4 research outputs found

    A simple add-and display method for immobilisation of cancer drug on his-tagged virus-like nanoparticles for controlled drug delivery

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    pH-responsive virus-like nanoparticles (VLNPs) hold promising potential as drug delivery systems for cancer therapy. In the present study, hepatitis B virus (HBV) VLNPs harbouring His-tags were used to display doxorubicin (DOX) via nitrilotriacetic acid (NTA) conjugation. The His-tags served as pH-responsive nanojoints which released DOX from VLNPs in a controlled manner. The His-tagged VLNPs conjugated non-covalently with NTA-DOX, and cross-linked with folic acid (FA) were able to specifically target and deliver the DOX into ovarian cancer cells via folate receptor (FR)-mediated endocytosis. The cytotoxicity and cellular uptake results revealed that the His-tagged VLNPs significantly increased the accumulation of DOX in the ovarian cancer cells and enhanced the uptake of DOX, which improved anti-tumour effects. This study demonstrated that NTA-DOX can be easily displayed on His-tagged VLNPs by a simple Add-and-Display step with high coupling efficiency and the drug was only released at low pH in a controlled manner. This approach facilitates specific attachment of any drug molecule on His-tagged VLNPs at the very mild conditions without changing the biological structure and native conformation of the VLNPs

    A Dual Bioconjugated Virus-Like Nanoparticle as a Drug Delivery System and Comparison with a pH-Responsive Delivery System

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    Modifications of virus-like nanoparticles (VLNPs) using chemical conjugation techniques have brought the field of virology closer to nanotechnology. The huge surface area to volume ratio of VLNPs permits multiple copies of a targeting ligand and drugs to be attached per nanoparticle. By exploring the chemistry of truncated hepatitis B core antigen (tHBcAg) VLNPs, doxorubicin (DOX) was coupled covalently to the external surface of these nanoparticles via carboxylate groups. About 1600 DOX molecules were conjugated on each tHBcAg VLNP. Then, folic acid (FA) was conjugated to lysine residues of tHBcAg VLNPs to target the nanoparticles to cancer cells over-expressing folic acid receptor (FR). The result demonstrated that the dual bioconjugated tHBcAg VLNPs increased the accumulation and uptake of DOX in the human cervical and colorectal cancer cell lines compared with free DOX, resulting in enhanced cytotoxicity of DOX towards these cells. The fabrication of these dual bioconjugated nanoparticles is simple, and drugs can be easily conjugated with a high coupling efficacy to the VLNPs without any limitation with respect to the cargo’s size or charge, as compared with the pH-responsive system based on tHBcAg VLNPs. These dual bioconjugated nanoparticles also have the potential to be modified for other combinatorial drug deliveries