6 research outputs found

    Les Olympiades mathématiques en Pologne

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    Ireneusz Bialecki : Die mathematischdn Olympiaden in Polen. Der Aufsatz stellt eine Anzahl Ergebnisse aus einer Doktorarbeit der Soziologie vor, die sich mit den mathematischen Olympiaden in Polen beschaftigt, in gewissem Sinne dem französischen Concours GĂ©nĂ©ral vergleichbar. Obwohl die zusammengestellten Daten sich genau auf einen einzigen Typus des schulischen Wettstreites beschranken, stellen sie eine allgemeine Frage, ausgehend von Hypothesen zu den Funktionen der Bildung und Auswahl : die Frage der Gleichheit der Chancen im Schulsystem in Polen heute. Die hierdurch gefĂŒhrten Analysen werden durch eine Anzahl von Zusammenstellungen der Variabeln der sozialen Herkunft, der Bildung des Vaters, des Geschlechts und der Schullaufbahn vervollstandigt.Ireneusz Bialecki : The mathematical Olympics in Poland. This article presents some of the conclusions of a doctoral thesis in sociology concerning Poland's mathematical Olympics, which in some ways are comparable to the French Concours General. Although strictly limited to one kind of educational competition, the data collected, based on hypotheses about the functions of training and selection, raise a general question, that of the equality of opportunity in education in Poland today. A series of tables including variables of social origin, fathers' educational level, sex, and kind of curriculum followed usefully complement the analyses.Ireneusz Bialecki : Les Olympiades mathĂ©matiques en Pologne. L'article prĂ©sente un certain nombre de rĂ©sultats d'une thĂšse de doctorat en sociologie consacrĂ©e aux Olympiades mathĂ©matiques en Pologne comparables, Ă  certains Ă©gards, au Concours GĂ©nĂ©ral français. Bien que limitĂ©es strictement Ă  un type de concours scolaire, les donnĂ©es recueillies, Ă  partir d'hypothĂšses sur les fonctions de la formation et de la sĂ©lection, soulĂšvent une question gĂ©nĂ©rale, celle de l'Ă©galitĂ© des chances devant l'instruction dans la Pologne contemporaine. Une sĂ©rie de tableaux comportant les variables d'origine sociale, de niveau d'instruction des pĂšres, de sexe et de type d'enseignement suivi complĂšte utilement les analyses effectuĂ©es.Ireneusz Bialecki : Las Otimpiadas matemĂĄticas en Polonia. Presenta el artĂ­culo cierto nĂșmero de resultados de una tĂ©sis de doctorado en sociologia consagrada a las Olimpiades matemĂĄticas en Polonia comparables en ciertos puntos con el Concours GĂ©nĂ©ral frances. Aunque limitadas estrictamente a un tipo de oposiciones escolares, los datos recogidos basados en hipĂłtesis a propĂłsito de las funtiones de la formaciĂłn y de la selection, plantean un problema general, el de la igualdad de las posibilidades en la instruction de la Polonia contemporĂĄnea. Una serie de cuadros, que comprenden los variables del origen social, del nivel de instruction de los padres, del sexo y del tipo de enseƈanza seguido, completa Ăștilmente los anĂĄlisis efectuados.Bialecki Ireneusz. Les Olympiades mathĂ©matiques en Pologne. In: Revue française de sociologie, 1978, 19-2. pp. 221-235

    Social Structure in Poland: POLPAN 1988

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    Description of the current state of social structure and its change during the post-communist transformation. Main topics of the study are: 1. Work and life situation 2. Sources of conflicts 3. Opinions about society 4. Family history 5. Closest friend 6. Opinions about work 7. Facing institutions 8. Housing situation (1) 9. Opinions about professions and income 10. Intergenerational comparison 11. Composition of the household 12. Housing situation (2) 13. Income and household equipment 14. Spending and pricing 15. Durable goods 16. Important issues in life 17. Religion 18. Chances of success in life 19. Education 20. Organisational membership 1. Work and life situation: Respondent is currently working; source of income; respondent has ever worked; respondent stopped working (year); type of farm; ownership of farm; last occupation: Polish SKZ occupational classification, managerial position, type of firm, industry classification of company (KGN), field of work, worked in material production, worked in a private company, year job started, supervisory position, number of subordinates, position in hierarchy, year respondent started to work at this position; respondent’s status of ownership in firm where he is working, worked for another firm; time period worked for another firm (years/months); previous occupation: respondent had different occupation before, Polish SKZ occupational classification, worked in material production, time period worked in this job (years/months), second concurrent job, respondent stopped working in this occupation (year); another position before; managerial position; time period worked on this position (years/months); first job: age of respondent when first job started, Polish SKZ occupational classification, managerial