7 research outputs found

    An omental teratoma in a young girl

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    Teratoma is the most commonly encountered germ cell tumour among the most common ovarian tumours; however, teratomas of the omentum and mesentery are extremely rare. They are usually asymptomatic or can produce compressive symptoms. The imaging features are suggestive. The present report describes such a case of primary omental teratoma encountered in a young patient, which was managed by surgical resection. The histopathological examination confirmed the diagnosis of mature cystic teratoma. Germ cell tumors are congenital tumors containing derivatives of all the three germinal layers, frequently seen in gonads. But their occurrence in extragonadal sites, such as omental teratoma, is relatively rare

    Small bowel obstruction due to an endometriotic ileal stricture with associated appendiceal endometriosis: A case report and systematic review of the literature

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    Introduction: Endometriosis is defined as the presence of functional ectopic endometrial tissue outside the uterine cavity. It rarely involves the small bowel and obstruction due to the same is highly uncommon. Preoperative diagnosis is difficult based on clinical and radiological studies. Diagnosis can be confirmed only on histopathological examination of the surgically resected specimen. Presentation of case: A 44 years old lady presented with repeated episodes of abdominal pain, non bilious vomiting and diarrhea. She also gave history of abdominal pain during every menstruation. She had diffuse abdominal tenderness and the computed tomography showed a concentric infective/inflammatory thickening of the distal ileum. Colonoscopy confirmed a tight distal ileal stricture After a failed trial of conservative management, she underwent a laparoscopic right hemicolectomy. The histopathological examination revealed multiple endometriotic foci in the ileum and the appendix. Discussion: Ileal endometriosis presenting as obstruction is uncommon and very few cases have been reported thus far. The symptoms are usually cyclical but may later become continuous with the progression of the disease. Preoperative diagnostic dilemma is due to the clinical and the radiological similarities to inflammatory, infective and irritable bowel diseases. Conclusion: Ours is probably the first case of small bowel obstruction due to ileal and appendiceal endometriosis that was managed with laparoscopic right hemicolectomy. We highlight the preoperative diagnostic dilemma and the progression of the cyclical symptoms. Thus, endometriosis must be considered in cases of small bowel obstruction in women in the reproductive age group as a rare cause

    Rural Centre Based Management of the Carotid Body Tumour

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    A 40 year old male patient reported to our rural based hospital with a complaint of discomfort associated with a swelling on the left side of the neck since 8 years. A provisional diagnosis of a carotid body tumour was made based on clinical examination and ultrasound examination. Higher investigations could not be performed due to unavailability at the rural setup and referral to a specialty centre was not possible due to financial constraints of the patient. Even with advances in diagnostic and surgical techniques, surgery still presents a major threat of injury to the cranial nerves. Nevertheless, it remains the preferred method of treatment for these tumours. Our case shows that such masses can be removed successfully and that, with care, the cranial nerves and the carotid arteries can be preserved at the rural hospital