379 research outputs found

    Two dimensional smoothing via an optimised Whittaker smoother

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    Background In many applications where moderate to large datasets are used, plotting relationships between pairs of variables can be problematic. A large number of observations will produce a scatter-plot which is difficult to investigate due to a high concentration of points on a simple graph. In this article we review the Whittaker smoother for enhancing scatter-plots and smoothing data in two dimensions. To optimise the behaviour of the smoother an algorithm is introduced, which is easy to programme and computationally efficient. Results The methods are illustrated using a simple dataset and simulations in two dimensions. Additionally, a noisy mammography is analysed. When smoothing scatterplots the Whittaker smoother is a valuable tool that produces enhanced images that are not distorted by the large number of points. The methods is also useful for sharpening patterns or removing noise in distorted images. Conclusion The Whittaker smoother can be a valuable tool in producing better visualisations of big data or filter distorted images. The suggested optimisation method is easy to programme and can be applied with low computational cost

    Inhibiting cardiac myeloperoxidase alleviates the relaxation defect in hypertrophic cardiomyocytes.

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    AIMS: Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) is characterised by cardiomyocyte hypertrophy and disarray, and myocardial stiffness due to interstitial fibrosis, which result in impaired left ventricular filling and diastolic dysfunction. The latter manifests as exercise intolerance, angina, and dyspnoea. There is currently no specific treatment for improving diastolic function in HCM. Here, we investigated whether myeloperoxidase (MPO) is expressed in cardiomyocytes and provides a novel therapeutic target for alleviating diastolic dysfunction in HCM. METHODS AND RESULTS: Human cardiomyocytes derived from control induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC-CMs) were shown to express MPO, with MPO levels being increased in iPSC-CMs generated from two HCM patients harbouring sarcomeric mutations in the MYBPC3 and MYH7 genes. The presence of cardiomyocyte MPO was associated with higher chlorination and peroxidation activity, increased levels of 3-chlorotyrosine-modified cardiac myosin binding protein-C (MYBPC3), attenuated phosphorylation of MYBPC3 at Ser-282, perturbed calcium signalling, and impaired cardiomyocyte relaxation. Interestingly, treatment with the MPO inhibitor, AZD5904, reduced 3-chlorotyrosine-modified MYBPC3 levels, restored MYBPC3 phosphorylation, and alleviated the calcium signalling and relaxation defects. Finally, we found that MPO protein was expressed in healthy adult murine and human cardiomyocytes, and MPO levels were increased in diseased hearts with left ventricular hypertrophy. CONCLUSION: This study demonstrates that MPO inhibition alleviates the relaxation defect in hypertrophic iPSC-CMs through MYBPC3 phosphorylation. These findings highlight cardiomyocyte MPO as a novel therapeutic target for improving myocardial relaxation associated with HCM, a treatment strategy which can be readily investigated in the clinical setting, given that MPO inhibitors are already available for clinical testing. TRANSLATIONAL PERSPECTIVE: There are currently no specific therapies for improving diastolic function in patients with HCM. We show for the first time that myeloperoxidase (MPO) is present in and is up-regulated in cardiomyocytes derived from human iPSCs obtained from HCM patients, where it impairs cardiomyocyte relaxation by reducing phosphorylation of cardiac MYBPC3. Treatment with the MPO inhibitor, AZD5904, restored MYBPC3 phosphorylation and alleviated the relaxation defect, demonstrating cardiomyocyte MPO to be a novel therapeutic target for improving diastolic function in HCM, a treatment strategy which can be evaluated in HCM patients given that MPO inhibitors are already available for clinical testing

    Successive influenza virus infection and Streptococcus pneumoniae stimulation alter human dendritic cell function

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    Background: Influenza virus is a major cause of respiratory disease worldwide and Streptococcus pneumoniae infection associated with influenza often leads to severe complications. Dendritic cells are key antigen presenting cells but its role in such co-infection is unclear.Methods: In this study, human monocyte derived-dentritic cells were either concurrently or successively challenged with the combination of live influenza virus and heat killed pneumococcus to mimic the viral pneumococcal infection. Dendritic cell viability, phenotypic maturation and cytokine production were then examined.Results: The challenge of influenza virus and pneumococcus altered dendritic cell functions dependent on the time interval between the successive challenge of influenza virus and pneumococcus, as well as the doses of pneumococcus. When dendritic cells were exposed to pneumococcus at 6 hr, but not 0 hr nor 24 hr after influenza virus infection, both virus and pneumococcus treated dendritic cells had greater cell apoptosis and expressed higher CD83 and CD86 than dendritic cells infected with influenza virus alone. Dendritic cells produced pro-inflammatory cytokines: TNF-α, IL-12 and IFN-γ synergistically to the successive viral and pneumococcal challenge. Whereas prior influenza virus infection suppressed the IL-10 response independent of the timing of the subsequent pneumococcal stimulation.Conclusions: Our results demonstrated that successive challenge of dendritic cells with influenza virus and pneumococcus resulted in synergistic up-regulation of pro-inflammatory cytokines with simultaneous down-regulation of anti-inflammatory cytokine, which may explain the immuno-pathogenesis of this important co-infection. © 2011 Wu et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.published_or_final_versio

