191 research outputs found

    f [N pi N]: from quarks to the pion derivative coupling

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    We study the N pi N coupling, in the framework of a QCD-inspired confining Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model. A simple relativistic confining and instantaneous quark model is reviewed. The Salpeter equation for the nucleon and the boosted pion is solved. The f [n pi n] and f[n pi Delta] couplings are calculated and they turn out to be reasonably good. The sensibility of f[n pi n] and f[n pi Delta] to confinement, chiral symmetry breaking and Lorentz invariance is briefly discussed.Comment: 30 pages in LaTex RevTex, 6 postscript figure

    Repulsive Core of NN S-Wave Scattering in a Quark Model with a Condensed Vacuum

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    We work in a chiral invariant quark model, with a condensed vacuum, characterized by only one parameter. Bound state equations for the nucleon and Delta are solved in order to obtain an updated value of their radii and masses. Nucleon-nucleon S-Wave scattering is studied in the RGM framework both for isospin T=1 and T=0. The phase shifts are calculated and an equivalent local potential, which is consistent with K-N scattering, is derived. The result is a reasonable microscopic short range repulsion in the nucleon-nucleon interaction.Comment: 23 pages in latex revtex, 4 Postscript figure

    Vacuum replicas in QCD

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    The properties of the vacuum are addressed in the two- and four-dimensional quark models for QCD. It is demonstrated that the two-dimensional QCD ('t Hooft model) possesses only one possible vacuum state - the solution to the mass-gap equation, which provides spontaneous breaking of the chiral symmetry (SBCS). On the contrary, the four-dimensional theory with confinement modeled by the linear potential supplied by the Coulomb OGE interaction, not only has the chirally-noninvariant ground vacuum state, but it possesses an excited vacuum replica, which also exhibits SBCS and can realize as a metastable intermediate state of hadronic systems. We discuss the influence of the latter on physical observables as well as on the possibility to probe the vacuum background fields in QCD.Comment: RevTeX4, 26 pages, 8 EPS figures, extended references, corrected some typos, to appear in Phys.Rev.

    A new Perspective on the Scalar meson Puzzle, from Spontaneous Chiral Symmetry Breaking Beyond BCS

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    We introduce coupled channels of Bethe-Salpeter mesons both in the boundstate equation for mesons and in the mass gap equation for chiral symmetry. Consistency is insured by the Ward Identities for axial currents, which preserve the Goldstone boson nature of the pion and prevents a systematic shift of the hadron spectrum. We study the decay of a scalar meson coupled to a pair of pseudoscalars. We also show that coupled channels reduce the breaking of chiral symmetry, with the same Feynman diagrams that appear in the coupling of a scalar meson to a pair of pseudoscalar mesons. Exact calculations are performed in a particular confining quark model, where we find that the groundstate I=0,3P0qqˉI=0, ^3P_0 q \bar q meson is the f_0(980) with a partial decay width of 40MeV. We also find a 30% reduction of the chiral condensate due to coupled channels.Comment: 17 pages, Revtex, 8 eps figures, and several eps diagrams in equation

    Chiral Extrapolation, Renormalization, and the Viability of the Quark Model

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    The relationship of the quark model to the known chiral properties of QCD is a longstanding problem in the interpretation of low energy QCD. In particular, how can the pion be viewed as both a collective Goldstone boson quasiparticle and as a valence quark antiquark bound state where universal hyperfine interactions govern spin splittings in the same way as in the heavy quark systems. We address this issue in a simplified model which; however, reproduces all features of QCD relevant to this problem. A comparison of the many-body solution to our model and the constituent quark model demonstrates that the quark model is sufficiently flexible to describe meson hyperfine splitting provided proper renormalization conditions and correct degrees of freedom are employed consistently.Comment: 6 pages, 2 eps figures, uses revtex. Version to appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    Running coupling and fermion mass in strong coupling QED

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    Simple toy model is used in order to exhibit the technique of extracting the non-perturbative information about Green's functions in Minkowski space. The effective charge and the dynamical electron mass are calculated in strong coupling 3+1 QED by solving the coupled Dyson-Schwinger equations for electron and photon propagators. The minimal Ball-Chiu vertex was used for simplicity and we impose the Landau gauge fixing on QED action. The solution obtained separately in Euclidean and Minkowski space were compared, the latter one was extracted with the help of spectral technique.Comment: 23 pages, 4 figures, v4: revised and extended version, one introductory section adde

    Linear square-mass trajectories of radially and orbitally excited hadrons in holographic QCD

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    We consider a new approach towards constructing approximate holographic duals of QCD from experimental hadron properties. This framework allows us to derive a gravity dual which reproduces the empirically found linear square-mass trajectories of universal slope for radially and orbitally excited hadrons. Conformal symmetry breaking in the bulk is exclusively due to infrared deformations of the anti-de Sitter metric and governed by one free mass scale proportional to Lambda_QCD. The resulting background geometry exhibits dual signatures of confinement and provides the first examples of holographically generated linear trajectories in the baryon sector. The predictions for the light hadron spectrum include new relations between trajectory slopes and ground state masses and are in good overall agreement with experiment.Comment: 33 pages, 5 figures, updated to the extended version published in JHEP, vector meson bulk potential and metric corrected, comments and references added, phenomenology and conclusions unchange

    Simetria no ensino fundamental através da resolução de problemas: possibilidades para um trabalho em sala de aula

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    Este artigo tem como objetivo apresentar uma possibilidade de trabalho com o tema simetria na sala de aula do Ensino Fundamental. A proposta baseia-se na pesquisa desenvolvida no Mestrado Profissional em Ensino de Ciências e Matemática realizada segundo uma abordagem qualitativa. Na pesquisa, foi realizado um trabalho de campo que consistiu no desenvolvimento de uma sequência didática planejada sob a perspectiva do ensino de Matemática através da resolução de problemas com alunos de uma turma de sétimo ano do Ensino Fundamental. Na elaboração da sequência didática, foram levados em consideração aspectos como a intuição e a visualização, relevantes ao estudo da geometria. Durante a realização da sequência didática os diálogos entre os alunos e professor foram gravados e, posteriormente, transcritos. Para a análise dos dados adotaram-se os procedimentos da fenomenologia. Na interpretação dos dados vimos que o ensino de simetria através da resolução de problemas potencializa a aprendizagem. Mostra-se ainda que, em um ambiente de investigação, os alunos são capazes de identificar propriedades, argumentar sobre as características geométricas percebidas e justificar suas afirmações