position, comparison with last job Polish SKZ occupational classification, worked in material production, firm belongs to respondent or the respondent’s family; current job: pressure of work, legal working hours per week, full time/part time job, real working hours per week, possibility to use office phone for private purposes, to leave workplace for 30 minutes, to settle own matters at work, to leave workplace for over an hour, possibility to influence wage levels, shop floor organization, appointment to positions; member of employees council; average wage income per month; monthly income from farm or private firm; need for additional training, agreeable relations with co-workers, good relations with superiors, other improvements; able to communicate own opinion at job. 2. Sources of conflicts: Sources of conflicts: rich and poor, manual and non-manual workers, manager and employees, urban and rural people, young and old people, authorities and society, believers and nonbelievers in god; assessment of just minimum salary; legal limit on highest income; assessment of highest income one should make; assessment of highest income; people should pay tax for income of 200 000 zloty; tax amount people should pay for income of 200 000 zloty; people should pay tax for income of more than 200 000 zloty; tax amount people should pay for income of more than 200 000 zloty; opinion about salary for people with higher education; assessment of amount people with higher education should earn more; criteria earnings should depend on; legal limit on lowest income; getting help or relying on him/herself in important life issues; respondent can rely on family, friends, institutions and services, someone else, additional sources of help. 3. Opinions about society: Opinion about right to strike, number of trade unions operating in a firm, leading role of the Polish United WorkersÂŽ Party (PZPR), people suffering of various wrongs in their jobs, stronger self-management to control the directors and administration of the firm; opinion about control of authorities and society, success of socialist system; social position on a 10 point scale; percent of people with same position; percent of people with lower position; criteria for indicating own position: education, income, standard of living, living conditions, family conditions, occupation, position in firm, authority (influence), prestige, social standing, social background, utility of work, feeling of powerlessness, urban/rural, age/health, other; sum of mentioned criteria; opinions about statements: the more you want the more you lose, money is most important after health, people care only about themselves, life is easier without money, better if people with more knowledge an d experience decide for us, cooperative persons can always rely on help from others, bad things happen to good people; opinions about general questions: god created the world, consequences of deeds after death. 4. Family history: Age of father; education of father; number of children of father; oldest sibling of respondent: gender, age, work status, Polish SKZ occupational classification, managerial position, worked in material production, brother/sister had always same job, first job Polish SKZ occupational classification, managerial position in first job, worked in material production in first job; respondent and oldest sibling were raised together; father’s occupation at respondents age of 14 years: Polish SKZ occupational classification, father worked on farm/in firm owned by himself or his family, managerial position, worked in material production; father’s membership in political parties at respondents age of 14 years: member of PPR, PPS, PZPR, SL, PSL, ZSL, SD, other political parties; father’s membership in political youth organizations at respondents age of 14 years; father had always same job; first job of father: Polish SKZ occupational classification, managerial position, worked in material production; respondent at the age of fourteen: living with both parents, alternative guardian: Polish SKZ occupational classification, guardian worked on farm/in firm owned by himself or his family, managerial position, worked in material production; number of family members at respondent’s age of fourteen, number of rooms of family’s dwelling, respondent lived in village, town or city; parents provided things for all children; parents were too demanding; parents did not treat children in the same way; parents were too critical; parents were too strict; parents uses physical punishment; assessment of age when children can think independently, most important qualities in children’s development: good manners, responsibility, cleanliness, self-directness, studiousness, sensitivity, obedience, curiosity; ; father at respondents present age: Polish SKZ occupational classification, father is working on farm/in firm owned by himself or his family, managerial position, worked in material production; grandfather at respondents present age: Polish SKZ occupational