5 research outputs found

    Superficial lymph nodes involved by lymphoma in modern gray-scale ultrasound imaging

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    Background: Clinical evaluation by palpation of superficial lymph nodes involved by lymphoproliferative process is not sufficient. Ultrasound is a useful method of the initial differential diagnosis of lymph nodes. The aim was to assess the spectrum of ultrasound features of superficial lymphomatous nodes and possible diagnostic pitfalls. Material/Methods: Fifty five lymph nodes in 55 patients were prospectively examined in ultrasound with application of blood flow imaging modes and modern imaging techniques. Only forty lymph nodes with histopathologically proven lymphoma were selected for this analysis (3 Hodgkin, 37 non-Hodgkin). Results: 27.5% of the examined lymph nodes were longitudinal; 42.5% had an oval or round shape; 30% were oval-lobulated or lobulated. 32.5% of the nodes did not show an echogenic hilum, 20% had a normal hilum, and 25% - evidently abnormal. 12.5% of the nodes were anechoic. The general ultrasound impression of a reactive lymph node was presented by 37.5% of the lymphomatous nodes; 45% were suspicious. Among 26 patients with non-Hodgkin lymphoma with multiple lymph nodes involved, in 15 (58%) lymph nodes were modeling on each other. Conclusions: Lymphomatous nodes reveal diverse ultrasound presentations: from appearances indistinguishable from benign reactive lymph nodes to features typical of metastases. Ultrasound internal structure of lymphomatous nodes may be anechoic, causing the possibility of confusion with a cyst, especially in case of a single lymphomatous node. Multiple lymphomatous nodes with non-Hodgkin lymphoma often model on each other assuming geometrical shapes

    Mistakes in ultrasound examination of salivary glands

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    Ultrasonography is the first imaging method applied in the case of diseases of the salivary glands. The article discusses basic mistakes that can be made during an ultrasound examination of these structures. The reasons for these mistakes may be examiner-dependent or may be beyond their control. The latter may include, inter alia, difficult conditions during examination (technical or patient-related), similarity of ultrasound images in different diseases, the lack of clinical and laboratory data as well as the lack of results of other examinations, their insufficient number or incorrectness. Doctor-related mistakes include: the lack of knowledge of normal anatomy, characteristics of ultrasound images in various salivary gland diseases and statistical incidence of diseases, but also attaching excessive importance to such statistical data. The complex anatomical structures of the floor of the oral cavity may be mistaken for benign or malignant tumors. Fragments of correct anatomical structures (bones, arterial wall fibrosis, air bubbles in the mouth) can be wrongly interpreted as deposits in the salivary gland or in its excretory duct. Correct lymph nodes in the parotid glands may be treated as pathologic structures. Lesions not being a simple cyst, e.g. lymphoma, benign or malignant tumors of the salivary glands or metastatic lymph nodes, can be mistaken for one. The image of disseminated focal changes, both anechoic and solid, is not pathognomonic for specific diseases in the salivary glands. However, in part, it occurs typically and requires an extended differential diagnosis. Small focal changes and infiltrative lesions pose a diagnostic problem because their etiology cannot be safely suggested on the basis of an ultrasound examination itself. The safest approach is to refer patients with abnormal focal changes for an ultrasoundguided fine-needle aspiration biopsy

    Pomyłki w diagnostyce ultrasonograficznej węzłów chłonnych położonych powierzchownie

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    The article discusses basic mistakes that can occur during ultrasound imaging of superficial lymph nodes. Ultrasound is the first imaging method used in the diseases of superficial organs and tissues, including lymph nodes. The causes of mistakes can be either dependent or independent of the performing physician. The first group of mistakes includes inappropriate interpretation of images of anatomical structures, while the latter group includes, among other things, similar ultrasound images of different pathologies. For instance, a lymph node, whether normal or abnormal, may be mimicked by anatomical structures, such as a partially visible, compressed vein. Lymph nodes in lymphomas may be indistinguishable from reactive lymph nodes, even when using Doppler option, as well as morphologically difficult to distinguish from metastases. Metastatic lymph nodes can mimic e.g. nodular, separated postoperative thyroid fragments, a lateral neck cyst, chemodectoma (carotid body tumor) or neuroma. The appearance of lymph nodes in granulomatous diseases, such as tuberculosis or sarcoidosis, can be very similar to that of typical metastatic lymph nodes or lymphomas. Anechoic or hypoechoic areas in a lymph node can represent necrosis or metastatic hemorrhages, but also suppuration in inflamed lymph nodes. Lymph nodes in lymphomas, metastatic and reactive lymph nodes can adopt the classical characteristics of a simple cyst. The overall ultrasound picture along with all criteria for the assessment of a lymph node should be taken into account during ultrasound imaging. It seems that the safest management is to refer patients diagnosed with lymph node abnormalities for ultrasound-guided targeted fine needle aspiration biopsy followed by a total lymph node resection for histopathological examination in the case of suspected lymphoma.Przyczyną pomyłek w diagnostyce ultrasonograficznej wę- złów chłonnych położonych powierzchownie mogą być: • trudne warunki badania (techniczne lub ze strony osoby badanej); • nieznajomość anatomii prawidłowej; • nieznajomość cech obrazów USG w różnych chorobach węzłów chłonnych; • podobieństwo obrazów USG w różnych jednostkach chorobowych; • nieznajomość statystycznej częstości występowania chorób, ale również zbytnie sugerowanie się nią; • brak, zbyt mała liczba lub nieprawidłowość: danych z wywiadu, danych klinicznych, laboratoryjnych oraz wyników innych badań. Artykuł w wersji polskojęzycznej jest dostępny na stronie http://jultrason.pl/wydawnictwa/volume-17-no-6

