2 research outputs found

    Pemenuhan Hak Ekosob Dibidang Pekerjaan, Pangan Dan Perumahan Bagi Masyarakat Miskin Kelurahan Pucangsawit Kota Surakarta

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    This research will exemine the regulations and the realization of the fulfillment of economic, social and cultural rights in the field of right to work, food and housing to the poor people in Kelurahan Pucang Sawit, Surakarta. This research uses empirical juridical approach. The result shows that Surakarta City Government has taken legislative steps to establish regional regulations relating to fulfillment of the right to work, food and housing, namely Local Regulation of Surakarta Number 11 Year 2014 on Poverty Reduction and Regulatory Mayor of Surakarta No. 2-H in 2013 on a Strategy Regional Poverty Reduction (PRSP) Surakarta in accordance with Article 2 Verse (1) of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. Surakarta City Government has made efforts to fulfill the right to work, food and housing for the poor people, especially in Kelurahan Pucang Sawit, but the fulfillment of these rights have not been fully realized, as stated in the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. Keywords: Rights fulfillment, Economic, social and cultural rights, Poor Peopl

    Rel Kereta Api Dan Hunian (Studi Penataan Hunian di Bantaran Rel Kereta Api Kelurahan Jebres)

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    Housing is one of the basic human needs. Population growth in urban areas causes in increased housing demand. It also caused limited availability of land and increased land prices. For low-income people, inhabiting land that is incompatible with urban spatial planning and unhabitable is one of the solutions to meet their housing needs, for example occupying on the railway land. Railroad border are areas that serve as rail operational supporters. Establishing housing in railway land violates the provisions of Act number 27 of 2007 on railways. The policy of eviction of illegal occupancy in railway land as regulated in Presidential Regulation Number 56 of 2017 has not provided legal protection for affected communities. Referring to the theory of utilitarianism, the policy of spatial arrangement should be as much as possible to provide as much as benefit to the community. Flats rental can be an alternative solution for government in addressing illegal settlements in railway land. Key words: Railway Land, Settlement, Spatial Planning