4 research outputs found

    The selection of breeding lines of spring barley on the basis of statistical analysis of three year trial series

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    W pracy przedstawiono wyniki analizy trzyletniego cyklu doświadczeń hodowlanych z rodami jęczmienia jarego. Były to: doświadczenie jednopowtórzeniowe, przedwstępne i wstępne wykonane odpowiednio w 2008, 2009 i 2010 roku przeprowadzone w stacji Hodowli Roślin w Polanowicach (Małopolska Hodowla Roślin). Przedstawiona w pracy koncepcja opracowania wyników serii doświadczeń z nowymi rodami oparta jest na szerokim wykorzystaniu metod statystycznych. Takie podejście umożliwia całościowe spojrzenie na wyniki doświadczeń przeprowadzonych dla rodów jęczmienia jarego z jednej stacji hodowli jak również rodów pochodzących z różnych stacji doświadczalnych. Przeprowadzona analiza wykazała małe zróżnicowanie pomiędzy plonami rodów badanych w doświadczeniu jednopowtórzeniowym. Uwypuklenie zróżnicowania pomiędzy rodami można uzyskać poprzez zastosowanie bardziej zaawansowanych metod statystycznych takich jak analiza wariancji doświadczeń ze wzorcami, analiza wariancji układów hierarchicznych (z powtórzeniami), analiza doświadczeń wieloletnich. Trzyletnia syntetyczna ocena genotypów pochodzących z hodowli Polanowice wykazała występowanie interakcji genotyp × lata objawiającą się niestabilnością w plonowaniu. Oddzielne analizowanie każdego roku badań może spowodować utratę cennych genotypów.In this paper the results of the analysis of three year breeding trial cycle with lines of spring barley is presented. Single replication, pre-preliminary and preliminary trials were conducted in the 2008, 2009 and 2010 respectively. The analyzed trials were conducted at the plant breeding station in Polanowice (Małopolska Hodowla Roślin). The presented conception of description of the results of the trial series with breeding lines and controls is based on an extensive use of the statistical methods. This approach enables a holistic view on the results of the conducted trials for the spring barley lines both from given breeding station and from different experimental stations. The analysis made it possible to show a small variation between the yields of breeding lines in a the not replicated trial. Variation between lines can be demonstrated when more advanced statistical methods, such as analysis of variance of augmented designs, analysis of variance of hierarchical designs or analysis of many years of trials, are used. On the basis of the three year synthetic evaluation of genotypes, which were bred in Polanowice, the interaction genotype × year has been shown by the revealed instability in yielding. A separate analysis of each year of the trials may result in the loss of valuable genotypes

    Selected traits of spring wheat in Polish climatic conditions. Part 1. The traits of yield components and basic technological parameters

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    The purpose of the paper was to determine phenotype and genotype variability of yield components structure  (number  of grains,  grain  mass  and  1000 grain  weigh)  as  well  as  of the basic  technological  traits (sedimentation number, falling number, protein percentage content per grain). The research also considered the issue of pre-harvest sprouting. During each vegetation season rainfall and temperature were recorded. The examined material were the strains of F6 - F7 generation. Coefficients of correlation between the values of particular traits and mean temperatures and rainfall sum during a given season showed that yield component parameters were significantly modified by temperature; whilst warm vegetation seasons proved  to be benefi- cial. Negative correlation between the rainfall sum and the number of grains and grain mass as well as 1000 grain weight suggests that the excess of water may be more detrimental for the yield than its shortage. Coefficients of correlation between the values of basic technological parameters and mean temperature were negative and not very high or low or even – insignificant, as in the case of falling number. High h2 coefficients suggest a good  heritability of yield components  parameters, and yield per ear seem to be the trait that was transmitted best. Amongst  the basic quality indicators, the highest heritability was observed in the case of falling number and the lowest one in the case of sedimentation number. The weakest genetic conditioning was observed in the case of resistance to sprouting, measured as the percentage of sprouting grains in the ear. It seems therefore that genetic variability was, to a large degree, masked by the environmental impact and, in spite of a high degree of genetic conditioning, the effectiveness of selection based on a visual evaluation of the forms rated for further cultivation might be limited

    Anther culture response in heterozygous triticale (× Triticosecale Wittmack) populations

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    The subject of research was the anther culture response of 186 lines of winter crop triticale coming from two types of crossings: A×B and (A×B)×C. The number of embryoids and green regenerants obtained from particular lines were adopted as property indicators. The examined lines were characterised by a relatively good ability to create either single embryoids or conglomerated embryoids, but the number of green regenerants obtained later on from such structures was generally low. It was found that there were no significant differences between these objects both with regard to the ability to create embryoids and green regenerants in the case of anthers collected from hybrids from simple crossings, whilst there were significant differences (with p=0.05) in the case of hybrids originated from crossings of the type (A×B)×C. The coefficients of heritability of the ability to create embryoids was h 2 =0,682 for anthers coming from hybrids of the type: A×B and h 2 =0,371 for anthers collected from hybrids of the (A×B)×C type. However genetic conditioning of the ability to regenerate green plants was 0.699 and 0.522 respectively. It may thus be supposed that the ability to create embryoids passed onto the next generation would be better with the forms originating from crossing of the A×B type, and the heritability of the ability to create green plants would be similar with both types of hybrids.For both of the groups compared, also the coefficients of variability CV(p) and CV(g) were calculated as well as the coefficients of correlation between the number of embryoids and the number of green regenerants obtained from them at a later phase