kesehatan yang menangani pasien dengan gangguan fisik atau mental dengan aktifitas terapeutik Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui perbandingan antara penerapan logoterapi dan terapi okupasi terhadap tingkat stres pada lansia di Panti Werdha Damai Perkamil Kecamatan Ranomuut Manado dan di BPLU Senja Cerah Paniki Bawah Manado. Desain penelitian yaitu studi perbandingan (Comparative Study), sampel penelitian sebanyak 30, setiap panti dengan 15 responden, responden didapat menggunakan metode Purposive Sampling. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan berupa kuesioner DASSdan Satuan Operasional Prosedur (SOP) Terapi Okupasi. Hasil uji statistik menggunakan uji Mann Whitney U, didapatkan nilai p = 0,03. Ini berarti bahwa nilai p < α (0,05). Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini yaitu terdapat perbedaan penerapan logoterapi dan terapi okupasi terhadap tingkat stres pada lansia

    Hubungan Pola Asuh Orang Tua Dengan Perkembangan Sosial (Percaya Diri) Remaja Di SMA Negeri 7 Manado

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    : Parenting parents is a process of educating, guiding given to children in shaping the personality of the child, in order to achieve the appropriate maturity period and get a good social development. Good social development will lead children in a social environment and foster a sense of trust that is appropriate.Research Purpose: To determine the relationship of parenting parents with social development (confidence) adolescent in SMAN 7 Manado. Methods: The design of this research is analytic survey with cross sectional approach. The population in this study were 55 students at SMA Negeri 7 Manado. The sampling technique using total sampling. The study involved 55 students as respondents. The instrument used in this study were questionnaires parents' parenting and social development of the questionnaire. Results: analysis using Pearson Chi-Square and shows the p-value 0.000 (p <0.05).Conclusion: there is a relationship between parenting parents with social development (confidence) adolescent in SMAN 7 Manado. Suggestion:For parents as the first education for their children, should be able to provide appropriate parenting namely democratic parenting to support social development of adolescent

    1 Pengaruh Penerapan Logoterapi Terhadap Kebermaknaan Hidup Pada Lansia Di Badan Penyantunan Lanjut Usia Senjah Cerah Paniki Bawah Manado

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    Lansia yang bermakna dalam hidupnya selalu memiliki harapan pada dirinya akan menjadi lebih baik dan bersedia untuk memperbaiki diri, berguna dan bermanfaat pada lingkungan atau komunitas yang terkait dengan kehidupannya sebagai lansia.Sarana bagi lansia untuk menemukan dan meningkatkan makna dan tujuan hidupnya merupakan konseling logoterapi. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Badan Penyantunan Lanjut Usia Senja Cerah, Paniki Bawah Manado. Tujuan penelitian menganalisis pengaruh pemberian logoterapi terhadap kebermaknaan hidup pada lansia, di Badan Penyantunan Lanjut Usia Senja Cerah, Paniki Bawah Manado. Desain Penelitian menggunakan Eksperimen dengan rancangan penelitian One Group Pretest Posttest.Sampel yaitu15 responden lanjut usia (kelompok intervensi) akan diberikan penerapan logoterapi sebelum dan sesudah. Pengambilan sempel menggunakan teknik non probability sampling dengan pendekatan purposive sampling.Analisis penelitian menggunakan uji wilcoxon.Hasil Penelitianmenunjukan bahwa adapengaruh logoterapi terhadap kebermaknaan hidup pada lansia dengan nilai p = 0,005. Jadi dalam penelitian ini Ha diterima dan Ho ditolak, adanya pengaruh kebermaknaan hidup sebelum dan sesudah dilakukan logoterapi.Rekomendasi pada penelitian dilakukan sosialisasi terhadap pengurus BPLU Senja Cerah agar logoterapi dapat diterapkan dan dapat meningkatkan kebermaknaan hidup lansia

    Perbandingan Pengukuran Tekanan Darah Pada Lengan Kiri Dan Lengan Kanan Pada Penderita Hipertensi Di Ruangan Irina C Blu Rsup Prof. Dr. R. D. Kandou Manado

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    : Differences of blood pressure on left or right arm can be caused by several factors, including age factor, vascular occlusion, peripheral vascular disease, and heart problems. The purpose of this study was to determine the ratio of blood pressure measurements on the left arm and right arm in patients with hypertension. The research method used was descriptive analityc. The sampling technique used was accidental sampling, with the number of samples 31 respondents in room Irina C BLU RSUP Prof. Dr. R. D. Kandou Manado. With SPSS (Statistic Program for Science) used Wilcoxon signed test, at the 95% significance level (α =0.05), showed the value of p=0.034 (<0.05). This research was carried out three times measurements one ach respondent obtain and average value of measurements on the left arm of 2.9032 and 2.7097 on the right arm. The conclusion: There is a difference between the blood pressure measurement results on left arm and right arm in patients with hypertension

