126 research outputs found

    Nonlinear Optical Waveguide Devices in GaAs/AlGaAs

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    This thesis is concerned with the design, characterisation and implementation of an all-optical logic waveguide device. Operation of such a device depends crucially on the fact that it includes a nonlinear material whose refractive index changes if it is subjected to sufficiently intense optical excitation. (This intensity dependance of the refractive index is often expressed by the relation n= no+ n2l, where no is the low intensity refractive index, n2 is the nonlinear coefficient, and I is the intensity of the incident optical radiation.) The optically induced variation in the refractive index is transformed into a nonlinearity in the device transmission by use of certain waveguide properties thus enabling the device to perform all-optical logic operations. The particular work in this thesis concentrates on the Asymmetric Mach-Zehnder Interferometer (AMZI) which is described in Chapter One. The nonlinear material used in this thesis is AlxGa1-xAs because (i), waveguide fabrication technology in this material is well established and reliable, and (ii), the material has a significant optical nonlinearity easily accessible with laser radiation. The thesis begins by introducing nonlinear optical waveguide devices. Chapter Two then reviews the various optical nonlinearities in semiconductors and presents the current theoretical models available for the description of these effects. Chapter Three describes the nonlinear waveguide design process. Included in this chapter are considerations which have to be made for the attainment of optimum optical nonlinear effects. Chapter Four contains the device fabrication details and describes the considerations made during device production. The results of linear and nonlinear characterisation of waveguides are presented in Chapter Five where descriptions of the various experimental details are also given. The Asymmetric Mach Zehnder Interferometer is then examined in Chapter Six where results of both the theoretical and experimental studies are presented. Finally, in Chapter Seven, the conclusions are presented and suggestions for future work are given

    Proximal and distal spinal neurons innervating multiple synergist and antagonist motor pools

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    Motoneurons control muscle contractions, and their recruitment by premotor circuits is tuned to produce accurate motor behaviours. To understand how these circuits coordinate movement across and between joints, it is necessary to understand whether spinal neurons pre-synaptic to motor pools have divergent projections to more than one motoneuron population. Here, we used modified rabies virus tracing in mice to investigate premotor INs projecting to synergist flexor or extensor motoneurons, as well as those projecting to antagonist pairs of muscles controlling the ankle joint. We show that similar proportions of premotor neurons diverge to synergist and antagonist motor pools. Divergent premotor neurons were seen throughout the spinal cord, with decreasing numbers but increasing proportion with distance from the hindlimb enlargement. In the cervical cord, divergent long descending propriospinal neurons were found in contralateral lamina VIII, had large somata, were neither glycinergic, nor cholinergic, and projected to both lumbar and cervical motoneurons. We conclude that distributed spinal premotor neurons coordinate activity across multiple motor pools and that there are spinal neurons mediating co-contraction of antagonist muscles

    Co-Release of GABA Does Not Occur at Glycinergic Synapses onto Lumbar Motoneurons in Juvenile Mice

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    The fast inhibitory neurotransmitters glycine and GABA are co-localized in synaptic terminals of inhibitory interneurons in the spinal cord and co-released onto lumbar motoneurons in neonatal rats. We performed whole-cell voltage-clamp experiments on spinal cord preparations obtained from juvenile (P8–14) mice to determine whether inhibitory currents exhibited GABAergic components in motoneurons of animals of weight-bearing age. Subsequently we established whether or not GABA is co-released at glycinergic synapses onto motoneurons by determining if it conferred modulatory effects on the kinetics of glycinergic currents. Exponential fitting analysis showed that evoked and miniature inhibitory post-synaptic currents (IPSCs) were best-fitted with a single decay time constant. Responses recorded from connected interneuron-motoneuron pairs showed no effect of a benzodiazepine or a GABAA receptor antagonist. Similarly IPSCs evoked by extracellular stimulation and miniature IPSCs were not affected by either agent, indicating the absence of co-detection. Experimental manipulation of the relative content of pre-synaptic GABA and glycine conferred no effect on post-synaptic responses. It is thus unlikely that GABA is co-released in biologically relevant amounts at glycinergic synapses onto lumbar motoneurons in mice of this age