classification, social class, date of birth, age of grandfather, year died, age when he died, marital status of respondent, married (year), divorced or widowed (year), spouse: employment status, has ever worked, stopped working (year), last occupation Polish SKZ occupational classification, spouse is working on farm/in firm owned by him/herself or his/her family, managerial position, working in material production; spouse before marriage: employment status, Polish SKZ occupational classification, spouse was working on farm/in firm owned by him/herself or his/her family, managerial position, working in material production; respondent before marriage: employment status, Polish SKZ occupational classification, respondent was working on farm/in firm owned by him/herself or his/her family, managerial position, working in material production; father in law when spouse was fourteen: Polish SKZ occupational classification, father in law was working on farm/in firm owned by him/herself or his/her family, managerial position, working in material production. 5. Closest friend: Age, relationship to respondent, gender, time period knowing respondent, work status, best friend has ever worked, best friend stopped working (year), Polish SKZ occupational classification, education, special field of education; time passed since last meeting with closest friend (months/weeks/days); time passed since previous meeting with closest friend (months/weeks/days); total number of close friends; number of close friends who are non-manual workers; number of close friends who are manual workers; relations between close friends; discussion of challenges for Poland among friends; friends visited respondent at home last month; among friends are members of Polish United WorkersÂŽ Party (PZPR); number of friends who are members of Polish United WorkersÂŽ Party (PZPR); closest friend is members of Polish United WorkersÂŽ Party (PZPR). 6. Opinions about work: Work experiences are useful for life outside work; assessment of own income in relation to education; assessment of own income in relation to present position; people with similar job anticipate negative changes in their job-related situation; first and second negative change; negative changes depend on: direct or indirect superiors at work, authorities outside work, economic situation in the country, other factors; respondent thinks of changing firm, occupation or position. 7. Facing institutions: Respondent dealt with officially concerns; type of concern respondent settled; concern pertained to respondent, to closest family, to extended family, to close friends, to acquaintances, other persons, respondent settled concern alone or with help; respondent received help from family, friends or acquaintances, someone in situation dealing. 8. Housing situation (1): Assessment of personal housing situation; comparison with best housing conditions in Poland; comparison with average housing conditions in Poland; comparison with worst housing conditions in Poland; most annoying aspect about housing situation; second most annoying aspect about housing situation; comparison of present housing conditions with ten years ago; general opinions and statements about additional payment and responsibility at work, occupational training and payment, reasons of social inequality, studying and earning money after studying, income differences in society; assessment of necessity of large income differences in order to make people work efficiently. 9. Opinions about professions and income: Assessment of income of different occupational groups: bricklayer, doctor, bank clerk, owner of store, director of factory, skilled worker, farm worker, secretary in state firm, bus driver, unskilled worker, cabinet minister; assessment of just income of different occupational groups: : bricklayer, doctor, bank clerk, owner of store, director of factory, skilled worker, farm worker, secretary in state firm, bus driver, unskilled worker, cabinet minister. 10. Intergenerational comparison: Occupational position of father compared to position of respondent. 11. Composition of the household: Number of people in household, number of household members older than 18; number of household members in age between 16-18; number of household members in age between 7-15; number of household members in age between 3-6; number of household members in age three years and younger; household structure; other persons in house; respondents position in family structure; education of respondent; education of spouse; education of third to sixth person in household; number of persons in household with incomplete primary, with complete primary, with lower vocational, with incomplete secondary, with secondary vocational, with general secondary, with post secondary vocational, with incomplete tertiary, with tertiary; respondent’s occupation Polish SKZ occupational classification; occupation of spouse Polish SKZ occupational classification; occupation of third to sixth person in household Polish SKZ occupational classification; number of manual workers; number of non-manual workers; number of self-employed; number of farmers; number of retired; number of supported; number of persons in other situations; number of persons in household who work for money. 