    Hubungan Aktivitas Spiritual Dengan Tingkat Depresi Pada Lansia Di Balai Penyantunan Lanjut Usia Senja Cerah Kota Manado

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    Abstrack : Depression is an emotional disorder that are a feeling dampened by an unhappy, sad, feeling worthless, have no spirit, no means pessimistic terhdap life depression in the elderly can be caused by many things. Spiritual Activity is the highest achievement of the basic needs of a human being in life regardless of their ethnicity or origins of basic needs include: physiological needs, safety and health, love, cherished and actuality themselves.Purpose analyze their relationship with the spiritual activity level of depression in the elderly in Hall Sponsorship Seniors Dusk Bright Manado. Research design analytic survey with cross sectional approach and the data collected from respondents using questionnaires spiritual activity and Geriatric Depression Scale questionnaire. Sample of 50 respondents were obtained by purposive sampling. Research results Chi square test obtained by the significant value of p = 0.000 <0.05. This shows that there is a relationship between spiritual activity with level of depression in the elderly in Hall Sponsorship Seniors Dusk Bright Manado. Suggestions to continue to maintain and improve the spiritual activity to avoid depression

    Hubungan Tingkat Pendidikan Dengan Kejadian Demensia Pada Lansia Di Balai Penyantunan Lanjut Usia Senja Cerah Paniki Kecamatan Mapanget Manado

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    Abstrack : Dementia is a term that used to describe a global cognitive impairment which is usually progressive and affect daily activity of elderly. One of the risk factor of dementia is lack of education. The aim of this research is to know the correlation between education level and dementia in elderly at Longevity Station Senja Cerah Paniki Subdistrict of Mapanget Manado. Research methods in this study was used analytic survey with cross sectional design. The samples in this research was used saturation sampling technique that is 27 peoples. The results in this research using analysis statistic test pearson chi-square have gained value p = 0,733 > α 0,05. The conclusion of this research, there is no correlation between education level and dementia in elderly at Longevity Station Senja Cerah Paniki Subdistrict of Mapanget Manado

    Pengaruh Kompres Hangat Terhadap Penurunan Skala Nyeri Pada Penderita Gout Arthritis Di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Bahu Manado

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    : Arthritis Gout is a group of heterogeneous diseases as a result of the deposition of monosodium urate crystals in tissues or due to supersaturation of uric acid in the extracellular fluid. Non-pharmacological action for arthritis gout sufferers include warm compresses. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of warm compresses in reducing pain scale in patients with arthritis gout in Bahu Public Health Center Manado. Samples found 30 respondents. Methods this study used a pre-experimental, pretest posttest one group design,sample selection with purposive sampling. This study uses statistical analysis Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test with á of 0.05. The results of the research in get value where ñ ñ value 0.000 <0.05 then á H0 rejected and we can conclude that there is a significant effect giving a warm compress to decrease pain scale in patients with arthritis gout in Bahu Public Health Center Manado. The conclusion of this study is a warm compress can reduce pain scale in patients with arthritis gout. Recommendation on this research that, presumably warm compresses can be applied to patients with arthritis gout independently at home

    Hubungan Peran Perawat Sebagai Care Giver Dengan Kualitas Hidup Pasien Penyakit Ginjal Kronik Yang Menjalani Hemodialisis Di Rsup Prof. Dr. R. D. Kandou Manado

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    : The quality of life is an individually perception about the whole of their life. Basicly, patient CKD undergoing hemodialysis have a bad quality of life, but will increase with some factor, one of which is influenced by the nurse's role as care giver. The purpose of this study were to the determine relationship nurse's role as care giver with patient's quality of life. The sample in this study is 30 nurse's and 41 patient's hemodialysis. The design study is a descriptive analytic with cross-sectional design were the information will collecting by using questionnaire. The research results spearman test there is have meaningful relationship between nurse's role as care giver with patient's quality of life (p = 0,000). The conclusion there is have relationship between nurse role as care giver with patient quality of life undergoing hemodialysis in RSUP Prof. Dr. R. D. Kandou Manado. The recomendation for further is expected to be a reference for more research on the role of nurses with quality of life
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