354 research outputs found

    \u27Special offers for target groups that otherwise would not have been reached\u27. Social participation through regional networks in adult literacy and basic education. A multiple-case study

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    Using the perspective of neo-institutionalism and institutional logics, this article examines regional networks in the field of literacy and basic education. The goal of the analysis is to identify different forms of community-logics within two actor constellations. For this purpose, two regions are focused within a multiple-case study design. The empirical approach is based on interviews with experts from the field of literacy and basic education. The Interviews are evaluated qualitatively. The interview material will be used to identify different logics of communities in the regions and to examine the contexts in which actors orient themselves to the different logics. It becomes clear that communities in adult basic education are constituted on the basis of both geographical and content related aspects. By becoming a member of the communities, the actors benefit from various advantages. This collaboration ultimately enables the social participation and inclusion of the low-literate in the regions. (DIPF/Orig.

    A Dynamical Model of Color Confinement

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    A dynamical model of confinement based on a transport theoretical description of the Friedberg-Lee model is extended to explicit color degrees of freedom. The string tension is reproduced by an adiabatic string formation from the nucleon ground state. Color isovector oscillation modes of a qqˉq\bar{q}-system are investigated for a wide range of relative qqˉq\bar{q}-momenta and the dynamical impact of color confinement on the quark motion is shown.Comment: 12 pages plus 5 figure

    Case-control studies with affected sibships

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    Related cases may be included in case-control association studies if correlations between related individuals due to identity-by-descent (IBD) sharing are taken into account. We derived a framework to test for association in a case-control design including affected sibships and unrelated controls. First, a corrected variance for the allele frequency difference between cases and controls was directly calculated or estimated in two ways on the basis of the fixation index FST and the inbreeding coefficient. Then the correlation-corrected association test including controls and affected sibs was carried out. We applied the three strategies to 20 candidate genes on the Genetic Analysis Workshop 15 rheumatoid arthritis data and to 9187 single-nucleotide polymorphisms of replicate one of the Genetic Analysis Workshop 15 simulated data with knowledge of the "answers". The three strategies used to correct for correlation give only minor differences in the variance estimates and yield an almost correct type I error rate for the association tests. Thus, all strategies considered to correct the variance performed quite well

    Integration of a priori gene set information into genome-wide association studies

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    In genome-wide association studies (GWAS) genetic markers are often ranked to select genes for further pursuit. Especially for moderately associated and interrelated genes, information on genes and pathways may improve the selection. We applied and combined two main approaches for data integration to a GWAS for rheumatoid arthritis, gene set enrichment analysis (GSEA) and hierarchical Bayes prioritization (HBP). Many associated genes are located in the HLA region on 6p21. However, the ranking lists of genes and gene sets differ considerably depending on the chosen approach: HBP changes the ranking only slightly and primarily contains HLA genes in the top 100 gene lists. GSEA includes also many non-HLA genes

    A Quark Transport Theory to describe Nucleon--Nucleon Collisions

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    On the basis of the Friedberg-Lee model we formulate a semiclassical transport theory to describe the phase-space evolution of nucleon-nucleon collisions on the quark level. The time evolution is given by a Vlasov-equation for the quark phase-space distribution and a Klein-Gordon equation for the mean-field describing the nucleon as a soliton bag. The Vlasov equation is solved numerically using an extended testparticle method. We test the confinement mechanism and mean-field effects in 1+1 dimensional simulations.Comment: 23 pages, LaTeX (figures available from the authors), UGI-93-

    Coxaler Spinnenmuskel c2 : heterogener Faseraufbau und funktioneller Beitrag bei verschiedenen Bewegungsweisen