12. Housing situation (2): Kitchen; kitchen size; number of rooms; total floor area; toilet, bathroom; foyer; other rooms; total size of dwelling in square meters; sharing rooms with other persons/other families; sharing kitchen, rooms (number of rooms), with how many persons; total size of shared rooms in square meters; central heating in dwelling; running water in dwelling; dwelling type; year started to live in dwelling; kind of premises where household lives; owner of premises; relationship with owner; way how present owner obtained premises. 13. Income and household equipment: Sources of income: Old age pension or disability pension, old age farm pension or disability farm pension, general pension, child care benefit, alimony or stipend, casual jobs, farming, lease, hire or sale, family business, work in state-owned firms, work in private firm/farm (not belonging to family), total average monthly income of household, person who earns the highest income in household: age, education, occupation category; person outside the household supports household with money, household gives someone outside the household money, household has enough money to cover all necessary basic expenditures; first, second, third unsatisfied need; characteristics of household finances. 14. Spending and pricing: Average monthly spending on food; average monthly spending on cultural items; spending on food if income increased by half; spending on cultural items if income increased by half; spending on food if income doubled; spending on cultural items if income doubled; worth of furniture in dwelling. 15. Durable goods: Household equipment (year bought): black and white TV, colour TV, refrigerator, freezer, washing machine, radio, record player, tape recorder, video player, calculator, computer, piano, musical instruments for kids, telephone; estimated value of all items in household; number of books in apartment; household is in the possession of car (make/year); household is in the possession of second car (make/year); household bought item with coupon or allotment; first to third item bought with coupon or allotment; household bought item with foreign currency; first to third item bought with foreign currency; someone in household own additional home; abroad in last five years; number of journeys in last five years; number of weeks spend abroad in last five years; assessment of material situation of household; preference for higher prices and better access or lower prices on more difficulties getting goods, daily routine of respondent; general opinions and statements about income differences in society; public aid for access to education for children of poor people; job providing through state. 16. Important issues in life: Importance of spheres in respondent’s life: home, work, free time, friends, religion, politics, public life. 17. Religion: Catholic Church member; church affiliation; church attendance; praying outside the church; church attendance in age of fourteen. 18. Chances of success in life: Criteria for achieving success in life: ambition, networks, hard work, political connections, coming from a rich family, good education, luck, inherited ability and talent. 19. Education: Elementary school in village or city; last school attended; respondent passed elementary, lower vocational, secondary vocational, secondary comprehensive, post secondary vocational, higher level, higher level with diploma; first elementary school: respondent completed school, type of school, next school, time between last elementary and next school; last elementary school: type of school, day school, respondent completed school, next school, time between last elementary and next school; first lower vocational school: previous school, day school, type of school, subject, respondent completed school, next school, time between first lower vocational school and next school; last lower vocational school: previous school, day school, type of school, subject, respondent completed school, next school, time between last lower vocational school and next school; first secondary vocational school: previous school, day school, type of school, subject, respondent completed school, next school, time between first secondary vocational school and next school; last secondary vocational school: previous school, day school, type of school, subject, respondent completed school, next school, time between last secondary vocational school and next school; first secondary comprehensive school: previous school, day school, type of school, respondent completed school, next school, time between first secondary comprehensive school and next school; last secondary comprehensive school: previous school, day school, type of school, respondent completed school, next school, time