14 research outputs found

    Dystrophin regulates peripheral circadian SRF signalling

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    Dystrophin is a sarcolemmal protein essential for muscle contraction and maintenance, absence of which leads to the devastating muscle wasting disease Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD)[1, 2]. Dystrophin has an actin-binding domain [3–5], which specifically binds and stabilises filamentous (F)-actin[6], an integral component of the RhoA-actin-serum response factor (SRF)-pathway[7]. The RhoA-actin-SRF-pathway plays an essential role in circadian signalling whereby the hypothalamic suprachiasmatic nucleus, transmits systemic cues to peripheral tissues, activating SRF and transcription of clock target genes[8, 9]. Given dystrophin binds F-actin and disturbed SRF-signalling disrupts clock entrainment, we hypothesised that dystrophin loss causes circadian deficits. Here we show for the first time alterations in the RhoA-actin-SRF-signalling-pathway, in both dystrophin-deficient myotubes and dystrophic mouse models. Specifically, we demonstrate reduced F/G-actin ratios and nuclear MRTF, dysregulation of core clock and downstream target-genes, and down-regulation of key circadian genes in muscle biopsies from DMD patients harbouring an array of mutations. Further, disrupted circadian locomotor behaviour was observed in dystrophic mice indicative of disrupted SCN signalling, and indeed dystrophin protein was absent in the SCN of dystrophic animals. Dystrophin is thus a critically important component of the RhoA-actin-SRF-pathway and a novel mediator of circadian signalling in peripheral tissues, loss of which leads to circadian dysregulation

    Elusive Copy Number Variation in the Mouse Genome

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    Array comparative genomic hybridization (aCGH) to detect copy number variants (CNVs) in mammalian genomes has led to a growing awareness of the potential importance of this category of sequence variation as a cause of phenotypic variation. Yet there are large discrepancies between studies, so that the extent of the genome affected by CNVs is unknown. We combined molecular and aCGH analyses of CNVs in inbred mouse strains to investigate this question.Using a 2.1 million probe array we identified 1,477 deletions and 499 gains in 7 inbred mouse strains. Molecular characterization indicated that approximately one third of the CNVs detected by the array were false positives and we estimate the false negative rate to be more than 50%. We show that low concordance between studies is largely due to the molecular nature of CNVs, many of which consist of a series of smaller deletions and gains interspersed by regions where the DNA copy number is normal.Our results indicate that CNVs detected by arrays may be the coincidental co-localization of smaller CNVs, whose presence is more likely to perturb an aCGH hybridization profile than the effect of an isolated, small, copy number alteration. Our findings help explain the hitherto unexplored discrepancies between array-based studies of copy number variation in the mouse genome

    Commercially Available Outbred Mice for Genome-Wide Association Studies

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    Genome-wide association studies using commercially available outbred mice can detect genes involved in phenotypes of biomedical interest. Useful populations need high-frequency alleles to ensure high power to detect quantitative trait loci (QTLs), low linkage disequilibrium between markers to obtain accurate mapping resolution, and an absence of population structure to prevent false positive associations. We surveyed 66 colonies for inbreeding, genetic diversity, and linkage disequilibrium, and we demonstrate that some have haplotype blocks of less than 100 Kb, enabling gene-level mapping resolution. The same alleles contribute to variation in different colonies, so that when mapping progress stalls in one, another can be used in its stead. Colonies are genetically diverse: 45% of the total genetic variation is attributable to differences between colonies. However, quantitative differences in allele frequencies, rather than the existence of private alleles, are responsible for these population differences. The colonies derive from a limited pool of ancestral haplotypes resembling those found in inbred strains: over 95% of sequence variants segregating in outbred populations are found in inbred strains. Consequently it is possible to impute the sequence of any mouse from a dense SNP map combined with inbred strain sequence data, which opens up the possibility of cataloguing and testing all variants for association, a situation that has so far eluded studies in completely outbred populations. We demonstrate the colonies' potential by identifying a deletion in the promoter of H2-Ea as the molecular change that strongly contributes to setting the ratio of CD4+ and CD8+ lymphocytes

