676 research outputs found

    The role of voluntary disclosure in listed company: an alternative model

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    The aim of this paper is to propose a model of social reporting that allows improving the communication of sociability and quantify the sociability. The research approach follows a qualitative methodology, applying a single method approach. The observations are the result of an empirical analysis carried out on the Italian-Stock-Exchange listed companies that have an independent social or sustainability balance sheet. The findings of this research are based, first, on collection of data about the sample, in order to identify the strong and weak points in terms of its management and economic evaluation, and secondly on the introduction of an alternative method of social accounting, with the objective of measuring the sociability of company communication

    The NuSTAR view of the Seyfert Galaxy HE 0436-4717

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    We present the multi epoch spectral analysis of HE 0436-4717, a bright Seyfert 1 galaxy serendipitously observed by the high energy satellite NuSTAR four times between December 2014 and December 2015. The source flux shows modest variability within each pointing and among the four observations. Spectra are well modelled in terms of a weakly variable primary power law with constant photon index (Γ\Gamma=2.01±\pm0.08). A constant narrow \ion{Fe} Kα\alpha emission line suggests that this feature has an origin far from the central black hole, while a broad relativistic component is not required by the data. The Compton reflection component is also constant in flux with a corresponding reflection fraction R=0.70.3+0.2^{+0.2}_{-0.3}. The iron abundance is compatible with being Solar (AFe_{Fe}=1.20.4+1.4^{+1.4}_{-0.4}), and a lower limit for the high energy cut-off Ec_c>280 keV is obtained. Adopting a self-consistent model accounting for a primary Comptonized continuum, we obtain a lower limit for the hot corona electron temperature kTe_e>65 keV and a corresponding upper limit for the coronal optical depth of τe\tau_e<1.3. The results of the present analysis are consistent with the locus of local Seyfert galaxies in the kTe_e-τe\tau_e and temperature-compactness diagrams.Comment: accepted for publication in A&

    Meningococcal B vaccine and the vision of a meningitis free world

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    A century of traditional vaccinology lost the fight against meningococcus serogroup B (MenB). However, thanks to an innovative genome-based approach, the first broadly effective MenB vaccine, BexseroÂ(GSK Vaccines), was developed and has been licensed for use in various age groups by the EU and other regulatory authorities. Genes encoding for the main meningococcus B antigens were identified and screened in order to achieve a broadly protective vaccine, taking into account the fact that meningococcus B has many different subtypes whose membrane proteins may be different. Since the antigens selected for Bexsero are also harbored by meningococci belonging to other serogroups there may be the potential for Bexsero® to offer a certain level of protection against non-B serogroups. Therefore preliminary studies were carried out to investigate the potential of the vaccine to also provide a degree of cross protection against non-B serogroups. Here we review the potential for Bexsero® to offer a certain level of protection against the diversity of meningococcus type B subtypes and its potential ability to offer some cross protection from non-B serogroups. Lastly, we describe the future perspectives in pentavalent meningococcal vaccine (ABCWY) development which hopefully will result in a vaccine able to help prevent Invasive Meningococcal Diseases (IMD) from the majority of currently circulating meningococcal strains

    The Hepatitis C Virus E1 Glycoprotein Undergoes Productive Folding but Accelerated Degradation When Expressed as an Individual Subunit in CHO Cells

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    Hepatitis C Virus E1E2 heterodimers are components of the viral spike. Although there is a general agreement on the necessity of the co-expression of both E1 and E2 on a single coding unit for their productive folding and assembly, in a previous study using an in vitro system we obtained strong indications that E1 can achieve folding in absence of E2. Here, we have studied the folding pathway of unescorted E1 from stably expressing CHO cells, compared to the folding observed in presence of the E2 protein. A DTT-resistant conformation is achieved by E1 in both situations, consistent with the presence of an E2-independent oxidative pathway. However, while the E1E2 heterodimer is stable inside cells, E1 expressed alone is degraded within a few hours. On the other hand, the oxidation and stability of individually expressed E2 subunits is dependent on E1 co-expression. These data are consistent with E1 and E2 assisting each other for correct folding via different mechanisms: E2 assists E1 by stabilizing a semi-native conformation meanwhile E1 drives E2 towards a productive folding pathway

    Hepatitis C Virus E2 Protein Ectodomain Is Essential for Assembly of Infectious Virions