    Pomyłki w diagnostyce ultrasonograficznej ślinianek

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    Ultrasonography is the first imaging method applied in the case of diseases of the salivary glands. The article discusses basic mistakes that can be made during an ultrasound examination of these structures. The reasons for these mistakes may be examiner-dependent or may be beyond their control. The latter may include, inter alia, difficult conditions during examination (technical or patient-related), similarity of ultrasound images in different diseases, the lack of clinical and laboratory data as well as the lack of results of other examinations, their insufficient number or incorrectness. Doctor-related mistakes include: the lack of knowledge of normal anatomy, characteristics of ultrasound images in various salivary gland diseases and statistical incidence of diseases, but also attaching excessive importance to such statistical data. The complex anatomical structures of the floor of the oral cavity may be mistaken for benign or malignant tumors. Fragments of correct anatomical structures (bones, arterial wall fibrosis, air bubbles in the mouth) can be wrongly interpreted as deposits in the salivary gland or in its excretory duct. Correct lymph nodes in the parotid glands may be treated as pathologic structures. Lesions not being a simple cyst, e.g. lymphoma, benign or malignant tumors of the salivary glands or metastatic lymph nodes, can be mistaken for one. The image of disseminated focal changes, both anechoic and solid, is not pathognomonic for specific diseases in the salivary glands. However, in part, it occurs typically and requires an extended differential diagnosis. Small focal changes and infiltrative lesions pose a diagnostic problem because their etiology cannot be safely suggested on the basis of an ultrasound examination itself. The safest approach is to refer patients with abnormal focal changes for an ultrasoundguided fine-needle aspiration biopsy.Badanie ultrasonograficzne jest pierwszą metodą obrazową stosowaną w przypadku chorób ślinianek. W artykule omówiono podstawowe pomyłki, które można popełnić podczas badania ultrasonograficznego tych gruczołów. Przyczyny błędów mogą być zależne i niezależne od lekarza badającego. Do przyczyn niezależnych należą m.in. trudne warunki badania (techniczne lub ze strony osoby badanej), podobieństwo obrazów ultrasonograficznych w różnych jednostkach chorobowych oraz brak danych klinicznych, laboratoryjnych i wyników innych badań lub ich zbyt mała liczba czy nieprawidłowość. Wśród przyczyn pomyłek zależnych od lekarza wykonującego badanie ultrasonograficzne należy wymienić nieznajomość: anatomii prawidłowej, cech obrazów ultrasonograficznych w różnych chorobach ślinianek, statystycznej częstości występowania chorób, ale również zbytnie sugerowanie się nią. Skomplikowane struktury anatomiczne okolicy dna jamy ustnej mogą być mylone z łagodnymi lub złośliwymi nowotworami. Fragmenty prawidłowych struktur anatomicznych (kości, zwłókniałe ściany tętnic, pęcherzyki powietrza w jamie ustnej) mogą zostać nieprawidłowo zinterpretowane jako złogi w śliniance lub jej przewodzie wyprowadzającym. Prawidłowe węzły chłonne obecne w śliniankach przyusznych można potraktować jako struktury patologiczne. Zmiany niebędące torbielą prostą mogą zostać z nią pomylone, np. chłoniak, niezłośliwe i złośliwe nowotwory ślinianek, węzły chłonne przerzutowe. Obraz rozsianych zmian ogniskowych, zarówno bezechowych, jak i litych, nie jest w śliniankach patognomoniczny dla konkretnych jednostek chorobowych, chociaż w części występuje typowo i wymaga poszerzonej diagnostyki różnicowej. Problem diagnostyczny stanowią małe zmiany ogniskowe oraz zmiany naciekowe, ponieważ na podstawie samego badania ultrasonograficznego nie można bezpiecznie sugerować ich etiologii. Najbezpieczniejszym sposobem postępowania jest kierowanie pacjentów z obecnością nieprawidłowych zmian ogniskowych na biopsję aspiracyjną cienkoigłową celowaną, monitorowaną ultrasonograficznie