16 research outputs found

    B-Mode and pulsed Doppler sonography of kidney in healthy sheep according to age

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    Abstract: There is no standardization in the literature of kidney length in sheep at different ages, as there are few studies about the access with the Doppler triplex ultrasound for the renal vascularization in this species. Eighty healthy sheep of three age groups of Ile de France and White Dorper breed were used: 20 lambs, 30 yearlings and 30 adults (8 rams and 22 ewes). Renal healthiness of the animals was confirmed by serum biochemical tests of urea and creatinine, and by observation of renal architecture with conventional ultrasound, besides measurement of vital parameters. A portable ultrasound (My LabTM30 Vet Gold Esaote®, Esaote Healthcare) device was used, with a convex transducer with 3.5MHz frequency. After identification of the kidneys in two-dimensional mode, the measurement of length in the sagittal section was performed in all sheep (n=80). Then color Doppler was activated for visualization of renal and interlobar arteries of the right kidney, and the resistivity index (RI) of the yearlings (n=30) and ewes (n=22) was measured. Biochemical tests remained within normal limits and renal architecture was preserved. The values of the right and left renal length were different between the groups, increasing with age (4.34cm and 4.31cm in lambs; 6.08cm and 6.23cm in yearlings; 7.57cm and 7.37cm in adults, respectively). Median values of RI of the renal artery were statistically different (p<0.05) between the groups of yearlings (0.57) and ewes (0.52). The median RI of the interlobar artery was similar in yearlings (0.58) and ewes (0.54)

    Effect of percutaneous transthoracic lung biopsy on oxidative metabolism in sheep

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    This study aimed to assess the effect of percutaneous transthoracic lung biopsy on the oxidative metabolism of sheep by measuring the oxidative stress markers of superoxide dismutase (SOD), total glutathione (GSH-t), peroxidase (GSH-Px) and thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) in the red cells of these animals. Blood samples were collected from 20 clinically healthy sheep prior to, and 30 min after, percutaneous transthoracic lung biopsy. After biopsy, there was a significant decrease (p < 0.05) in SOD and GSH-Px activity, with no significant change (p ≥ 0.05) in GSH-t and TBARS concentrations. These results showed that percutaneous transthoracic lung biopsy did not significantly affect the oxidative metabolism of sheep 30 min after the procedure, which may be used widely in this species without causing serious tissue damage. © 2012. The Authors

    Excreção fracionada urinária de sódio, potássio e cloreto em cordeiros suplementados com cloreto de amônio para prevenção de urolitíase

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    RESUMO: A urolitíase é uma doença importante de cordeiros confinados. A acidificação da urina, pela ingestão de cloreto de amônio, é o método preventivo mais frequentemente empregado. Devido à falta de informação específica em ovinos, este estudo foi realizado para avaliar as alterações que ocorrem nos eletrólitos urinários de cordeiros, que receberam cloreto de amônio na dieta. Foram utilizados 100 cordeiros, com 3 meses de idade, que foram mantidos em confinamento durante 56 dias, e distribuídos em 3 grupos: G1 (n=40) que receberam 400mg/kg de peso vivo (PV) de cloreto de amônio/dia, durante 21 dias; G2 (n=40) que receberam 400mg/kg de PV de cloreto de amônio/dia durante 42 dias; e G3 (n=20) que não receberam cloreto de amônio. Os cordeiros foram examinados e as amostras de sangue e urina foram colhidas a cada 7 dias: 0 (antes do início da ingestão de cloreto de amônio), 7, 14, 21, 28, 35, e 42 dias. As concentrações séricas e urinárias de sódio (Na+), potássio (K+), cloreto (Cl-), e de creatinina foram mensuradas em todos os momentos de colheita. A excreção fracionada urinária (EFu) de eletrólitos e a diferença de íons fortes (SID) na urina [(Na+ + K+) - Cl] foram calculadas. A EFu de Na+, K+ e Cl- não variou ao longo do tempo em G3, provando que a dieta de confinamento, por si só, não influenciou a excreção urinária destes eletrólitos. A ingestão de cloreto de amônio, pelo grupo G1 e G2, influenciou a EFu sobre o tempo de confinamento. A SID urinária foi mais precisa do que a EFu de Cl- para demonstrar que a concentração de Cl- aumentou na urina, o que destacou a relevância desta variável

