17 research outputs found


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    The article defines the essence of a career competency. requirements of the GEF VPO for preparation of Bachelors in economics. Рroposed mechanism of career competence in the preparation of future bachelors in economics


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    Introduction: the current trends of development of preschool education connected with definition of compliance of real results of activity of the preschool educational organization to requirements of FGOS TO initiate development of the effective quality system of preschool education as key direction it modernization. Materials and methods: the methodology of article is based on theoretical studying of a problem of quality of preschool education. The research is conducted on the basis of the methods of the analysis and generalization which allowed to select key provisions of the studied problem and to offer the complex of administrative competences of the head of the preschool educational organization providing creation of a quality management system. Results: disclosing psychology and pedagogical characteristics of the concept "quality of preschool education" authors emphasize that this category is investigated in terms of the actual compliance of conditions, the organization, ways of estimation of properties and results of education, educational and educational process to necessary requirements of the standard. Development of model criteria for evaluation of quality of preschool education remains the debatable problem demanding the further development in the conditions of variability. The dynamism of characteristics of quality of preschool education causes construction and development of a quality management system in the conditions of the preschool educational organization. Development and deployment of a similar system places great demands on administrative competence of the head which is considered by authors as a complex of valuable and motivational, analitiko-design, organizational and performing, communication and activity, reflexive and estimated competences. Components and indicators of achievement of the offered competences are allocated. The innovative component of administrative activity and development of the individual-based program of increase in level of administrative competences are considered by significant conditions of design of development of administrative competences of the head of the preschool educational organization. Discussion and Conclusions: the considered theoretical provisions characterizing problems and the prospects of improvement of quality of preschool education supplement a technique of preschool education as initial step of a system of continuous education of the personality. The prospect of further researches assumes design of a quality management system of the preschool educational organization on the basis of the actual level of formation of administrative competences of the head and individual trajectories of their improvement

    EDUCATION AS A PREREQUISITE achieve sustainable development and a basis for future progress

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    Relevance of education as key factor of creation of steadier society and the education role as the most important instrument of effective management and development of democracy necessary for achievement of a sustainable development is highlighted locates in article. In this article scientific-theoretical aspects and the leading tendencies of the concept of education for a sustainable development (OUR) are opened, the terminological concept "Education in Interests of a Sustainable Development" is given, the purposes and the fundamental principles of the education meeting the requirements of a sustainable development of society are allocated. In the publication it is said that education and a sustainable development - two processes directed to the future and urged to provide qualitative life to present and future generations. The education purpose for a sustainable development - the continuous professional and personal development of the person helping it to understand the potential opportunities, to create abilities to resolve life and professional situations, the providing improvement of quality of his life, harmonies, necessary for achievement, between the results of society, state which are trained and requirements of a sustainable development. Opportunities and restrictions of education in interests of a sustainable development from a position of its preservation and development are defined


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    The publication purpose – to reveal intrinsic characteristics of the leading teacher and to develop pedagogical conditions of formation of leadership skills of students – future preschool teachers in educational process of higher education institution. Methodological principles of article are the theory of leadership and development of the personality. When carrying out a research were used the analysis of scientific-theoretical provisions of the concept "leader" of the system of modern professional and pedagogical knowledge.Content – the analysis of the studied problem has allowed authors to define that the leading teacher is a personality to whom trust and who is recognized; capable to lead group of children (parents, colleagues), awakening their activity and interest; to influence interaction process, regulating relationship; to responsibly organize performance of this or that activity. The conclusion is drawn that in the conditions of modernization of educational system the leading teacher becomes the important strategic resource of all transformations capable to generate and perceive innovations, ready to show activity and creativity.The fundamental qualities causing purposeful development of the important personal and professional characteristics leading the personality to the leader's position have defined independence and responsibility.Three groups of the pedagogical conditions in total forming special leader space, approving social, active and creative essence of the identity of students and forming qualities of the successful leading teacher are proved: reflexive and motivational, substantial and informative and activity.Authors join in structure of qualities of the leading teacher: the motivational focused, intellectual and strong-willed, behavioural, social and communicative qualities. It is shown that existence of the marked-out qualities though increases development of the teacher as leader, but possession of them not necessarily turns the individual into the leader.The theoretical provisions submitted in work supplement basic provisions of the theory of leadership, enriching the theory and a technique of continuous professional education