    Oxytocin neurones: intrinsic mechanisms governing the regularity of spiking activity

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    Oxytocin neurones of the rat supraoptic nucleus are osmoresponsive and, with all other things being equal, they fire at a mean rate that is proportional to the plasma sodium concentration. However, individual spike times are governed by highly stochastic events, namely the random occurrences of excitatory synaptic inputs, the probability of which is increased by increasing extracellular osmotic pressure. Accordingly, interspike intervals (ISIs) are very irregular. In the present study, we show, by statistical analyses of firing patterns in oxytocin neurones, that the mean firing rate as measured in bins of a few seconds is more regular than expected from the variability of ISIs. This is consistent with an intrinsic activity‐dependent negative‐feedback mechanism. To test this, we compared observed neuronal firing patterns with firing patterns generated by a leaky integrate‐and‐fire model neurone, modified to exhibit activity‐dependent mechanisms known to be present in oxytocin neurones. The presence of a prolonged afterhyperpolarisation (AHP) was critical for the ability to mimic the observed regularisation of mean firing rate, although we also had to add a depolarising afterpotential (DAP; sometimes called an afterdepolarisation) to the model to match the observed ISI distributions. We tested this model by comparing its behaviour with the behaviour of oxytocin neurones exposed to apamin, a blocker of the medium AHP. Good fits indicate that the medium AHP actively contributes to the firing patterns of oxytocin neurones during non‐bursting activity, and that oxytocin neurones generally express a DAP, even though this is usually masked by superposition of a larger AHP

    The recurrent case for the Renshaw cell.

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    Although Renshaw cells (RCs) were discovered over half a century ago, their precise role in recurrent inhibition and ability to modulate motoneuron excitability have yet to be established. Indirect measurements of recurrent inhibition have suggested only a weak modulatory effect but are limited by the lack of observed motoneuron responses to inputs from single RCs. Here we present dual recordings between connected RC-motoneuron pairs, performed on mouse spinal cord. Motoneuron responses demonstrated that Renshaw synapses elicit large inhibitory conductances and show short-term potentiation. Anatomical reconstruction, combined with a novel method of quantal analysis, showed that the strong inhibitory input from RCs results from the large number of synaptic contacts that they make onto individual motoneurons. We used the NEURON simulation environment to construct realistic electrotonic models, which showed that inhibitory conductances from Renshaw inputs exert considerable shunting effects in motoneurons and reduce the frequency of spikes generated by excitatory inputs. This was confirmed experimentally by showing that excitation of a single RC or selective activation of the recurrent inhibitory pathway to generate equivalent inhibitory conductances both suppress motoneuron firing. We conclude that recurrent inhibition is remarkably effective, in that a single action potential from one RC is sufficient to silence a motoneuron. Although our results may differ from previous indirect observations, they underline a need for a reevaluation of the role that RCs perform in one of the first neuronal circuits to be discovered

    Axial Skeletal Location Predicts Poor Outcome in Ewing's Sarcoma: A Single Institution Experience

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    Introduction. Ewing's sarcomas (EWSs) of bone and soft tissue are neuroectodermal tumors that affect both axial and appendicular locations. We hypothesized that axial location predicted poor outcome in EWS patients. Materials and Methods. Sixty-seven patients (57 with bone EWS and 10 with soft tissue EWS) were identified from our database. Thirty-four (51%) had axial EWS and 33 (49%) had appendicular EWS. Statistical analyses identified predictors of poor outcome. Results and Discussion. Axial location, large size, metastases at presentation, lack of definitive treatment, and positive surgical margins all correlated with poor outcome in univariate analysis. In multivariate analysis, axial location still predicted poor outcome when adjusted for pretreatment variables. Axial location was not statistically predictive of poor outcome when adjusted for treatment variables. Conclusions. Anatomic location has a negative effect on outcome in EWS that cannot be completely explained by pretreatment or treatment factors. Additional studies are required to determine if there is a biologic difference between axial and appendicular EWS