between last secondary comprehensive school and next school; first post secondary vocational school: previous school, day school, type of school, subject, respondent completed school, next school, time between first post secondary vocational school and next school; last post secondary vocational school: previous school, day school, type of school, subject, respondent completed school, next school, time between last post secondary vocational school and next school; first higher school: previous school, day school, type of school, subject, respondent completed school, next school, time between first higher school and next school; last higher school: previous school, day school, type of school, subject, respondent completed school, next school; higher school with diploma: type of school, subject, respondent completed school. 20. Organisational membership: Membership in youth organization; first to third youth organization: membership, organization-function; membership in ZMS (Union of Socialist Youth); membership in ZMW (Union of Peasant Youth); membership and function in PZPR (United WorkersÂŽ Party), ZSL (United PeasantsÂŽ Party), SD (Democratic Party); year joined in PZPR, ZSL or SD; year left PZPR, ZSL or SD; trade union membership; member of other organizations; first to third additional organization: membership; first to second additional organization: organization-function; casual job: Polish SKZ occupational classification, main job activities, job is compatible with main job. 21. Farmers: Main job on farm; someone in respondents’ household gets income from farm; additional job on farm; total size of farmland; classification of arable land; in farm buildings: running water, electricity, horses (number), tractors (number), additional machines; equipment on farm: broad thresher, seeder, corn harvester, mover, digger, baler, combine harvester, beet harvester, delivery van, electric motor, combustion engine, flat bed trailer, manure sow, fertilizer spreader, insecticide sprayer, potato planter, potato combine, press, steamer, other farming machines; person in household with farming education; kind of diploma in farming, number of workers on farm, income from farm in 1986. 22. Current work: Polish SKZ occupational classification.Beschreibung der Sozialstruktur und deren Wandel durch den post-kommunistischen Transformationsprozess in Polen Hauptthemen der Studie sind: 1. Arbeits- und Lebenssituation 2. Konfliktursachen 3. Meinungen zur Gesellschaft 4. Familie 5. Freundschaften 6. Meinungen zur Arbeit 7. Kontakt zu Institutionen und Einrichtungen 8. Wohnsituation 1 9. Meinung zu Berufe und Einkommen 10. Intergenerationenvergleich 11. Haushalt 12. Wohnsituation 2 13. Einkommen und Haushaltsausstattung 14. Ausgaben 15. GebrauchsgĂŒter 16. Wichtigkeit von Lebensbereichen 17. Religion 18. Wege zum Erfolg im Leben 19. Bildung 20. Mitgliedschaft in Organisationen 21. Landwirte 22. Aktuelle TĂ€tigkeit 1. Arbeits- und Lebenssituation: Befragter ist aktuell erwerbstĂ€tig; Einkommensarten; Befragter war jemals erwerbstĂ€tig; aufgehört zu arbeiten (Jahr); Art der Landwirtschaft; EigentumsverhĂ€ltnisse der Landwirtschaft; letzte ErwerbstĂ€tigkeit Berufsklassifikation SKZ (polnisch); FĂŒhrungsposition; Art des Unternehmens; Klassifizierung des Unternehmens in Wirtschaftssektoren (KGN); Arbeitsbereich im Unternehmen; Befragter arbeitet in der materiellen Produktion; Befragter arbeitet in einem Privatunternehmen; Beginn der aktuellen TĂ€tigkeit (Jahr); leitende Position; Anzahl an Untergebenen; Position auf der FĂŒhrungsebene; Beginn der Arbeit in der aktuellen beruflichen Stellung (Jahr); EigentĂŒmerstatus des Befragten bezĂŒglich des Unternehmen, in dem Befragter arbeitet; frĂŒhere TĂ€tigkeit bei einem anderen Unternehmen; Zeitdauer der BeschĂ€ftigung im anderen Unternehmen (Jahre/Monate); frĂŒhere TĂ€tigkeit: andere ausgeĂŒbte TĂ€tigkeit vor aktueller TĂ€tigkeit, Berufsklassifikation SKZ (polnisch), Befragter arbeitete in der materiellen Produktion, Arbeitsdauer in dieser TĂ€tigkeit (Jahre/Monate), Ende der TĂ€tigkeit (Jahr); frĂŒhere berufliche Stellung: berufliche Stellung des Befragten vor aktueller TĂ€tigkeit; Befragter arbeitete in der materiellen Produktion; Dauer der TĂ€tigkeit in beruflicher Stellung (Jahre/Monate); erste TĂ€tigkeit: Alter des Befragten bei Beginn erster TĂ€tigkeit, Berufsklassifikation SKZ (polnisch), FĂŒhrungsposition, Vergleich mit letzter TĂ€tigkeit Berufsklassifikation SKZ (polnisch), Befragter arbeitete in der materiellen Produktion, Unternehmen gehört Befragten oder seiner Familie; aktuelle TĂ€tigkeit: Belastung durch Arbeit, wöchentliche Arbeitszeit nach Vertrag, Art der TĂ€tigkeit (Vollzeit/halbe Stelle), tatsĂ€chliche wöchentliche Arbeitszeit, Möglichkeit das Telefon auf Arbeit fĂŒr private Angelegenheiten nutzen zu können, Möglichkeit den Arbeitsplatz fĂŒr 30 Minuten verlassen zu können, Möglichkeit fĂŒr private Ange

    The rise and fall of rule by Poland's best and brightest

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