    SUSTAINABLE personal and professional development students in high school

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    The article deals with the scientific and theoretical aspects and leading trends in the development of stability of personality on two interrelated levels of manifestation: personal (individual) and professional development are considered integrative qualities that make up the essential features of the stability of personality. The publication states that the stability of the personal (individual) human development - a harmonious unity of its constancy and variability. Stability of personality is seen as a unique and inimitable combination of qualities, properties, states and characteristics of the person, allowing him to be in a state of equilibrium in a variety of conditions of life. Backbone characteristic in the personality structure is determined by aspirations for the future. Isolated components of sustainable personal and professional development of students: moral-evaluative, informative and meaningful, structural and procedural (activity) and personal. It is shown that the basic factor of sustainable professional activity is the organization of a single personal-professional space. Highlighted the principles of its organization


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    The purpose of the publication is to describe the complex composition of the safe educational environment of the educational organization. The methodological basis of the article is human life safety theory and humanization of education. Throughout the research scientific and theoretical concepts like "environment", "educational environment", "safe educational environment" in the system of modern professional and pedagogical knowledge were analyzed. Results. Content - analysis of author's definitions of the concepts allowed to single out some generalized ideas that characterize the educational environment as a pedagogical phenomenon. The authors have specified a safe educational environment as a set of components in the general management system of an educational organization. The component composition of the safe educational environment of the educational organization is determined. It includes: regulatory, emotionally comfortable, culturally and socially oriented, health and protective, cognitive-creative, developing, process and technological components. It is concluded that a safe educational environment, modeled as rationally, dynamically organized and protecting space of the educational organization in which the development, education and activity of subjects of education takes place, is an important condition for ensuring the safety of individuals (trainees as well as their teachers); guarantees to ensure democratic principles, human-personal relationships of participants in the educational process. The theoretical propositions presented in the work supplement the main provisions of the theory of safety of life and humanization of education, enriching the theory and methodology of continuing vocational education


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    Introduction: Axiological approach is considered as the humanistic direction of philosophy of education which theoretical provisions prove the concept of development of the world and the person in the uniform system of the values; the relations; estimates and valuable orientations based on the idea of harmonization. Vocational training of future teachers in the context of axiological approach becomes a condition of familiarizing with spiritual bases and development of sociocultural professional and personal features.Materials and methods: The methodology of article is carried out on the basis of the methods of the analysis and generalization which have allowed to select the key provisions of axiological approach exerting impact on vocational training of future teachers.Results: Opening philosophical; psychology and pedagogical bases of axiological approach; authors emphasize that values as his key definition are special education which semantic context is characterized by a certain system and hierarchy of concepts and phenomena. It causes relevance of vocational training of future teachers in unity of the world outlook; professional and personal characteristics leading to development of individual and significant valuable orientations from the point of view of standards of professional ethics and to formation of own relation to fundamental professional values and installations. The conclusion is drawn that vocational training of future teachers has to reflect the cultural and valuable potential of students and develop valuable meanings of a profession due to application of specially organized methods and receptions which flexible and variable application provides the individual differentiated nature of training.Discussion and Conclusions: The covered theoretical basics of axiological approach and practical aspects influencing process of vocational training of future teachers; presented in work supplement basic provisions and a technique of continuous professional education. The perspective directions of the most efficient researches are; according to authors; justification of expediency and entering of necessary amendments into contents of working programs for the purpose of strengthening of axiological orientation of vocational training of future teachers on education levels