633 research outputs found

    Half-liberated real spheres and their subspaces

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    We describe the quantum subspaces of Banica-Goswami's half-liberated real-spheres, showing in particular that there is a bijection between the symmetric ones and the conjugation stable closed subspaces of the complex projective spaces.Comment: 10 page

    Hopf-Galois Systems

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    We introduce the concept of Hopf-Galois system, a reformulation of the notion of Galois extension of the base field for a Hopf algebra. The main feature of our definition is a generalization of the antipode of an ordinary Hopf algebra. The main application of Hopf-Galois systems is the construction of monoidal equivalences between comodule categories over Hopf algebras.Comment: 15 page

    Algebraic quantum permutation groups

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    We discuss some algebraic aspects of quantum permutation groups, working over arbitrary fields. If KK is any characteristic zero field, we show that there exists a universal cosemisimple Hopf algebra coacting on the diagonal algebra KnK^n: this is a refinement of Wang's universality theorem for the (compact) quantum permutation group. We also prove a structural result for Hopf algebras having a non-ergodic coaction on the diagonal algebra KnK^n, on which we determine the possible group gradings when KK is algebraically closed and has characteristic zero.Comment: 11 page

    Hochschild homology of Hopf algebras and free Yetter-Drinfeld resolutions of the counit

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    We show that if AA and HH are Hopf algebras that have equivalent tensor categories of comodules, then one can transport what we call a free Yetter-Drinfeld resolution of the counit of AA to the same kind of resolution for the counit of HH, exhibiting in this way strong links between the Hochschild homologies of AA and HH. This enables us to get a finite free resolution of the counit of B(E)\mathcal B(E), the Hopf algebra of the bilinear form associated to an invertible matrix EE, generalizing an ealier construction of Collins, Hartel and Thom in the orthogonal case E=InE=I_n. It follows that \B(E) is smooth of dimension 3 and satisfies Poincar\'e duality. Combining this with results of Vergnioux, it also follows that when EE is an antisymetric matrix, the L2L^2-Betti numbers of the associated discrete quantum group all vanish. We also use our resolution to compute the bialgebra cohomology of \B(E) in the cosemisimple case.Comment: 17 page

    Galois reconstruction of finite quantum groups

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    We describe a universal factorization for a functor with values in finite-dimensional measured algebras. More precisely we contruct the quantum automorphism group of this functor. This general recontruction result allows us to recapture a finite-dimensional Hopf algebra from the category of finite-dimensional measured comodule algebras.Comment: Latex, 10 page
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