1,525 research outputs found

    Serological Tests Of Syphilis In HIV Infection

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    Serological tests for syphilis may show varying results in association with HIV infection.Thus care should be taken to interpret these result

    Understanding Covid-19 in the light of Ayurveda

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    In the era of globalization, peoples across the world live under the threat of the corona virus. Though the mortality rate is not very high but the number of people having SARS-CoV- 2 infection is rising and peoples are lockdown in their own houses and it creates huge loss in terms of human resource, finances and many more. Ayurveda is an ancient science which tells about the preventive and curative treatment of diseases through various Samhitas. To prepare the review the references from Brihattrayee, (Charak Samhita, Sushrut Samhita, Ashtang Hridayam and Ashtang Sangraha) has been used and extensive search through internet for references from various articles and websites has been done regarding COVID 19. This article is a sincere effort to explore this new disease through scattered references all over Samhitas. As SARS-CoV- 2 primarily affects the mucous membrane of nose to enter in the body and affects respiratory system mainly lungs. So exploration of this disease in Ayurveda in the background of basic principles of Ayurveda

    A comparative SEM- EDX Analysis of Swayamagni Rasa by Dhanyarashi and Putapaka method

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    Introduction: Swayamagni Rasa is the herbo-mineral preparation were in, self generated heat transforms particle size from Loha Churna into Bhasma form. The present trend of preparation of Bhasma is by Putapaka method by using cow dung cakes. Here the Niragni method of Loha Marana was carried out along with the Putapaka method to Analyse the Physico-chemical changes, and are been compared with respect to its Pharmaceutical and Analytical parameters. Methods and Materials: Swayamagni Rasa was prepared according to the reference of Rasa Chintamani, other methods adopted were Shodhana of Parada, Shodhana of Ghandaka, Preparation of Dwiguna Kajjali, Samanya Shodhana, Vishesha Shodhana, Preparation of Swayamagni Loha Bhasma by Dhanyarashi and Putapaka method. Physico-chemical Analysis and Instrumental analysis was done for the samples of Swayamagni Rasa by Dhanyarashi and Putapaka method. Results: The Physico-chemical analysis of Swayamagni Rasa by Dhanyarashi and Putapaka method gave significant result. SEM-EDX of Swayamagni Rasa by Dhanyarashi, Putapaka method showed the weight and atomic percentage of elements present and its particle size. Conclusion: The samples of Swayamagni Loha Bhasma by Dhanyarashi Method and one sample of Putapaka method passed the classical Bhasma Pareeksha, that is Rekha purnatha,Varithara, Nishchandratwa and Unama. Also, elemental analysis of all these four samples of Swayamagni Rasa and sample of Putapaka shows reduction in the particle size ranging with in nanometer scale. The Niragni method of preparation of loha Bhasma pharmaceutically and Analytically showed the equivalent results. Further it can be taken up for Animal, Clinical studies to evaluate the efficacy

    SEM EDX Analysis of Swayamagni Loha Bhasma

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    Rasashastra is a special branch of Ayurveda where in different Herbs, Mineral and Metals are used in various formulations.These metals and minerals are subjected for different purification methods to make it suitable for internal administration. The Marana is the procedure in which the purified metals or minerals are further triturated with specific drugs and subjected to heat (Puta). For various Herbs, Metals and Minerals the applications of Puta is essential to reduce the particle size for its better absorption in the body. Swayamagni Rasa is the herbo-mineral preparation were in, self generated heat transforms the particle size from Loha Churna into Bhasma form. In this study Iron fillings where used to prepare the Bhasma by subjecting it to Samanya and Vishesha Shodana and later on doing the procedure of Marana according to Rasachintamani. During the process of Shodana care has to be taken while heating the iron fillings throughout the procedure and measured quantity of liquid media for quenching has to be maintained for doing Shodana in bulk. During the process Iron fillings tend to flush over the face during each Nirvapa which has to be dealt with precaution. Thereafter analysis of the Swayamagni Rasa was analysed using SEM-EDX. It was observed that the percentage of Oxygen content in Loha Bhasma increased there by stating it to be in Oxide form and The particle size ranges around 173.3 nanometre scale which proves it being in its minutest form