    Avaliação clínica, laboratorial e anatomopatológica do sistema urinário de ovinos confinados com ou sem suplementação de cloreto de amônio

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    Resumo: A acidificação urinária com cloreto de amônio (CA) é um método preventivo eficiente em urolitíase obstrutiva em ovinos. Os objetivos deste estudo com ovinos confinados, que receberam dieta concentrada com elevado teor proteico, foram: verificar o efeito da dieta sobre a formação de urólitos e o desenvolvimento da doença; analisar as características macroscópicas e histopatológicas do sistema urinário; relacionar os achados clínicos, laboratoriais e necroscópicos com a presença de urólitos. Utilizaram-se 60 ovinos machos: grupo CA (n=40), 400 mg/kg CA/dia, tratados via oral, por 42 dias consecutivos; grupo-controle (n=20), não tratado. Determinaram-se sete momentos de colheita de amostras com intervalos de sete dias, no total de 56 dias de confinamento. Encontraram-se microcálculos na pelve renal em cinco animais de ambos os grupos. As lesões renais microscópicas mais relevantes foram congestão vascular e necrose tubular. Concluiu-se que a dieta rica em concentrado provocou lesão renal em ambos os grupos, embora sem alterar a função renal, o que foi comprovado em testes pela ureia e creatinina séricas. O cloreto de amônio fornecido ao grupo CA não impediu a calculogênese, mas reduziu sua prevalência em relação ao grupo-controle. Os ovinos do grupo-controle tiveram maior comprometimento renal, pela alta incidência de cristalúria e pela necrose tubular, induzidas pelo consumo da dieta rica em grãos

    Portal Vein Dopplerflowmetry in healthy sheep according to age

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    ABSTRACT: Pulsed Doppler ultrasound was used to evaluate portal blood flow, portal velocity and portal congestion index in 24 healthy sheep divided into groups (lambs, yearlings and ewes), according to age. Measurements were performed at the 11th right intercostal space using ideal insonation angle and uniform insonation method. Mean values obtained in each group were compared with one-way ANOVA, followed by Tukey post-hoc test. Portal velocity and portal blood flow were statistically similar between the groups (P>0.05). Mean portal velocity were 17.75; 17.13 and 16.75; while mean portal blood flow were 26.65; 31.04 and 24.32 for lambs, yearlings and ewes, respectively. Portal congestion index was statistically distinct between the groups and values for lambs, yearlings and ewes were 0.009; 0.058 and 0.09, respectively (P<0.01). Statistical differences were observed in portal vein diameter, portal vein area and portal congestion index between the groups, presumably due to influence of weight and not to age

    Electrocardiographic parameters of the American Miniature Horse: influence of age and sex

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    Abstract: The veterinary cardiology has growing importance in equine medicine. There are studies of standardization of electrocardiographic parameters of many races, according to their stature and ability. However, no studies are in the literature with the American Miniature Horse. To evaluate the electrocardiogram (ECG) tracing configuration of this breed at rest and to verify the influence of age and sex on ECG parameters, 203 horses including 143 females and 60 males were divided into four age groups (foals, yearlings, adults and elderly). Electrocardiographic parameters were performed by computerized electrocardiogram (TEB), and the parameters were evaluated in six leads of frontal plane (Lead I, II, III, aVR, aVL and aVF) and base-apex (BA). Heart rates (HR) decreased with increasing age were higher in males than in females. Sinus tachycardia followed by sinus arrhythmia was dominant in both sexes. The cardiac axis was higher in males and ranged between 120° and 150° for foals, 30° and 60° for yearlings and adults, and 60° and 90° for the elderly. The P wave was bifid in several animals. The P-wave amplitude and T-wave duration from lead II and BA were larger in males than in females. The majority of the animals exhibited ST segment depression and a negative T-wave. The most common QRS complex morphology was Qr. Differences were observed between the electrocardiographic tracings of males and females, and age influenced the ECG parameters. Therefore, this study established the ECG patterns for the American Miniature Horse breed and could be used to determine the influence of age and sex on several of the studied variables