3 research outputs found

    Schooling: Knowledge, Perception and Practices of Parents

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    This paper aims to provide an insight in policy making for further development in primary education sector. It is based on a field study conducted in Talku Dudhechaur village during September ā€“ October, 2008 to analyze the role of parents in schooling in rural area. The study showed that in spite of low economic and education level of the family, there is an increased demand and desire for schooling. However, about half of the parentsā€™ attitude towards schooling is still negligent, due to lack of willingness and determination. This confirmed that the establishment of free primary education is not a sufficient solution. Instead making primary education compulsory and involving parents in school education more closely is an urgent need. In addition, compulsory birth registration and implementing modest laws and duty are also required to ensure the change in schooling pattern. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3126/jer.v2i0.7622 Journal of Education and Research Vol. 2, 2010 p.44-5

    Schooling: Knowledge, Perception and Practices of Parents

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    This paper aims to provide aninsight in policy making forfurther development in primaryeducation sector. It is based ona field study conducted in TalkuDudhechaur village duringSeptember Ć¢ā‚¬ā€œ October, 2008 toanalyze the role of parents inschooling in rural area. Thestudy showed that in spite of loweconomic and education level ofthe family, there is an increaseddemand and desire for schooling.However, about half of the parentsĆ¢ā‚¬ā„¢attitude towards schooling is stillnegligent, due to lack of willingnessand determination. Thisconfirmed that the establishmentof free primary education is nota sufficient solution. Insteadmaking primary educationcompulsory and involving parentsin school education more closelyis an urgent need. In addition,compulsory birth registration andimplementing modest laws andduty are also required to ensure thechange in schooling pattern