    Effect of Sthanika Chikitsa in the management of Kaphaja Yoni Vyapath w.s.r to Candida Albicans - Case Series

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    Background: Kaphaja Yoni Vyapath is a common condition in present days which can be correlated with Vulvo vaginal candidiasis which stands as second most commonest genital infection in world wide. It is a distressed condition that woman face and also it affects the interpersonal relationship. In India the incidence rate of vaginal candidiasis is of 70-75% and Worldwide 80 %. According to Acharyas it is due to Kapha Vrudhi and usage of Abhisyandi Aharas with symptoms like Kandu, Alpa Vedana, Pichila Srava in Yoni. Hence Kapha Hara Chikitsa with Ruksha and Ushna Guna Dravyas are helpful. Among Sthanika Chikitsa, Yoni Prakshalana and Yoni Varthi are treatment modalities which can be adopted to clear the Sthanika Kapha Dusti in yoni. By these treatment there will be quick and faster absorption of drugs through vaginal mucosa which clears the symptoms easily. Hence drugs having Tikta, Kashaya Rasa with Kandughna, Krimighna, Tridosha Hara Karmas are beneficial in the managemet of Kaphaja Yoni Vyapath. Objective: Management of Kaphaja Yoni Vyapath by Yoni Prakshalana with Guduchadi Kashaya and Guduchyadi Yoni Varti. Materials and Methods: Subjects of 3 Married women aged between 20-40 years having symptoms of Kaphaja Yoni Vyapath and with vaginal smear positive for pseudo hyphae were selected from PTSR OPD and IPD from SDMCAH Hassan, treated with Yoni Prakshalana by Guduchyadi Kashaya for 7 days twice daily and Guduchyadi Varti kept in Yoni till Aamutra Kala for 7 days. After treatment vaginal smear was repeated and subjective and objective symptoms were assessed. Result: After 7 days of treatment there was a considerable improvement noticed and vaginal smear found negative for pseudo hyphae. Conclusion: Herbal formulation which is cost effective, easily available can be very well made use in the management of Kaphaja Yoni Vyapath which pacifies Kapha- Vata Doshas

    Understanding the role of Vata in treatment of Female Infertility - A Literary Review

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    Introduction: Infertility is defined as failure to conceive within one or more years of regular unprotected coitus. Infertility is faced worldwide affecting 8-10% of all the couples. As per WHO data, the estimated prevalence of primary infertility among reproductive age group women in India is 11.8%. Vandhyatwa is the inability of the couple to achieve conception. It is considered as one among the 80 Nanatmaja Vyaadhis by Acharya Kashyapa of the three Doshas described in Ayurveda. Vata has a prime factor in causing infertility and various disturbances in the reproductive health; hence it is essential to understand the role of Vata Dosha in Vandhyatwa. Methodology: To review, analyze and interpret the Guna and Karma of Vata and its subtypes, to study Vata as an important Garbha Sambhava Samagri (essential factors for conception) as described in various Ayurveda classics and its further implication in treatment of infertility. Hence for healthy reproductive system and healthy progeny controlling Vata is one of the essential factors. Discussion: The balance of Tridosha, Saptadhatu and Trimala is required for healthy progeny - Supraja. Controlling Vata is described as the main line of treatment in Yoni Vyapat. Vandhyatwa is one of the complications of Yoni Vyapat and Vata Vyadhihara Karma can be adopted in treating the same

    A rationale approach to Gestational Diabetes Mellitus through Ayurveda - Case Series