    Restoration of Altered MicroRNA Expression in the Ischemic Heart with Resveratrol

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    Resveratrol, a constituent of red wine, is important for cardioprotection. MicroRNAs are known regulators for genes involved in resveratrol-mediated cardiac remodeling and the regulatory pathway involving microRNA has not been studied so far.We explored the cardioprotection by resveratrol in ischemia/reperfusion model of rat and determined cardiac functions. miRNA profile was determined from isolated RNA using quantitative Real-time PCR based array. Systemic analyses of miRNA array and theirs targets were determined using a number of computational approaches.Cardioprotection by resveratrol and its derivative in ischemia/reperfusion [I/R] rat model was examined with miRNA expression profile. Unique expression pattern were found for each sample, particularly with resveratrol [pure compound] and longevinex [commercial resveratrol formulation] pretreated hearts. Longevinex and resveratrol pretreatment modulates the expression pattern of miRNAs close to the control level based on PCA analyses. Differential expression was observed in over 25 miRNAs, some of them, such as miR-21 were previously implicated in cardiac remodeling. The target genes for the differentially expressed miRNA include genes of various molecular function such as metal ion binding, sodium-potassium ion, transcription factors, which may play key role in reducing I/R injury.Rats pretreated with resveratrol for 3 weeks leads to significant cardioprotection against ischemia/reperfusion injury. A unique signature of miRNA profile is observed in control heart pretreated with resveratrol or longevinex. We have determined specific group of miRNA in heart that have altered during IR injuries. Most of those altered microRNA expressions modulated close to their basal level in resveratrol or longevinex treated I/R mice

    Role of Bax in resveratrol-induced apoptosis of colorectal carcinoma cells

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    BACKGROUND: The natural plant polyphenol resveratrol present in some foods including grapes, wine, and peanuts, has been implicated in the inhibition, delay, and reversion of cellular events associated with heart diseases and tumorigenesis. Recent work has suggested that the cancer chemoprotective effect of the compound is primarily linked to its ability to induce cell division cycle arrest and apoptosis, the latter possibly through the activation of pro-apoptotic proteins such as Bax. METHODS: The expression, subcellular localization, and importance of Bax for resveratrol-provoked apoptosis were assessed in human HCT116 colon carcinoma cells and derivatives with both bax alleles inactivated. RESULTS: Low to moderate concentrations of resveratrol induced co-localization of cellular Bax protein with mitochondria, collapse of the mitochondrial membrane potential, activation of caspases 3 and 9, and finally, apoptosis. In the absence of Bax, membrane potential collapse was delayed, and apoptosis was reduced but not absent. Resveratrol inhibited the formation of colonies by both HCT116 and HCT116 bax -/- cells. CONCLUSION: Resveratrol at physiological doses can induce a Bax-mediated and a Bax-independent mitochondrial apoptosis. Both can limit the ability of the cells to form colonies

    Caveolin-1 enhances resveratrol-mediated cytotoxicity and transport in a hepatocellular carcinoma model

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Resveratrol (RES), an estrogen analog, is considered as a potential cancer chemo-preventive agent. However, it remains unclear how RES is transported into cells. In this study, we observed that Caveolin-1(CAV1) expression can increase the cytotoxic and pro-apoptotic activity of RES in a dose- and time-dependent manner both <it>in vitro </it>and <it>in vivo </it>in a Hepatocellular Carcinoma animal model.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) demonstrated that RES intra-cellular concentration is increased about 2-fold in cells stably expressing CAV1 or CAVM1 (a scaffolding domain (81-101AA)-defective CAV1 mutant) compared to the untransduced human Hepatoblastoma cell line (HepG2) or after transduction with the green fluorescent protein (GFP) control vector. The increased intra-cellular transport of RES was abolished in cells stably expressing CAVM2 (a cholesterol shuttle domain (143-156AA)-defective CAV1 mutant) or CAVRNAi. In order to further characterize CAV1-dependent RES transport, we synthesized RES-dansyl chloride derivatives as fluorescent probes to visualize the transport process, which demonstrated a distribution consistent with that of CAV1 in HepG2 cells.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In addition, RES endocytosis was not mediated by estrogen receptor (ER) α and β, as suggested by lack of competitive inhibition by estrogen or Tamoxifen. Pathway analysis showed that RES can up-regulate the expression of endogenous CAV1; this activates further the MAPK pathway and caspase-3 expression.</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>This study provides novel insights about the role played by CAV1 in modulating cellular sensitivity to RES through enhancement of its internalization and trafficking.</p