    Mouse genomic variation and its effect on phenotypes and gene regulation

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    We report genome sequences of 17 inbred strains of laboratory mice and identify almost ten times more variants than previously known. We use these genomes to explore the phylogenetic history of the laboratory mouse and to examine the functional consequences of allele-specific variation on transcript abundance, revealing that at least 12% of transcripts show a significant tissue-specific expression bias. By identifying candidate functional variants at 718 quantitative trait loci we show that the molecular nature of functional variants and their position relative to genes vary according to the effect size of the locus. These sequences provide a starting point for a new era in the functional analysis of a key model organism

    Genome-wide association of multiple complex traits in outbred mice by ultra low-coverage sequencing

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    The authors wish to acknowledge excellent technical assistance from A. Kurioka, L. Swadling, C. de Lara, J. Ussher, R. Townsend, S. Lionikaite, A.S. Lionikiene, R. Wolswinkel and I. van der Made. We would like to thank T.M. Keane and A.G. Doran for their help in annotating variants and adding the FVB/NJ strain to the MGP. We thank the High-Throughput Genomics Group at the Wellcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics and the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute for the generation of the sequencing data. This work was funded by Wellcome Trust grant 090532/Z/09/Z (J.F.). Primary phenotyping of the mice was supported by the Mary Lyon Centre and Mammalian Genetics Unit (Medical Research Council, UK Hub grant G0900747 91070 and Medical Research Council, UK grant MC U142684172). D.A.B. acknowledges support from NIH R01AR056280. The sleep work was supported by the state of Vaud (Switzerland) and the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNF 14694 and 136201 to P.F.). The ECG work was supported by the Netherlands CardioVascular Research Initiative (Dutch Heart Foundation, Dutch Federation of University Medical Centres, Netherlands Organization for Health Research and Development and the Royal Netherlands Academy of Sciences) PREDICT project, InterUniversity Cardiology Institute of the Netherlands (ICIN; 061.02; C.A.R. and C.R.B.). N.C. is supported by the Agency of Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR) Graduate Academy. R.W.D. is supported by a grant from the Wellcome Trust (097308/Z/11/Z).Peer reviewedPostprin

    PRMT inhibitor promotes SMN2 exon 7 inclusion and synergizes with nusinersen to rescue SMA mice

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    Abstract Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is a leading genetic cause of infant mortality. The advent of approved treatments for this devastating condition has significantly changed SMA patients' life expectancy and quality of life. Nevertheless, these are not without limitations, and research efforts are underway to develop new approaches for improved and long‐lasting benefits for patients. Protein arginine methyltransferases (PRMTs) are emerging as druggable epigenetic targets, with several small‐molecule PRMT inhibitors already in clinical trials. From a screen of epigenetic molecules, we have identified MS023, a potent and selective type I PRMT inhibitor able to promote SMN2 exon 7 inclusion in preclinical SMA models. Treatment of SMA mice with MS023 results in amelioration of the disease phenotype, with strong synergistic amplification of the positive effect when delivered in combination with the antisense oligonucleotide nusinersen. Moreover, transcriptomic analysis revealed that MS023 treatment has minimal off‐target effects, and the added benefit is mainly due to targeting neuroinflammation. Our study warrants further clinical investigation of PRMT inhibition both as a stand‐alone and add‐on therapy for SMA

    Light modulation ameliorates expression of circadian genes and disease progression in spinal muscular atrophy mice

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    Physiology and behaviour are critically dependent on circadian regulation via a core set of clock genes, dysregulation of which leads to metabolic and sleep disturbances. Metabolic and sleep perturbations occur in spinal muscular atrophy (SMA), a neuromuscular disorder caused by loss of the survival motor neuron (SMN) protein and characterised by motor neuron loss and muscle atrophy. We therefore investigated the expression of circadian rhythm genes in various metabolic tissues and spinal cord of the Taiwanese Smn-/-;SMN2 SMA animal model. We demonstrate a dysregulated expression of the core clock genes (clock, ARNTL/Bmal1, Cry1/2, Per1/2) and clock output genes (Nr1d1 and Dbp) in SMA tissues during disease progression. We also uncover an age- and tissue-dependent diurnal expression of the Smn gene. Importantly, we observe molecular and phenotypic corrections in SMA mice following direct light modulation. Our study identifies for a key relationship between a SMA pathology and peripheral core clock gene dysregulation, highlights the influence of SMN on peripheral circadian regulation and metabolism and has significant implications for the development of peripheral therapeutic approaches and clinical care management of SMA patients

    A Quantitative Trait Locus Influencing Anxiety in the Laboratory Rat

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