3 research outputs found

    Sensing behaviour of some nanocomposite systems

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    Silver nanoparticles of diameters 3.4 to 13.2 nm grown at the interfaces between silicate glass and some oxide crystallites exhibited about six orders of magnitude reduction in resistivity for a relative humidity change from 25% to 80%. Sn-SnO2 nano core-shell structure prepared within a gel-derived silica glass film by electrodeposition technique followed by heat treatment showed large change in resistivity as a function of humidity. The resistivity also changed due to gas flow of CO2, C2H5OH and NO2, respectively. The latter arose because of reduction/oxidation of Sn4+/Sn2+ species present at the shell layer of the nanostructures. Nickel nanosheets of thickness ~0.6 nm grown within the interlayer spaces of Na-4 mica crystallites showed a change of dielectric permittivity (5%) for an applied magnetic field of 1.2 Tesla. An inhomogeneous model was used to explain this behavior. Two dimensional CuO phase was grown within the channels of diameter ~5 nm of mesoporous SiO2 structure. A magnetodielectric (MD) parameter M.D. of 4.4% was obtained in this case. BaTiO3 nanoparticles of diameter ~25 nm having pores with diameter 10 nm showed multiferroic behavior which arose due to the presence of oxygen vacancies as a result of large surface area present. An M.D. parameter of 11% was found. Similarly mesoporous LiNbO3 of 10 nm diameter showed an M.D. parameter of ~4.5% at a magnetic field 1 Tesla. A giant magnetocapacitance effect with a value of 44% at 1.5 T was observed in nickel zinc ferrite (NZF) impregnated mesoporous silica. A magnetocapacitance of 51% at magnetic field 1.7 T was found in the case of nanocomposites comprising of iron ion containing silica based nanoglass and mesoporous silica. In the last two examples the behavior was explained on the basis of Catalan model of space-charge polarization with extracted values of magnetoresistance of the NZF and nanoglass phases being 58%

    Study of management of postpartum hemorrhage and its complications

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    Background: Postpartum hemorrhage (PPH) is globally one of the most common causes of maternal death, especially in developing country like India. Pregnancy and childbirth involve significant health risks, even to women with no preexisting health problem. The objective of this study was to analyze the role of various interventions in the management of PPH and its complications.Methods: This prospective observational study was conducted in the department of obstetrics and gynecology of Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Dr. D Y Patil Medical college, Pimpri, Pune, Maharashtra, India. A total number of 80 cases of postpartum hemorrhage that fulfilled the selection criteria were included. Data collected and analyzed in PPH patients with medical and surgical management.Results: In present study, most of cases were multigravida (60%) and more than 50 percent of patients required blood and blood products. In present study, most of the postpartum bleeding or postpartum hemorrhage (PPH) cases managed by medical methods. Uterotonic drugs (42.5%) This was possible due to early identification and timely intervention.Conclusions: Active management of third stage of labour is recommended in all cases. Seventy percent cases were  managed by medical methods while rest of the cases required surgical management. Among the medical management uterotonic drugs and bimanual uterine compression was used while among the surgical methods repair of cervical and vaginal laceration was mostly required

    Вибір ідеального повітряного провідника на основі IoT для оптимізації продуктивності проекту малої гідроелектростанції

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    Вибір проекту малої гідроенергетики та його критеріїв для інвестування є критичним завданням, що включає різні аспекти та плани. Таке прийняття рішень також можна розглядати як питання багатокритеріального перегляду з кореляцією критеріїв та альтернатив. Ця роль повинна брати до уваги низку конкуруючих аспектів через зростаючу складність технічних і екологічних факторів. Багатокритеріальні підходи мають дедалі більше універсальних інструментів. Метою цієї статті є оцінка застосовності методу прийняття рішень за багатьма критеріями (MCDM) на основі значення індексу близькості (PIV) і комбінованого компромісного рішення (CoCoSo) під час планування та розробки проектів малої гідроенергетики. Застосування цього нового підходу PIV до організації проекту малої гідроелектростанції та сценарію розширення відсутні в літературі з відновлюваної енергетики через складність його оцінки.The selection of a suitable small hydropower project and its criteria for investment is a crucial task involving various aspects and plans. This decision-making can also be seen as a multi-criteria review issue with the correlation of criteria and alternatives. This role should take into account a number of competing aspects due to the growing complexities of social, economic, technical and environmental factors. Traditional decision-making methods cannot address the complexities of such systems. Multi-criteria approaches have more and more versatile tools. The goal of this paper is to assess the applicability of Multiple Criteria Decision-Making (MCDM) based Proximity Index Value (PIV) and Combined Compromise Solution (CoCoSo) technique during the planning and development of small hydropower projects. The application of this PIV novel approach to a small hydropower project organization and expansion scenario is lacking in renewable energy literature due to the difficulty of its evaluation