17 research outputs found

    Breeding strategy to generate the knockout cohorts.

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    <p><i>Ku80<sup>+/−</sup></i> and <i>dna-pk<sub>cs</sub></i><sup>+/−</sup> animals are backcrossed for multiple generations to C57Bl6/J-pUR288 (left of dashed line) and FVB (right of dashed line) background. Double heterozygous knock out C57BL6/J male mice are crossed with double heterozygous knock out FVB female mice. Using this strategy all four desired cohorts are generated as F1 hybrids (grey boxes).</p

    Histopathology neoplastic lesions.

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    <p>Mentioned n-numbers are tumor bearing animals available for microscopical examination.</p><p><i>k</i>-/-;<i>d</i>-/-: <i>ku80</i>-/-; <i>dna-pk<sub>cs</sub><sup>−/−</sup></i>.</p><p>mes. lm. nd.: mesenterial lymph node.</p><p>ax. lm. nd.: axillary lymph node.</p><p>*∼5 thymus tumor preparations were microscopically examined per group and found to be all lymphomas. All other macroscopic neoplastic lesions observed in thymus are assumed to be lymphomas as well.</p><p>** analyzed in femur.</p><p>Tumor incidence based on all animals from longevity cohort, including those not microscopically examined.</p

    Histopathology non-neoplastic lesions.

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    <p>4–5 animals examined per group. All selected mutant mice are at end of life, wild type mice are aged matched to mutant mice.</p><p>Mean age in weeks is shown (w).</p><p>mes ln: mesenterial lymph node.</p><p><i>k</i>-/-;<i>d</i>-/-: <i>ku80</i><sup>−/−</sup>; <i>dna-pk<sub>cs</sub><sup>−/−</sup></i>.</p><p>St. Dev.: Standard deviation.</p><p><i>p</i>-values based on comparison with wild type animals.</p><p>* <i>p</i><0.05.</p><p>** <i>p</i><0.01.</p><p>*** <i>p</i><0.001.</p

    Survival curves.

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    <p>Median survivals are shown in the figure legends in parentheses. <i>dna-pk<sub>cs</sub><sup>−/−</sup></i> mice live significantly longer compared to <i>ku80<sup>−/−</sup></i> mice in both male (<i>p</i> = 0.01) and females (<i>p</i> = 8.7*10<sup>−6</sup>) mice. Survival of double knock out mice is identical to <i>ku80<sup>−/−</sup></i>. (A) Males. (B) Females.</p