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    Die mittelamerikanische Jagdspinne Cupiennius salei Keys. zeigt nach Reizung ventraler Tasthaare auf den proximalen Beingliedern in freier Natur und auch im Labor das relativ einfache, reflektorische Verhalten des „Körperanhebens“. Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war, den am Körperanheben maßgeblich beteiligten Coxamuskel c2 hinsichtlich seiner Anatomie, seiner funktionellen Faserzusammensetzung und Innervation sowie seiner AktivitĂ€t beim „Körperanheben“ und bei weiteren Bewegungsweisen der Spinne zu untersuchen. (1) Der c2-Muskel liegt im Prosoma der Spinne und setzt fĂŒr jedes Bein am anterioren Coxarand an. In den 1. - 3. Beinpaaren liegt c2 zweigeteilt (apodemaler und tergaler Anteil), im Hinterbeinpaar dagegen einteilig (nur tergaler Anteil) vor. (2) Histochemische Nachweisreaktionen (Glykogengehalt, relative Succinatdehydrogenase- und relative myofibrillĂ€re Adenosintriphosphatase-AktivitĂ€t) ergeben eine heterogene Faserzusammensetzung des c2-Muskels aus 4 Muskelfasertypen (A, B, C, D). Der apodemale c2-Anteil besteht homogen aus A-Fasern. (3) Messungen mit Laserdiffraktometrie zeigen fĂŒr die A- und B-Fasern signifikant kĂŒrzere SarkomerlĂ€ngen als fĂŒr die C- und D-Fasern. (4) Sodium-Dodecylsulfat-Polyacrylamid-Gelelektrophorese weist als Besonderheit fĂŒr die A- und B-Fasern eine Paramyosin-Isoform P1 (107 kDa), eine Isoform der leichten Ketten des Myosins LC2 (22 kDa) und vermehrt eine Troponin-Isoform T4 (46 kDa) nach. In den Cund D-Fasern kommt allein eine 43-kDa-Bande und vermehrt eine Troponin-Isoform T2 (50 kDa) vor. (5) Der c2-Muskel der Vorder- und Hinterbeine wird durch einen eigenen Nerv innerviert. Retrograde AnfĂŒllungen („Backfills“) des Nervs mit neuronalen Tracern legen eine polyneurale Innervation des c2-Muskels aller Beine dar, höchstwahrscheinlich jeweils durch 6 Motoneurone. Zwei davon sind jeweils positiv GABA (Gamma-Amino-ButtersĂ€ure) -immunreaktiv; dies ist ein Hinweis auf eine mögliche inhibitorische Innervation des c2-Muskels. (6) Wie Elektromyogramme freilaufender Spinnen zeigen, besteht das Körperanhebeverhalten aus zwei aufeinanderfolgenden Reaktionen: einer lokalen c2-Kontraktion im taktil gereizten Bein, die eine Bewegung im zugehörigen Prosoma-Coxa-Gelenk verursacht, und einer durch diese aktive Bewegung hervorgerufenen plurisegmentalen Reaktion im c2 der ĂŒbrigen 7 Beine. Wird eine Coxa passiv bewegt, kann auch in festgelegten Spinnen eine plurisegmentale Reaktion aller 8 Beine ausgelöst werden. (7) Sowohl bei der lokalen als auch bei der plurisegmentalen Reaktion des „Körperanhebens“ rekrutiert c2 die gleichen neuromuskulĂ€ren Einheiten. Dies deutet auf die gleiche zentalnervöse Endstrecke beider Reaktionen hin. Die Anzahl der elektrophysiologisch unterscheidbaren neuromuskulĂ€ren Einheiten stimmt mit der der anatomisch nachgewiesenen Motoneuronen und Fasertypen ĂŒberein. (8) Der tergale c2-Anteil ist immer, der apodemale Anteil nur bei schnellem Körperanheben, schnellen Laufstarts und bei Schreckreaktionen (Flucht) der Spinne aktiv. Hierbei rekrutiert der apodemale Teil nur zu Beginn der Verhaltensweise schnelle phasische Einheiten. (9) Ich diskutiere bei welchen Bewegungsweisen der Spinne die 4 Fasertypen vermeindlich zum Einsatz kommen, wie sie höchstwahrscheinlich innerviert werden und welche Konsequenzen die c2-Zweiteilung in den vorderen Beinpaaren (1 - 3) auf die Beinbewegung im Verhalten haben könnte. Am wahrscheinlichsten ist eine verstĂ€rkte Druckerhöhung zur Beinextension durch schnelle anfĂ€ngliche Kontraktionen des „apodemalen Hebels“ und eine vektorielle KrĂ€fteaddition der zwei Muskelteile. (10) Anhang II behandelt den internen Gelenkrezeptor R0 im Prosoma-Coxa-Gelenk. Ausschaltversuche weisen R0 als unentbehrlich fĂŒr das Zustandekommen der plurisegmentalen Reaktion aus. Lage und Anordnung der R0-Sinneszellen sind in den Beinpaaren 1 - 3 und den Hinterbeinen verschieden

