58 research outputs found

    Interaction of Glucose with ZnO Nanoparticles

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    We report the results of the extent of interaction as well as the formation of a bioconjugate of glucose with Zinc Oxide nano particles (ZnO NPs) to understand the non-invasive monitoring of glucose by semiconductor NPs. We performed an array of photophysical as well as microscopic measurements to quantify the interaction between ZnO NPs and glucose. We have found that time constant of interaction (t1) 18.47 min for the binding glucose with surface of ZnO NPs and follows a single exponential association process. When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3596

    Interaction of Glucose with ZnO Nanoparticles

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    We report the results of the extent of interaction as well as the formation of a bioconjugate of glucose with Zinc Oxide nano particles (ZnO NPs) to understand the non-invasive monitoring of glucose by semiconductor NPs. We performed an array of photophysical as well as microscopic measurements to quantify the interaction between ZnO NPs and glucose. We have found that time constant of interaction (t1) 18.47 min for the binding glucose with surface of ZnO NPs and follows a single exponential association process. When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3596

    Training needs for the Decade programme

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    Training needs for the Decade programm

    A two warehouse deterministic inventory model for deteriorating items with a linear trend in time dependent demand over finite time horizon by Elitist Real-Coded Genetic Algorithm

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    This paper deals with a deterministic inventory model developed for deteriorating items having two separate storage facilities (owned and rented warehouses) due to limited capacity of the existing storage (owned warehouse) with linear time dependent demand (increasing) over a fixed finite time horizon. The model is formulated with infinite replenishment and the successive replenishment cycle lengths are in arithmetic progression. Partially backlogged shortages are allowed. The stocks of rented warehouse (RW) are transported to the owned warehouse (OW) in continuous release pattern. For this purpose, the model is formulated as a constrained non-linear mixed integer programming problem. For solving the problem, an advanced genetic algorithm (GA) has been developed. This advanced GA is based on ranking selection, elitism, whole arithmetic crossover and non-uniform mutation dependent on the age of the population. Our objective is to determine the optimal replenishment number, lot-size of two-warehouses (OW and RW) by maximizing the profit function. The model is illustrated with four numerical examples and sensitivity analyses of the optimal solution are performed with respect to different parameters

    Вплив часу відпалу на оптичні та структурні властивості нанострижнів ZnO

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    Нанострижні окису цинку успішно синтезуються простим хімічним методом осадження, використовуючи гексагідрат нітрату цинку та гідроксид натрію як прекурсори. Вплив відпалу при 400 °C протягом 2 і 4 годин на зразок ZnO досліджується за допомогою спектроскопії в УФ та видимому діапазонах, спектру випромінювання та рентгенодифракційного аналізу. Заборонена зона нанострижнів зменшилася з 3,86 еВ до 3,54 еВ, а енергія Урбаха зросла з 1,33 еВ до 1,75 еВ при термічній обробці. Сильне ексітонне ультрафіолетове випромінювання при 381 нм, 399 нм і 394 нм та випромінювання у видимих областях, пов'язане з дефектами, спостерігаються від нанострижнів ZnO. Рентгенодифракційне дослідження виявило, що нанострижні ZnO висококристалічні і мають чисту гексагональну фазу. Результати показали, що розмір зерна збільшується, а деформація зменшується після відпалу нанострижнів ZnO. Висококристалічні нанострижні ZnO із співвідношенням сторін приблизно 4,25 та яскравими дифракційними рефлексами спостерігаються на TEM та SAED зразках.Zinc oxide nanorods (NRs) are successfully synthesized by simple chemical precipitation method using zinc nitrate hexahydrate and sodium hydroxide as the precursors. The effect of annealing at 400 °C for 2 h and 4 h on the ZnO sample is investigated by UV-Vis spectroscopy, emission spectrum and XRD analysis. The band gap of NRs decreased from 3.86 eV to 3.54 eV and Urbach energy increased from 1.33 eV to 1.75 eV under heat treatment. Strong excitonic related UV emission at 381 nm, 399 nm, 394 nm and defect related emissions in the visible regions are observed from ZnO NRs. X-ray diffraction study revealed that the ZnO NRs are highly crystalline and have a pure hexagonal phase. The results revealed that grain size increases and strain decreases after annealing the ZnO NRs. Well crystalline ZnO NRs with aspect ratio of about 4.25 and bright diffraction spots are observed from TEM and SAED patterns

    An application of tournament genetic algorithm in a marketing oriented economic production lot-size model for deteriorating items

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    The goal of this research is to discuss an application of tournament genetic algorithm (TGA) for solving an economic production lot-size (EPL) model. In this model, the production rate of the item is finite and it is assumed to be a decision variable. The demand rate is also a deterministic function of selling price and the marketing cost. The selling price per unit item is determined by a mark-up over the unit production cost. The deterioration rate at any instant is a linear increasing/decreasing function of time. Partial backlogging shortages are allowed with a variable rate dependent on the length of the waiting time up to the starting of next production. This model is formulated as a highly non-linear constrained optimization problem. To solve this problem, a TGA with steady-state selection, whole arithmetic crossover and non-uniform mutation has been developed and applied. The model has been illustrated with three numerical examples. Finally, sensitivity analyses have been shown graphically to study the variations of the average profit with respect to the different parameters.Genetic algorithm Production Deterioration Partial backlogging Variable demand