2 research outputs found

    Aligning Non-Causal Factors for Transformer-Based Source-Free Domain Adaptation

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    Conventional domain adaptation algorithms aim to achieve better generalization by aligning only the task-discriminative causal factors between a source and target domain. However, we find that retaining the spurious correlation between causal and non-causal factors plays a vital role in bridging the domain gap and improving target adaptation. Therefore, we propose to build a framework that disentangles and supports causal factor alignment by aligning the non-causal factors first. We also investigate and find that the strong shape bias of vision transformers, coupled with its multi-head attention, make it a suitable architecture for realizing our proposed disentanglement. Hence, we propose to build a Causality-enforcing Source-Free Transformer framework (C-SFTrans) to achieve disentanglement via a novel two-stage alignment approach: a) non-causal factor alignment: non-causal factors are aligned using a style classification task which leads to an overall global alignment, b) task-discriminative causal factor alignment: causal factors are aligned via target adaptation. We are the first to investigate the role of vision transformers (ViTs) in a privacy-preserving source-free setting. Our approach achieves state-of-the-art results in several DA benchmarks.Comment: WACV 2024. Project Page: https://val.cds.iisc.ac.in/C-SFTrans

    Multi-Level Compositional Reasoning for Interactive Instruction Following

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    Robotic agents performing domestic chores by natural language directives are required to master the complex job of navigating environment and interacting with objects in the environments. The tasks given to the agents are often composite thus are challenging as completing them require to reason about multiple subtasks, e.g., bring a cup of coffee. To address the challenge, we propose to divide and conquer it by breaking the task into multiple subgoals and attend to them individually for better navigation and interaction. We call it Multi-level Compositional Reasoning Agent (MCR-Agent). Specifically, we learn a three-level action policy. At the highest level, we infer a sequence of human-interpretable subgoals to be executed based on language instructions by a high-level policy composition controller. At the middle level, we discriminatively control the agent’s navigation by a master policy by alternating between a navigation policy and various independent interaction policies. Finally, at the lowest level, we infer manipulation actions with the corresponding object masks using the appropriate interaction policy. Our approach not only generates human interpretable subgoals but also achieves 2.03% absolute gain to comparable state of the arts in the efficiency metric (PLWSR in unseen set) without using rule-based planning or a semantic spatial memory. The code is available at https://github.com/yonseivnl/mcr-agent