    Tests for candidate-gene interaction for longitudinal quantitative traits measured in a large cohort

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    For the Framingham Heart Study (FHS) and simulated FHS (FHSsim) data, we tested for gene-gene interaction in quantitative traits employing a longitudinal nonparametric association test (LNPT) and, for comparison, a survival analysis. We report results for the Offspring Cohort by LNPT analysis and on all longitudinal cohorts by survival analysis with cohort effect adjustment. We verified that type I errors were not inflated. We compared the power of both methods to detect in FHSsim data two sets of gene pairs that interact for the trait coronary artery calcification. In FHS, we tested eight gene pairs from a list of candidate genes for interaction effects on body mass index. Both methods found evidence for pairwise non-additive effects of mutations in the genes FTO, PON1, and PFKP on body mass index

    Significant association of a M129V independent polymorphism in the 5\prime UTR of the PRNP gene with sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease in a large German case-control study

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    Background: A single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) in the coding region of the prion protein gene (PRNP) at codon 129 has been repeatedly shown to be an associated factor to sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (sCJD), but additional major predisposing DNA variants for sCJD are still unknown. Several previous studies focused on the characterisation of polymorphisms in PRNP and the prion-like doppel gene (PRND), generating contradictory results on relatively small sample sets. Thus, extensive studies are required for validation of the polymorphisms in PRNP and PRND.Methods: We evaluated a set of nine SNPs of PRNP and one SNP of PRND in 593 German sCJD patients and 748 German healthy controls. Genotyping was performed using MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry.Results: In addition to PRNP 129, we detected a significant association between sCJD and allele frequencies of six further PRNP SNPs. No significant association of PRND T174M with sCJD was shown. We observed strong linkage disequilibrium within eight adjacent PRNP SNPs, including PRNP 129. However, the association of sCJD with PRNP 1368 and PRNP 34296 appeared to be independent on the genotype of PRNP 129. We additionally identified the most common haplotypes of PRNP to be over-represented or under-represented in our cohort of patients with sCJD.Conclusion: Our study evaluated previous findings of the association of SNPs in the PRNP and PRND genes in the largest cohorts for association study in sCJD to date, and extends previous findings by defining for the first time the haplotypes associated with sCJD in a large population of the German CJD surveillance study

    Nonparametric longitudinal allele-sharing model

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    Basically no methods are available for the analysis of quantitative traits in longitudinal genetic epidemiological studies. We introduce a nonparametric factorial design for longitudinal data on independent sib pairs, modelling the phenotypic quadratic differences as the dependent variable. Factors are the number of alleles shared identically by descent (IBD) and the age categories at which the dependent variable is measured, allowing for dependence due to age. To identify a linked marker a rank statistic tests the influence of IBD group on phenotypic quadratic differences. No assumptions are made on normality or variances of the dependent variable. We apply our method to 71 sib pairs from the Framingham Heart Study data provided at the Genetic Analysis Workshop 13. For all 15 available markers on chromosome 17 we analyzed the influence on systolic blood pressure. In addition, different selection strategies to sample from the whole data are discussed