    Loss of Ribosomal Protein L11 Affects Zebrafish Embryonic Development through a p53-Dependent Apoptotic Response

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    Ribosome is responsible for protein synthesis in all organisms and ribosomal proteins (RPs) play important roles in the formation of a functional ribosome. L11 was recently shown to regulate p53 activity through a direct binding with MDM2 and abrogating the MDM2-induced p53 degradation in response to ribosomal stress. However, the studies were performed in cell lines and the significance of this tumor suppressor function of L11 has yet to be explored in animal models. To investigate the effects of the deletion of L11 and its physiological relevance to p53 activity, we knocked down the rpl11 gene in zebrafish and analyzed the p53 response. Contrary to the cell line-based results, our data indicate that an L11 deficiency in a model organism activates the p53 pathway. The L11-deficient embryos (morphants) displayed developmental abnormalities primarily in the brain, leading to embryonic lethality within 6–7 days post fertilization. Extensive apoptosis was observed in the head region of the morphants, thus correlating the morphological defects with apparent cell death. A decrease in total abundance of genes involved in neural patterning of the brain was observed in the morphants, suggesting a reduction in neural progenitor cells. Upregulation of the genes involved in the p53 pathway were observed in the morphants. Simultaneous knockdown of the p53 gene rescued the developmental defects and apoptosis in the morphants. These results suggest that ribosomal dysfunction due to the loss of L11 activates a p53-dependent checkpoint response to prevent improper embryonic development

    Glycogen synthase kinase-3 inhibition disrupts nuclear factor-kappaB activity in pancreatic cancer, but fails to sensitize to gemcitabine chemotherapy

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Aberrant activation NF-kappaB has been proposed as a mechanism of drug resistance in pancreatic cancer. Recently, inhibition of glycogen synthase kinase-3 has been shown to exert anti-tumor effects on pancreatic cancer cells by suppressing NF-kappaB. Consequently, we investigated whether inhibition of GSK-3 sensitizes pancreatic cancer cells to the chemotherapeutic agent gemcitabine.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>GSK-3 inhibition was achieved using the pharmacological agent AR-A014418 or siRNA against GSK-3 alpha and beta isoforms. Cytotoxicity was measured using a Sulphorhodamine B assay and clonogenic survival following exposure of six different pancreatic cancer cell lines to a range of doses of either gemcitabine, AR-A014418 or both for 24, 48 and 72 h. We measured protein expression levels by immunoblotting. Basal and TNF-alpha induced activity of NF-kappaB was assessed using a luciferase reporter assay in the presence or absence of GSK-3 inhibition.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>GSK-3 inhibition reduced both basal and TNF-alpha induced NF-kappaB luciferase activity. Knockdown of GSK-3 beta reduced nuclear factor kappa B luciferase activity to a greater extent than GSK-3 alpha, and the greatest effect was seen with dual knockdown of both GSK-3 isoforms. GSK-3 inhibition also resulted in reduction of the NF-kappaB target proteins XIAP, Bcl-X<sub>L</sub>, and cyclin D1, associated with growth inhibition and decreased clonogenic survival. In all cell lines, treatment with either AR-A014418, or gemcitabine led to growth inhibition in a dose- and time-dependent manner. However, with the exception of PANC-1 where drug synergy occurred with some dose schedules, the inhibitory effect of combined drug treatment was additive, sub-additive, or even antagonistic.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>GSK-3 inhibition has anticancer effects against pancreatic cancer cells with a range of genetic backgrounds associated with disruption of NF-kappaB, but does not significantly sensitize these cells to the standard chemotherapy agent gemcitabine. This lack of synergy might be context or cell line dependent, but could also be explained on the basis that although NF-kappaB is an important mediator of pancreatic cancer cell survival, it plays a minor role in gemcitabine resistance. Further work is needed to understand the mechanisms of this effect, including the potential for rational combination of GSK3 inhibitors with other targeted agents for the treatment of pancreatic cancer.</p