300 research outputs found

    The Relationship Between State Effectiveness And State Legitimacy: A Quantitative Test

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    Legitimacy is a contested concept in political science. The question of legitimacy has been addressed in various topics, including state formation, state building, and state failure. This research is an attempt to quantitatively test the relationship between state legitimacy and state effectiveness and development in the economy, politics, and society. By examining the literature on legitimacy and its sources, the research tests the following hypothesis: a state with better performance in macro issues, including economic performance, social welfare, and political participation, is more likely to enjoy a higher level of legitimacy. In other words, this study attempts to establish a replicable formula for an incumbent state to achieve and sustain its legitimacy

    The influence of CEO characteristics on corporate environmental performance of SMEs: Evidence from Vietnamese SMEs

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    Drawing on upper echelon theory, this study investigates the impact of CEOs’ (chief executive officers) demographic characteristics on corporate environmental performance (CEP) in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). We hypothesized that CEO characteristics, including gender, age, basic educational level, professional educational level, political connection, and ethnicity, affect SMEs’ environmental performance. Using the cross-sectional data analysis of 810 Vietnamese SMEs, this study provides evidence that female CEOs and CEOs’ educational level (both basic and professional) are positively related to the probability of CEP. We also find that based on the role of institutional environment on CEP, political connections had a negative effect on CEP in the context of Vietnam. Another finding is that SMEs with chief executives from ethnic minority groups show a higher level of the probability of corporate environmental performance than companies operated by Kinh chief executives. Since CEP is an essential dimension of corporate social responsibility, a strategic decision for SMEs, it is crucial for the company to select appropriate CEOs based on their demographic characteristic

    Improving Gifted and Talented Education in Arkansas: Identification, Academic Benefits, and Local Norms

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    In the United States, education policies differ from state to state. Local research, therefore, is important to inform educators, policymakers, and researchers on the ground. This dissertation leverages ten years of administrative data to study three questions about gifted and talented (G/T) identification and education in Arkansas: does the current system identify the right students? Are gifted and talented programs beneficial for students? And, how can we improve diversity in gifted and talented education? Leveraging logistic regression, mixed-effects models, and descriptive statistics, I sought to provide answers to these three questions. First, are academically ready students from low-income families being missed in the current gifted and talented education system? Second, do gifted and talented services benefit high aptitude students academically? And finally, does using the local norm approach necessarily improve diversity in the G/T pool of students? This study has important implications for Arkansas’s G/T identification and education policies

    A Study of Equitisation in Vietnam

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    Most of studies on privatisation are conduxted in developed countries in the west or transitional economies in Central and Eastern Europe. Hence, little is known about equitisation in Vietnam though it started in the same decade with other transitional economies and had gained impressive achievements. In addition, studies conducted in Vietnam are most likely in Vietnamese thus being circulated among only a small number of interested readers. In the area of globalisation, this study is conducted in English with hope to contribute its humble part to studies about equitisation in Vietnam which covers wider readership. It captures the picture of privatisation in certain transitional economies for comparison purposes with the equitisation in Vietnam. This research instrument is modified from the questionnaires from Thai (2006), Truong (2006) and other relevant studies on this topic. The study has two main objectives such as comprehending the equitisation process in Vietnam abd relating impacts. Findings reveal about the Factors Affecting the Duration of Equitisation Process, Factors Influencing the Choice of Firms to Equitise, Drivers Equitisation Programme and Impacts of equitisation in Vietnam

    The Care of Elderly People in Vietnam

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    The population ageing as an unprecedented phenomenon in the history of the humanity was considered. It is slow, but persistent and, according to the opinion of the experts, it is irreversible, at least for the next hundred years. Population ageing has a profound impact on economic growth, investment and labor market, the welfare of every citizen of any country. Changes in the structure of the population in terms of aging concerns every person, society, country and the international community. The increase in the number of elderly people determines the necessity of working out new strategies for the stable development of each country in the world. Vietnam is no exception in this case. Population ageing is a contemporary challenge for the worldwide society. It requires the development of the effective strategic and tactic decisions and new systems of care for elder people, aimed at transformation of the population ageing challenges into opportunities, which provide people’s welfare. The main aim of the study is to determine the ways of perfection of the care system of the Vietnamese older people. The methods: system analysis of statistic data about the demographic structure of the Vietnamese population and the morbidity structure of the Vietnamese seniors; situation analyses. The results: specific features and conditions of the system of care of elderly people in Vietnam are studied. The analysis of the main factors that affect the system of care of the older people is conducted. The conclusions and proposals to enhance the system of care of the older people are drawn

    Development of a Theoretical Framework for Local Japanese Language Education for Citizen Development: Focusing on the Career Development of Foreign Technical Interns

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    本稿は、市民育成のための地域社会における日本語教育の原理や方法に関する理論的枠組みを構築しようとするものである。その際、特に外国人技能実習生に対する日本語教育を対象として取り上げ、技能実習生のキャリア形成に焦点をあて、それに対して日本語教育がどのように役立つかを、先行研究の分析を通して理論的に考察していく。外国人技能実習生が直面している問題としては、地域社会に参加する市民を育成するための内容が組み込まれていないことによって、彼ら・彼女らのキャリア形成につながる学習が十分に保障されていないことが挙げられる。本稿では、市民育成と日本語教育の関連について考察した先行研究を分析し、外国人が日本社会の中で個々の生き方を追求するにあたって、日本語教育がどのような役割を担うかを理論的に検討する。そのうえで、そのための学習の場としての地域日本語教育の可能性と意義を探る。This paper attempts to develop a theoretical framework for the principles and methods of Japanese language education in local communities for the development of citizens. In doing so, it will take up Japanese language education for foreign technical interns as a particular target, focus on the career development of technical interns, and theoretically consider how Japanese language education can be useful in this regard through an analysis of previous research. One of the problems facing foreign technical intern trainees is that they are not sufficiently assured of learning that will lead to their career development, because the content of their education does not incorporate the development of citizens who will participate in the local community. This paper analyzes previous studies on the relationship between citizenship development and Japanese language education, and theoretically examines the role of Japanese language education in helping foreigners to pursue their individual way of life in Japanese society. In addition, I will explore the possibility and significance of community Japanese language education as a p lace for lea rning for th is purpose


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    Abstract: This research investigates the impacts of economic integration on endogenous growth by an application of the AK learning-by-doing model. Assuming that the knowledge that increases the productivity of labor will be created by accumulated capital, we divide economic integration into two different categories: one-way and two-way integration. The results show that two identical countries cannot have any benefits from economic integration. If two countries are different, the domestic country should only integrate with foreign countries that have a lower cost of capital of wage, or higher learning coefficient (the speed of transferring accumulated capital to knowledge) in the case of one-way integration. The same conclusion is still drawn in the case of two-way integration for two similar countries.Keywords: economic integration, endogenous growth, AK mode