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    Introduction: Gestational diabetes mellitus results in stages of carbohydrate tolerance levels with its first onset during pregnancy. This happens due to the alterations in the glucose metabolism during pregnancy. The incidence of diabetes complicating pregnancy has increased approximately 40% from 1989-2004. The increasing prevalence of type-2 diabetes in pregnant younger women has led to adverse maternal complications and fetal mortality and morbidity. Methodology: Here is a case series of 3 primigravida patients admitted in the In-patient department of Prasuti Tantra & Stree Roga, SDM Hospital, Hassan, 2 of these patients in 2nd trimester and 1 patient in 3rd trimester with increased blood glucose levels first diagnosed during pregnancy. They were given Ahara, Vihara and Aushadha as per principals of Ayurveda, Nishamalaki tablet and Asanadhi Gana Kashaya was given in same quantity and duration. Regular diabetic chart was maintained in the In-patient department and alternative day blood sugar levels were measured. Discussion: The holistic approach of treating gestational diabetes mellitus with Ayurveda utilizing the concept given by Acharyas have shown good results in patients paving the way in controlling the blood sugar levels and preventing the complications caused by GDM on both mother and the fetus. There was reduction in the blood glucose levels and no complications were noticed during delivery. Hence here is an article regarding rationale approach to GDM through Ayurveda

    Management of Sheetapitta through Shodhana and Shamana - A Case Study

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    Now a day’s cosmetic issue especially Urticaria has become a common problem in the society. Urticaria, commonly known as hives, usually occurs due to an allergic reaction. Sheetapitta is a similar condition in Ayurveda, as the symptoms are similar. Sheetapitta is comprised of two words Sheeta and Pitta. The condition occurs due to dominance of cold over Pitta Dosha. Due to exposure to cold wind, Kapha and Vata Doshas get aggravated and combine with Pitta Doshas. These spread all over the body and produce rashes on the surface of the skin. A 26 year old male student, presented with complaints of Reddish lesions over hands and back since 15-20 days associated with burning sensation, pain and itching which aggravated more during evening and night hours and on exposure to cold climate. The diagnosis was done as Sheetapitta with respect to Urticaria Pigmentosa. Its management was done successfully by following the principles of Shodhana and Shamana

    An experimental evaluation of Vishagna (Alstonia venenata R. Br.) a folk medicinal plant for anticonvulsant activity in Swiss Albino Mice

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    Back ground: Epilepsy describes a condition in which a person has recurrent seizures due to a chronic, underlying process. Globally, it is the third most common neurological disorder. There is still a need for an ideal anticonvulsant agent with broad spectrum activity, rapid onset of action, least side effects, good bio availability and low cost. Materials and Methods: Vishagna (Alstonia venenata R. Br.) belonging to Apocynaceae family is an ethno medicinal plant; the stem bark of the plant is used as antiepileptic drug among tribes. This study aims to experimentally evaluate anticonvulsant activity of the drug in PTZ induced generalized seizures and kindling on Swiss albino mice. The acute oral toxicological evaluation of the drug was conducted prior to the anticonvulsant study. Result and Conclusion: Result of the toxicological study reveals that the drug is relatively safe to be used as medicine. The data of the experimental study shows that the drug is moderate to highly effective anticonvulsant in PTZ induced generalized seizures and is mild-moderately helpful in controlling the development of kindled seizures in mice. It also shows that the drug imparts protective action against a sub convulsive dose of PTZ in kindling by inhibiting epileptogenesis and development of potential seizure threshold even when the disease was fully developed

    Pharmaco-therapeutic profile of Drakshadi Phanta

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    Drakshadi Phanta is mentioned in Astanga Hridaya Chikitsasthana for Chardi. Garbhini Chardi is one of the Garbhopadravas caused due to Vatavaigunya leading to Agnivaishamya. The drugs here are having Deepana, Pachana, Vatahara, Chardighna, Grahi & Sheeta Veerya properties, may be beneficial to control Chardi. Vomiting in pregnancy is seen mainly due to metabolic disturbances and also due to carbohydrate starvation. The metabolism & absorption of medicine in Phanta form starts from the mouth itself because of presence of glucose, Fructose etc. Draksha is Deepaka, Pachaka, Ruchya Rasayana, Hrudya with Madhu and Sita helps correcting the metabolism and supplementing carbohydrates also. Hence controls the vomiting along with correction of dehydration
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