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    The Hepatitis C virus E1 and E2 envelope proteins are the major players in all events required for virus entry into target cells. In addition, the recently developed HCV cell culture system has indicated that E1E2 heterodimer formation is a prerequisite for viral particle production. In this paper, we explored a new genetic approach to construct intergenotypic 2a/1b chimeras, maintaining the structural region of the infectious strain JFH1 and substituting the soluble portion of E1 and/or E2 proteins. This strategy provides useful information on the role of the surface-exposed domain of the envelope proteins in virus morphogenesis and allows comparative analysis of different HCV genotypes. We found that substituting the E2 protein ectodomain region abolishes the production of chimeric infectious particles. Our data indicate that the soluble part of the E2 protein is involved in a genotype-specific interplay with remaining viral proteins that affect the HCV assembly process

    Tocilizumab treatment in MOGAD: a case report and literature review

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    : Myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein-immunoglobulin G associated disease (MOGAD) is an autoimmune demyelinating disorder of the central nervous system (CNS) which usually occurs with recurrent optic neuritis, transverse myelitis, acute disseminating encephalomyelitis, or brainstem encephalitis. To date, the anti-CD 20 drug rituximab (RTX) is employed in MOGAD although some authors reported the efficacy of Tocilizumab (TCZ) in refractory patients. We present the case of a woman affected by refractory MOGAD who was treated with TCZ after therapy with RTX had failed to prevent relapses. We also conducted a current literature review on TCZ use in MOGAD. A 57-year-old Caucasian woman affected by MOGAD with severe motor impairment and cognitive dysfunction was treated from 2020 to February 2022 with RTX. However, she experienced progressive clinical and cognitive worsening associated with white matter lesions mimicking leukodystrophy. In February 2022, the patient started therapy with TCZ administered with improvement of cognitive performance, walking ability, and brainstem functions. During TCZ, our patient reached the condition of NEDA-3 (no relapse, no increase in disability, no MRI activity on neuroimaging follow-up performed in September 2023). Moreover, the patient experienced paucisymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infection that did not modify TCZ schedule. To date, there are few evidence on the efficacy and safety of TCZ in MOGAD. However, all the reviewed cases showed that TCZ represents an effective therapy in drug-resistant MOGAD. Our case highlights the efficacy of TCZ in drug resistant MOGAD and strengthens previous reports of TCZ safety and efficacy in MOGAD

    Preimplantation biopsy predicts delayed graft function, glomerular filtration rate and long-term graft survival of transplanted kidneys

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    Background The predictive value of preimplantation biopsies for long-term graft function is often limited by conflicting results. The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of time-zero graft biopsy histological scores on early and late graft function, graft survival and patient survival, at different time points. Methods We retrospectively analyzed 284 preimplantation biopsies at a single center, in a cohort of recipients with grafts from live and deceased donors (standard and nonstandard), and their impact in posttransplant renal function after a mean follow-up of 7 years (range 1–16). Implantation biopsy score (IBS), a combination score derived from 4 histopathological aspects, was determined from each sample. The correlation with incidence of delayed graft function (DGF), creatinine clearance (1st, 3rd and 5th posttransplant year) and graft and patient survival at 1 and 5 years were evaluated. Results Preimplantation biopsies provided somewhat of a prognostic index of early function and outcome of the transplanted kidney in the short and long term. In the immediate posttransplantation period, the degree of arteriolosclerosis and interstitial fibrosis correlated better with the presence of DGF. IBS values between 4 and 6 were predictive of worst renal function at 1st and 3rd years posttransplant and 5-year graft survival. The most important histological finding, in effectively transplanted grafts, was the grade of interstitial fibrosis. Patient survival was not influenced by IBS. Conclusions Higher preimplantation biopsy scores predicted an increased risk of early graft losses, especially primary nonfunction. Graft survival (at 1st and 5th years after transplant) but not patient survival was predicted by IBS

    VIBES: Vibro-Inertial Bionic Enhancement System in a Prosthetic Socket

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    The use of vibrotactile feedback is of growing interest in the field of prosthetics, but few devices fully integrate this technology in the prosthesis to transmit high-frequency contact information (such as surface roughness and first contact) arising from the interaction of the prosthetic device with external items. This study describes a wearable vibrotactile system for high-frequency tactile information embedded in the prosthetic socket. The device consists of two compact planar vibrotactile actuators in direct contact with the user's skin to transmit tactile cues. These stimuli are directly related to the acceleration profiles recorded with two IMUS placed on the distal phalanx of a soft under-actuated robotic prosthesis (Soft-Hand Pro). We characterized the system from a psychophysical point of view with fifteen able-bodied participants by computing participants' Just Noticeable Difference (JND) related to the discrimination of vibrotactile cues delivered on the index finger, which are associated with the exploration of different sandpapers. Moreover, we performed a pilot experiment with one SoftHand Pro prosthesis user by designing a task, i.e. Active Texture Identification, to investigate if our feedback could enhance users' roughness discrimination. Results indicate that the device can effectively convey contact and texture cues, which users can readily detect and distinguish